
HP: The Twins Who Lived

"My parents are still alive. " “And I have a twin brother. " When Harry Potter sees an opportunity to attack on Ministry he grab this opportunity to lay an ambush of his own. But he didn't expect to know that his parents are still alive, well that was just enough shock or surprise, but he has a twin brother and Dumbledore calls him 'THE-TRUE-BOY-WHO-LIVED. ' Let's see what happens when Harry learn that his parents are still alive and he also have a twin brother which goes by some unique nickname. And then, things get complicated.....

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21 Chs

Chapter 14: Will They?

Neville looked over the letter as Harry wrote a brief response. "It's tonight, then."

Rolling the answer, Harry gave it to Fawkes. With a trill of melody, the phoenix disappeared in a flash of fire.

"Yep," answered Harry, taking another sip of his tea. "It's tonight." Off her look, Neville handed the letter to Luna.

Mister Potter,

The Order of the Phoenix invites you to its meeting tonight at Headquarters. 9pm Sharp.

Albus Dumbledore, O.M. 1st Class

"He's scared," said Luna.

"I got that impression last night, though in fairness, he had just fought Voldemort to a bloody standstill." mused Harry. "The award?"

Neville chuckled. "Wondered about that. No one gives a toss about his Order of Merlin, but he waves it around here like a beater bat." Neville rolled his eyes. "Look at me, I'm important, Harry, my boy."

"He has no idea," said Luna, shaking her head. "He's trying to reach out to the old Harry, not the new one."

"Bully for him," said Harry. "I'm the one he's got."

"I take it you're going, then?" asked Neville.

Harry nodded. "Of course. Dinner in the great hall, probably some threats from the ferret and his lads, and then another late night." He stood up, stretching.

"You'll be ready," said Luna. It wasn't a question.

"Of course," replied Harry. "It's not every day that you meet your parents for the first time in fifteen years."

Harry couldn't help wondering, in that moment. 'But will they be ready for me?'


Mail owls were normally allowed in the great hall only during breakfast. This was done partially to keep what was essentially a dining room from turning into an owlery, with birds flying in and out at all hours of the day.

It also minimized the distraction that owl post could present, as a student waiting for some important letter would know that if it didn't come today, it would come tomorrow.

Truly important messages, or messages with urgency behind them, would come in via floo to the student's head of house.

Occasionally, elves were used to deliver mail as well - but even then, the wards allowed such deliveries only via the head of house.

There were only two exceptions - Gringott's official owls, and the owls of the Ministry.

The first is a legacy of one of the many conflicts between wizards and goblins - a rebellion, if asking a wizard, or a war, if it is a goblin speaking.

The fact that the goblins even consented to limit deliveries to the great hall had been a surprise to the negotiators - the goblins were the ones dictating terms, after that particular conflict.

The second, meanwhile, was the result of a string of ministers in the 1850's who would simply not take no for an answer.

Several Headmasters eventually talked the Ministry into limiting evening deliveries to the most important letters and documents.

Thus, the seven owls who flew into the great hall carrying black envelopes.

Ron and Hermione watched as six of the owls landed on the Slytherin table. The seventh, to their surprise, flew over to an Irish pureblood named Evan Lewis, one of the seventh year gryffindors.

The boy looked resigned, but not shocked, as he opened the letter. When Katie Bell reached over to squeeze his hand, Ron remembered that they had been dating for a few weeks.

"Gran passed," Lewis said quietly. The younger students, many of whom had not known what the black envelopes meant, now understood. Someone had died, and seven Hogwarts' students were now heads of their houses.

It was a heavy thing to learn over dinner.

Harry, Neville, and Luna entered the great hall just in time to see Aaron Harper jump up from the Slytherin table and shout.

"They're lying!" the fourth year said, angrily. The letter was shaking in his hands, and Harry could tell that the grief was at least somewhat genuine.

One of Harper's friends stood up and wrapped an arm around the grieving boy's shoulder, and then hugged him.

Harper let the letter fall to the floor, and Harry saw the sky blue note that fell out of the folds of the letter - a notice from the DMLE that the death was under investigation.

Glancing over at the Slytherin table, Harry saw two more of those blue notices - one in front of Ambrose Rookwood, a sixth year, and another beside Vincent Crabbe, one of Draco Malfoy's bookends.

He did not see who else received notices, for the other three had left the great hall as soon as they saw the envelopes.

One does not grow up in the home of a death eater without knowing what those envelopes mean. During the first war, slytherins would frequently take bets on where each black envelope would fall.

In those days, it was usually one of the Dark Lord's victims getting the notice, rather than the marked.

In the confusion, no one noticed their entrance. Luna took advantage of that, making her way over to Ginny's seat at Gryffindor. Neville, seeing where Harry was looking, stayed nearby.

"Might be easier in the kitchens, Nev," said Harry, quietly. He had exchanged nods with the other members of his team, as well as Susan Bones at the Hufflepuff table.

She had tapped her ear, getting a nod from Harry. Her meaning was unmistakable - We'll talk later.

"Maybe." Neville replied. He nodded toward Crabbe, who had stood up at this point. "You think it'll work?"

Harry shrugged. "I have to try, mate. If they think they have no choice, they'll fight that much harder." He glanced at his friend.

"Think of Watley." That got a nod. The story of Ellis Watley was one that had shocked both of them - and Madam Bones, when she had found out.

Crabbe was approaching them now, followed closely by Pansy Parkinson, of all people. Draco Malfoy, alongside Greg Goyle, did not seem to have noticed that their friend had left. When the slytherins got close enough, Harry stepped to the side and gestured them into the entrance hall.

They walked a few paces down the corridor before Crabbe spoke. "Is it true?" he asked, without preamble.