
HP: The Red Head

In the illustrious and magical world of Harry Potter, something has gone awry. The wheels of fate have been derailed, and one Ronald Weasley is just trying to survive.

Gunchi · Bücher und Literatur
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6 Chs

Chapter One - Reincarnation

'I hate rain'

I enjoy water. It is something that I need to, well stay alive. But when it rains it ruins a perfectly good day and forces me back home. It's my bad luck that It happened to rain on my birthday.

I'm getting closer and closer to my stop. I have half a mind to stay on the bus. Ride it out till I can't go any further, but no I can't.

As the bus I'm on comes to a stop I ready myself to run directly for the subways

I start my light jog and almost immediately I run into a guy on the street and we fall over. 'There goes me not getting wet'

"I'm so sorry. I hope I didn't get your… robe wet?"

'Why would he dress in pajamas in this weather?'

With a flash of green light, everything went black.


I wake up with a jump 'where am I?'. As I look around I notice a privacy curtain is up, and that everything that I can see is white. I must be in some kind of hospital. I look down at my hands and they're kind of small…

'I must have hit my head or something. Isn't there an illness where everything seems too big or small? Right?'

I climb out of bed and I'm short. 'What is going on!'. I open the curtain and quickly scan the room for a mirror. I see is 2 more curtains which I assume are hiding more beds, A man with a book looking over at me, and a window on the opposite corner of the room. 'I suppose a window will have to do'.

As I'm running towards the mirror the man looks up and yells

"Ronald you're finally awake" I ignore him and arrive at the window and…

He's hugging me now as I stare deftly at the reflection of Ronald Weasley.

I'm suddenly thrust out of my body as I watch seven years of memories. Every experience Ronald ever had is laid before me now. At some point, a lady comes in and starts waving a stick at me. I try to speak but I'm not yet in control.

I blackout.

I look up '11 seconds' I can keep track of how much time has passed despite the fact I wasn't conscious

I start focusing on the conversation happening a few feet away

"Madam, what's going on with my boy? He hasn't spoken a word since awakening, and he started running around out of nowhere"

"Calm yourself, Arthur"

"My boy nearly died!"

"I understand you are scared, but yelling won't help. He just woke up he is going to be frazzled. All we can do is monitor his condition."

"Can you cast another spell and make sure nothing is wrong"

"Of course, I can" she opens the curtain and readies her wand.

By this point, I've calmed myself and I speak out for the first time since I've awoken "I'm okay Miss; you don't have to go waving your wand around for me."

She stops and looks shocked for a moment before her surprise is quickly covered up.

"I insist sweety. You don't want your papa to worry now, do you?"

I raise now further protest, and after she waves her wand a few times she concludes again that nothing is wrong.

"So sweety what is the last thing you remember before waking up here"

Obviously, I can't say I was in a different body so I answer with the memory's of Ron " Some strange Mushroom sprayed something on me then I woke up here"

"Madam, do you mind if you tell me your name?"

"How rude of me. It is Eve Caroline"

She turns around and says "Arthur can you pass me the book you left on the floor?"

"Yes Mam, sorry for dropping it"

She ignores him and flips through the pages before stopping and showing me a picture of a mushroom titled Horklump

"Is this the mushroom you saw?"

"Yes it was"

She exits then closes the curtain, I can only guess in an attempt to give me privacy

"It looks like there is nothing to worry about. It sprays a strong Sedative. The only risks one would have is if they were allergic"

"Are you sure he felt" in a whisper, he said "Dead"

"I will continue to watch over him. shouldn't you contact your wife?"

"Yes I should, shouldn't I?"

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