
Hue in my world (Bl)

[Based on the BL: Color Rush 18+ content and themes] "Someone being obsessed with me?......Doesn't sound that bad to me...." Dhiraj, a CEO , is deeply unsatisfied with his long strand of one sight stands and wants to seek more. He wants to be someone who would be totally obsessed with him. Just like monochromes are with their chromes. If only he was someone's chrome he wishes. Little did he knew his wish might just come true, when he stumbled upon a young man wearing thick black glasses, Nakul, who's a monochrome. [The story is set in an Alternate Universe. Monochromes- people who can only see things in black or white; Chromes- people whose presence give monochromes the ability to see colors] Tropes and themes: Possessive/obsessive lover, Sunshine x Grumpy, self centered husky x precious black cat, Fluff-Smut combo [Man x man/ gay romance; the storyline will contain mature content]

Yug_Meow · LGBT+
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74 Chs

(16+) A worry amidst the happiness

Dhiraj and Nakul were back home. That was an evening well spent. Nakul had long forgotten about his work. What he had on his mind was the plushie Dhiraj won for him. And the time they spent together. And how everything was just simply better when he was with Dhiraj. He thought that was all the fun for the day but Dhiraj had a few more things planned.

"Which movie should we watch?"

"Movie?" Nakul didn't know they had movie plans.

"Yup. Don't you think a movie would be the best way to conclude our date?!....I mean...hangout?" That mischievous smile made a comeback on Dhiraj's face. Nakul caught a hint of what was going on in Dhiraj's mind. He was trying to recreate their 1st movie night!!

Hence, the tsundere in Nakul jumped back once again. He was purposely trying not to assign meaning to Dhiraj's gestures. But he was failing miserably at it. Like....how can his heart not flutter when Dhiraj makes it seem as if Nakul was the single most important person to him?! And so Nakul did his best to avoid those thoughts.

"Aren't you tired? You have to get up early tomorrow right?"

"What? It's just 8. Come on. You choose which movie we should watch."

"I...have to cook too-"

"We can order something once in a while. How about a pizza?"

"But..."Nakul was out of excuses.

Looking at Nakul who was clearly torn into what he should do, Dhiraj made another attempt to convince his baby. He brought the husky plushie they won that evening in front of his face and tried talking in a baby voice.

"Nakul.....plwezzz watch a movie with your cute little husky....plwese...." Dhiraj took the soft toy closer to Nakul and started rubbing the husky's head to Nakul's cheek. "Please na....."

And how can Nakul not melt at Dhiraj being so cute. The mere thought of a 30 year old man trying to act like that should be embarrassing right? But here was Dhiraj, trying to woo his baby once again. Nakul burst out laughing at Dhiraj's silly yet adorable shenanigans. He gave in.

"Okay. Let me change my clothes. You place the order."

"Okiee" Dhiraj replied with a child-like smile.

Dhiraj placed the order of the pizza and went to change himself. He got changed asap and took care of some other minor preparations as well. Dim lights, some snacks, drinks, he kept everything in check. Nakul joined him soon.

"So which movie do you wanna watch?"

Nakul hadn't thought of that. Usually he would've gone for an action or a suspense-flick, but now he craved for something cozy. Maybe a Rom-com?! He took a look at the rom-com section and stopped at a certain movie.

"How about Before Sunrise?"

"I don't think I've watched that one?"

"Great. I haven't watched it either." Nakul said with a sweet smile that nearly melted Dhiraj once again.

"Okay...." replied Dhiraj while wearing that foolish grin of his.

The movie began. It was slow and had this minimal yet cozy vibe to it. Nakul was lost in it. And Dhiraj stole glances of Nakul after every few minutes. The aura around them was perfect. Just the two of them, dim lights and a pleasant silence eloping them. Dhiraj quietly observed Nakul. His eyes sparkling as he was absorbed into the movie. His lips, that often broke into a small smile. And lastly his eyes fell on Nakul's hand. 'I wanna hold it. But what if he hates it? But what if he doesn't?'

At last Dhiraj decided to inch his fingers closer to Nakul's. Soon the distance vanished and Dhiraj put his pinky finger over Nakul's. To his surprise, Nakul didn't react at all. And when Dhiraj understood that that was Nakul's way of accepting his touch, he looked away trying to hide his blush.

Even though the atmosphere in the room was warm, the night was rather chilly. So Nakul's body grew colder. It didn't take long for Dhiraj to notice that small detail. And so he did what a lovesick puppy would do. He ran to his bedroom and brought a blanket.

"Take this. You'll feel warm" Dhiraj said with a smile. And Nakul kept blankly staring at him. 'He noticed I was cold?!' He wasn't able to fathom how far this man was ready to go for him.


Nakul could feel his heart beat in his throat. He accepted the blanket and unfolded it. He put a part of it around his shoulder and left the other half. He then looked at Dhiraj. Blushing, he said,

"It's cold. Get in"

Dhiraj's mind went blank. He hadn't expected Nakul to do that. Usually his cocky mouth wouldn't have missed this opportunity to flirt with Nakul. But this time he was too speechless to say anything. He simply put the blanket around his shoulder. Their bodies were really close now, their shoulder-line were touching each other's. Nakul could feel the warmth that Dhiraj was radiating. He just...wanted to feel it more. So he slowly wrapped his arm around Dhiraj's bicep and placed his head on Dhiraj's shoulder.

'Its just the little things like these that makes me happy. This feels....good.' Nakul found himself concluding. Do I.....like him?

No words were spoken but they both knew something significant had changed. Dhiraj too let go himself as he leaned his head against Nakul's.

'I don't know. I just.....like this.' Nakul decided it was best to enjoy this moment.

In the darkness of the night sat 2 men. With a blanket of silence wrapped around them which seemed rather comfortable. They both seemed to be looking at the movie going on but the rising temperature of their bodies mixed with their erratic breathing seemed to be telling a different story. The touch they were sharing was non sensual, but in the depth of their minds both were waiting just for a moment when it would turn into something sensual. And Nakul was the 1st one to do that.

He didn't know what took over him. All he could feel was an overwhelming urge to feel the man next to him closely. And so he looked at Dhiraj. Despite not saying anything it was obvious what he wanted. And this time he was the one to make the first move. Nakul bit his lower lip in anticipation, his body reading him to take the next action. Distance between them vanished within seconds as their lips touched one another. A sense of hunger was overflowing through them. A hunger that wanted to consume the person in front.

Nakul sucked hard on Dhiraj's lips, pulling them into him. Dhiraj tried to keep up with equal vigor, but the passion was too much. He cupped Nakul's face to get a better taste of the man but their lips were too desperate. Soon breathlessness took over. They parted to take a breath. But Nakul was impatient.

'I want more.' And so he climbed on Dhiraj's lap. His hands went under Dhiraj's shirt, groping the chest he fancied so much. His tongue was working hard too. Exploring every corner of Dhiraj's mouth, trying to force itself deeper with every second with a desire to consume everything in the way. He had no idea when he had started to hump his already erect cock onto Dhiraj's equally enthusiastic staff. His tongue, hands and his hips were all putting in the hard work.

'Since when have I turned into such horny guy? I wasn't like this earlier. Or was I always like this but kept it hidden?' Nakul couldn't help but think.

He had never felt that many raging endorphins ever. With his ex, he usually kept his sexual appetite in check. She didn't like too much of physical entanglement. So he just naturally curbed his wants. But with Dhiraj things were different. Not only were his sexual innuendos welcomed but they were encouraged as well.

Dhiraj's hands were exploring Nakul's back, tracing his spine as his mouth was lost tasting his forbidden fruit. Soon they moved to the waistband of Nakul's pants, wanting to push their way in.

The desire to reach the climax intensified and Nakul found himself pushing on Dhiraj faster. But something felt off. He could feel Dhiraj's hand spilling inside his pants. Typically that gesture wouldn't have distracted him, but again, something just felt odd. He soon realized the way his body was moving and especially the position he was in. He was mounting on top of Dhiraj moving his body just like a....woman would. No. He suddenly felt uneasy with that picturization in his mind. 'No, this is not the way I want things to go.'

Things were still complicated in his mind. Although he had accepted the fact that he felt.....quite an intense physical attraction towards Dhiraj, he still wasn't able to comprehend how his brain underwent the sudden change of being attracted to a man. He was too scared to talk about it to anyone. At times he made up his mind to talk about it with Dhiraj. But...a part of him just couldn't. What was it that held him back from discussing that curial matter? He didn't know.

Abruptly, he stopped his hips from grinding. Dhiraj opened his eyes not understanding what was wrong. He looked at Nakul with his eyes questioning, what's wrong.

"What happened?" Dhiraj softly whispered in his baby's ears.

"Ahhh...I...." Nakul didn't understand how he could put his worries into words. So he lied, "....I don't feel comfortable on the couch. Can we move to the bed?" Nakul had no idea why he suggested that. But an oblivious Dhiraj was rather overjoyed with that suggestion.

With a silly wide grin Dhiraj replied, "okiee"

They got up and Nakul started to make his way towards the bedroom but Dhiraj pulled him back into a kiss. The lust that had vanished seconds ago, returned as Nakul too reciprocated with a kiss.

They soon reached the bed and Nakul pushed Dhiraj on it. 'Let's be on top this time.' Nakul made up his mind. Removing his shirt he leaned onto Dhiraj to do the same for the man. Quickly eliminating the piece of cloth that stood in between their bodies, Nakul got back to the task. His eyes feasted on the sight in front of him. 'Damn....He IS sexy.' He got back to the task once again. After a few minutes his mind went back to analyze the position they were in. Again, he was on top of Dhiraj but in a cowgirl position. His mind didn't like that.

"Hey....get on top of me...."Nakul commanded Dhiraj without much thought. Dhiraj still didn't know what was going on in Nakul's mind. 'It's just a preference of position', he thought. And so he did as told.

Now it was him on top while Nakul was beneath him. Nakul was positioned in between Dhiraj's strong hands. He looked up and saw Dhiraj's stupid smirk. He felt as if he was a rabbit ready to be eaten by the tiger in front of him. And suddenly even that position...didn't feel right. 'No....This is just like a woman....I'm not....' Uneasiness and shame took over him.

But things were different for Dhiraj. For him, it was a sight to behold. His baby was beneath him, half-naked. His mind couldn't help but think of more. 'I wish I could fuck him straight...no.....Not now.' Dhiraj steadied his thoughts. He got back to enjoying his fruit only to be stopped a minute later.

"Stop....I..."Nakul said with uneasy eyes.

"What's the matter..."Dhiraj wasn't able to decipher the look in Nakul's eyes.

"Ah.....I don't feel....I think....I think I want....let's do this..." Nakul changed their positions once again. Going back to when he was on top of Dhiraj. But the uneasiness won't leave.

Frustration took over him and his eyes unconsciously started looking away from Dhiraj. Anxious and embarrassed, he covered his face with his hands to hide himself. Dhiraj realized there was a bigger issue bothering Nakul and it didn't take him long to catch on to what it was. It was the "positions-thingy" that was bothering Nakul.

He supported Nakul's back as he got up and brought his face closer to Nakul.

"Baby....I know what you are feeling. Certain positions are more..."Dhiraj tried finding the right way to say things, ".....woman like. And you don't like that." Nakul was still too embarrassed to say anything. So all he did was keep his face covered with his hands. And Dhiraj even found that cute. Smiling, he placed a trail of kisses on Nakul's hands and continued,

"Babe...we can take things slow. We don't have to rush." He slowly removed Nakul's hands. Giving Nakul a smile of reassurance, he continued, "You don't have to worry about things like these. Sure sex is different with men. But what matters the most is doing what you are comfortable with. So don't try to observe and analyze things. Let's just do stuff that you are comfortable with. Okay?"

Those words strangely comforted Nakul and he concluded, 'let's just go with the flow.' Nakul nodded with pouty lips. He had no idea how the adorable faces he made pulled the strings of Dhiraj's heart.

"Okay, Let's do this..." Dhiraj carefully held Nakul in his arms almost like he's the most precious thing to exist and placed him on his side. Now they were lying with each other face to face on their sides.

"Can we stay like this?" Dhiraj confirmed.

And Nakul replied with a blush, "Okayyy"

* * *

**Just a reminder: Avanti is Dhiraj's Step-mom. She appeared in the 1st chp.**

~ Few days later

"Ma'am I've been keeping an eye on Dhiraj as per your instructions. There are some new developments."

A man in his early 30s reported to Avanti in her lavish top floor office. Although She and Dhiraj didn't really have a mother and son sort of relationship, she made sure to keep an eye on him, in order to avoid Dhiraj for making any 'mistakes'.

That was because even though Dhiraj excelled in the business aspect, he had caused quite a few hurdles for their company due to his frivolous behavior. It had resulted in quite a few instances where she had to do some rigorous cleaning up. And despite warning Dhiraj often, he hadn't paid a serious amount of heed to Avanti's pleas. Hence, Avanti was left with no other choice than keeping an attentive eye on that child's actions.

So here she was, getting reported on Dhiraj's activities.

The man continued, "Currently he's cohabiting with a man. There seemed to be minimal to zero interactions between them in public. Here's a report on that man." He handed over a file to Avanti and she schemes through it.

'Nakul Shrivastav...Highschool teacher....?! That isn't really the kind of guys he goes after. Usually he's into athletes, models or sugar babies. This is new...'

She kept reading more about Nakul's background when her eyes stopped on the word: Monochrome. Her eyes immediately widened.

'No .....No...don't let it be. Don't let it be the worst case scenario.'

She immediately snapped the file close and speed dialed her secretary. Just a ring later, her secretary picked up the call.

"Cancel all my meetings in the afternoon today."

"But ma'am it will be difficult to reschedule some meets later...." Her secretary wasn't able to understand Avanti's urgency.

"Just do it. And get my car ready. I'm going to Dhiraj's place"

* * *

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Drama Alert!!!!!!

Yug_Meowcreators' thoughts