
HP: The New Enchanter

When Cyrus Payne turned ten his life changed and his world came crashing all around him. Now he finds himself in an Orphanage, some old man in his head 'training' him, and a whole hidden world that he is going to be flung into rather he likes it or not. Join the journey of Cyrus as he makes is way through the wizarding world where he finds out that he is much more important to it than those who just look down on him.

JustTiller · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

New Introductions

{London Ophange January 9 Morning}

Cyrus finally stirred after almost sleeping for an entire day. Unfortunately for him, he woke up with a growling stomach. He was grumbling to himself about his empty stomach. Slowly he made his way out of the bed and to the door. Opening it he was face to face with the woman who showed him where he could have slept that night. Looking at the woman she smiled at him and then spoke, "Hello Cyrus My name is Mrs. Gibbson I am the one responsible for this orphanage. You will be in my care until you are of age. Let's get you some food you must be starving." She motioned for Cyrus to follow her downstairs. "There are a dozen kids here they are all different ages from 6-16. Each of them attends school and or has a job. The ones that have a job usually do not get any pocket change. It also teaches them some responsibilities however I know a few of them just do it to get out of chores around the house." She giggled thinking about the few examples of that. "Breakfast is served from 6-8 am, Lunch is from 12-1:30, and Dinner is served from  7-8:30 pm. I sometimes allow some people to help me in the kitchen if they want to learn." 

The pair made their way to a large dining room where several kids were already having their fill of the meal that was made. She gestured for him to sit at the table and then made him a plate of food. He smelt the food in front of him and started drooling before scarfing down the plate of food in front of him. This gained him some weird looks from the other kids. However, Mrs. Gibbson cleared her throat and gained everyone's attention this made the looks stop but also made Cyrus embarrassed at his act. Aware of what he was doing he slowed down his eating. Looking around it all finally set in that his parents were gone. Slowly finishing his plate he got up and placed his plate in the pretty close kitchen. 

"Mrs. Gibbson by your leave I will be going to my room now," Cyrus said in a hushed voice. Mrs. Gibbson nodded allowing to be excused. Treading up the stairs once again he entered his room closed the door and flopped on the bed readjusting to stare at the roof of the room. He fiddled with the pocket watch that was just given to him by his father in a comforting manner. Slowly he thought back on all the memories that were shared between the family. Looking at the pocket watch he ran his hand over the smooth black stone and it shimmered emerald green at him startling him and making him drop the pocket watch. 'That wasn't a dream? What is happening!' Cyrus internally panicked. He cautiously went over to the pocket watch and picked it up again. He ran his finger over the curl of the wave in a counterclockwise direction. With this simple act, the pocket watch seemed to shift into its original appearance from when he first looked at it. Golden in color with a snake eating its tail and a green innocent-looking gem. He reached up and tapped the gem with a finger the gem shimmered even more brightly. The shine started to separate from the gem, floated to his forehead, and splashed into it, making him recoil. Now startled even more he saw the gem now lost its shine confusing him about the overall qualities of it. 

'Do not be deceived by its more than lackluster qualities now my heir but make no mistake this gem will get you started money-wise.' A wise old voice spoke to him. With wide eyes, Cyrus looked around startled trying to find the source of the voice. 'I am in your head boy stop looking around foolishly. We have much to discuss.' 

"Who are you?" Cyrus asked in a small voice concerned and confused.

'You need not to speak out loud. Just think about your response to me. As for who I am I will be your guide my name is not important to you yet, nor are you worthy of it.'

'Okay, I understand that however how am I going to be your heir as you label me if I do not know what your name is.' Cyrus argued with the voice.

'I will be able to guide you along your way teaching you as you grow so that you can surpass me one day in the future.'  The voice said in a hardened tone. 

'Okay but teach me in what? A guide in what manner.' Cyrus questioned. 

'You Cyrus Payne are a wizard. A human can do amazing things with a flick of their focus or a wave of their hand. I will guide you in the various arts of witchcraft and magic in all forms. Are you ready?' 

'W-will it help my mother? Can I heal her and wake her up?' Cyrus stuttered out thinking about his mom.

'If trained in the healing arts then yes I believe that a Healing Master will easily be able to heal your mother. Not to mention the potential potions that could help.' The voice informed him helpfully enticing him even more. 

'How do I start? I don't have a focus, so where do we begin?'

'First, you need to connect to the magic that flows through you. Make no mistake this will be very difficult. Some people believe that there are magical cores in our bodies however that is not true magic is a muscle that needs to be exercised. It is tied to your stamina, knowledge, and experience. So first you need to connect to it to feel the muscle being used. One of the ways to do this is to meditate and enter your mind like you did last night, once there you can start to organize your memories.' The old voice explained to Cyrus. 'Usually one would have to build up shields and form a mindscape slowly but you are in a particular situation where you do not need to do those steps.' 

Cyrus mentally nodded in agreement. He closed his eyes and slowly relaxed his body and mind. If one were to look into the room one would think that he was asleep. Feeling a slight shift he opened his eyes again and found himself back in his mindscape once again lakeside and the various color fireflies were swarming the air. Again sitting above the lake was the emerald orb. It pulsed before he heard the voice of his new teacher though he was yet to know that. "Now start organizing your memories." The voice stated.

"Where are they at? I am a little confused about this." Cyrus responded in kind since he received little direction.

"The fireflies that fill the sky, Each one represents a memory. Catch them and organize them in any manner that you wish." The voice once again instructed with more clarity. 

Cyrus thought about it for a second and then an idea came to his mind. All of a sudden with this thought several different frogs come to life in this mindscape. They each had a variety of colors that matched the fireflies Slowly the frogs started to consume the fireflies making their stomachs glow their representative colors based on the different feelings. Soon in front of Cyrus sat 5 frogs, yellow, blue, red, green, purple, and black. Croaking very loudly they jumped from their position and into the lake. Cyrus' head started to clear up and he felt that he could think clearer and recall various memories and other information. "Woah this is trippy. I did not think that it would work like that." Cyrus mutters out loud. 

"Interesting train of thought my heir care to share your thoughts?" The voice from the orb let out.

"Well I was thinking about the fireflies and catching them it came to my mind that frogs catch them all the time so I decided that they could carry the fireflies also they can hide in the lake so no one can look at them too easily. What do you think?" Cyrus questioned with a small confused tilt of his head. 

"It is something I have not seen in any of the mindscapes I have ventured into." The voice spoke back. "However the likelihood that someone can easily get into your head is slim to none with your natural shields. Did you think that the fog was here for the show? And the massive forest? All of those natural defenses for anyone that tries to enter your mind."

Cyrus started to think about what was told to him. "Wait you can get into other people's heads? Will you teach me that and how to make sure that no one tries to get in my head?" 

"First I must say that the art of keeping someone out of your head is called Occlumency. You close out of your head and prevent them from getting at your memories, thoughts, and feelings. When someone tries to get into someone else's head is the act of Legilimency. This is done through a line of eyesight or using your wand and forcing its way into your head with no subtlety. One can often tell the signs of someone getting into your head it can feel like a burning sensation, a prickle, or a hammering feeling in your head. With your natural shields, one would have a hard time getting to your memories. I will train your ability of legilimency however do not expect to become a master of that art until you are in your 3rd to even your 5th year depending on how hard you work." Cyrus' guide paused for a moment. "For now we must get you familiar with your magics now that you can get it flowing. Now go have yourself some dinner it is getting to be around that time Mrs. Gibbson mentioned. Will yourself awake and go." 

{Cyrus' Room, January 9, Evening} 

Cyrus' eyes fluttered open and sat up. Rubbing his eyes tiredly he looked around and then started to leave the room. He made his way down the stairs and saw that no one was in the dining room yet. He grabbed his pocket watch and opened it reading the time, 6:45. 

Realizing that he was still 15 minutes early he walked into the kitsch to lend a hand. Peeking into the kitchen he saw that Mrs. Gibbson and a pair of older girls were cooking while a younger boy seemed to gather dishes and silverware. He cleared his throat to announce his presence. Getting the multiple set of eyes on him. "Ah, Cyrus! I was worried when you did not come down for lunch. Is there anything that I can help with?" Mrs. Gibson asked with a small concerned face. 

"No ma'am I was just relaxing in my room my mind was still wrapping around the last 48 hours. Has there been any word about my father's arrangments?" Cyrus asked softly.

Mrs. Gibbson shook her head, "No not yet however I will make a call tomorrow and ask I doubt that they will wait too long. So keep your head up, kid. Also, I have already made arrangements to get you to a school nearby so finish your basics before you go to University. I am sure your parents would want you to complete your schooling. What are your thoughts?"

'This is your chance, my heir take advantage and work your hardest to finish your basics in no-maj schooling then you can focus on your wizarding education. With your memory, it will be easy.' The voice interjected before any decision could be made. 

"Okay, Mrs. Gibbson, I will do as you ask. Do you know if the school in question allows for advanced learning? Or opportunities to get ahead? I rather get as much of my school done now that I can start learning to handle my parent's assets and estates." Cyrus said with a deadpan voice and straight face. 

Mrs. Gibbson thought about it for a second and then finally spoke. "Yes, however, it will depend on your test and how much effort you put in."  One of the older girls looked interested in this conversation. Then she took the chance to speak out. 

"Mrs. Gibbson I have some of my old books and notes that he can look at so that he can do as he wishes." The redhead offered to the pair.

"Thank you Sophia after dinner you can give them to him." Mrs. Gibbson said with a thankful look which Cyrus mirrored to the girl. 

"Thank you Sophia I appreciate it. I will return in the same condition as I receive them." Cyrus thanked. "Just knock on the door I will answer it and if I am not in there go ahead and place them on the desk," Cyrus said with a small smile to which Sophia nodded. 

Slowly after 10 minutes of casual conversation with Sophia, Dorthy, and Mike. Cyrus left the kitchen area to see that more children were in the room ready for dinner to start. Dinner slowly ticked by as Cyrus absent-mindedly ate his food thinking about what the day brought him curious and excited for what tomorrow and his new teacher would bring him.