
The night

That night hoodie Begged her friends to let her see the dragons with her. "please" hoodie said looking at her friends "fine we will go" Lizzy said walks to the dungeon and DeAria and Hoodie walks with Lizzy "thanks guys" Hoodie said smiling at them. Then they were here "so where are they?" Hoodie said looking around the Dungeon and then one of the Dragon bangs on the cell and the girls runs to Dragons. "what do you want!" one of the dragons said and hoodie just looked at him. "um that's your sister?" the second dragon said looking at Lizzy "nope that's my friend" Lizzy said looking at hoodie. Hoodie still looks at the dragon "hoodie you should not touch the dragon" DeAria said looking at hoodie "well we are unharmed less except shadow" the third dragon said. Shadow bangs on the cell "don't tell them my name Harry!!" Shadow said trying to break out of the cell "um you can't break out the cell shadow Those bars are made of something" Hoodie said looking at shadow and shadow looks at Hoodie "just leave me alone" shadow said looking at the floor and then hoodie looks at her friends and sighs "look let's have a deal" DeAria said while the two dragons looks DeAria "like what kind of deal?" Harry said looking at DeAria with a surprise face "ok here is the deal, we will let you free and you guys have to live with us but in three condition all of you dragons can't eat people and can't tell no one we let you free and you guys have to hide your wigs and horns ok" DeAria said looking at all the dragons "deal" all the dragons said. "Good" DeAria said and let Harry out "ok Lizzy, hoodie chose which one to look after" DeAria said opening the cell "I CALL THIS ON" Lizzy said pointing at Edward "oh god" Edward said looking at Lizzy "really I have to be stuck with shadow" Hoodie said looking at her friends while Lizzy unlocks the cell door and then Edward comes out. Hoodie unlock the door for shadow and then shadow come out "I'll hate my life for this" shadow said looking at hoodie "same here" Hoodie said glaring at Shadow