
HP: The Necromancer

One ordinary day at the supermarket, a cashier was surprised when a peculiarly dressed man appeared at his door. The man inquired about why he hadn't responded to a letter from the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. ------- Note: Other than translation, everything belongs to the original author

keep_smiling29 · Bücher und Literatur
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127 Chs


Rumors about professors have always been circulating in Hogwarts Castle.

For example, Professor McGonagall will fight with Mrs. Norris when she turns into a cat; Snape is a vampire; Professor Flitwick's favorite book is "Hogwarts: A History of the School" because when he uses it to step on his feet, The best feeling; Professor Binns fell straight down when he tried to sit back in his favorite chair; Trelawney predicted that she would die of fear because of the prediction of her own death, and then became crazy...etc. wait wait wait.

And Professor Sprout, according to rumors, dug out secrets in tree holes every night.

"Thinking about why she always wears patched clothes, it can't be because she hasn't learned the repair spell yet, right? She wants to sew all the secrets in." The student said firmly, "Everyone in Hufflepuff knows a lot of secrets. Their dean must have told them."

This statement is half true and half false. Professor Sprout does know a lot of secrets, but contrary to rumors, she is a good secret keeper.

She will only discuss something with the other party after she is sure that the audience has collected enough information and feels that the other party can explore it on their own anyway.

After saying goodbye to Tonks, Anthony followed Professor Sprout to her office, where he obtained the contact information of a magical creature expert: Wilmina Graplan.

"She respects Hagrid and doesn't believe the Ministry's nonsense as much as we do. I remember her trying to argue that if Acromantulas were responsible for the deaths of students, their bodies shouldn't be so intact." Professor Sprout Said, "But she has never been able to explain if there is a fatal monster in the castle, what it is and where it is. Your information should help her a lot. I really didn't expect that Myrtle was actually the victim..."

Anthony nodded in understanding. Professors and students alike seemed to regard the ghosts as part of the castle, without thinking that they were once alive and rarely wondering how they died.

"Thank you, Pomona." He thanked her seriously.

Professor Sprout was his first friend after entering Hogwarts. But honestly, she's friends with everyone.

Anthony now fully understood why. Even though he and Professor Burbage had similar professional and cultural backgrounds, and he respected Professor Burbage, he found himself more relaxed around a gentle and happy person like Sprout.

This is rare. Speaking from Anthony's experience alone, the colleagues he works with are often good people, but not many of them become friends quickly.

"You don't have to be so polite." She was a little surprised, "It's just convenient."

When Anthony returned to the office, he met people from the investigation team again. They were preparing to take a look at the underground classroom, maybe they could find clues left by the perpetrator. The team leader looked at the information in his hand suspiciously, but out of respect for Professor Sprout, did not come up to question him.

The students passing by turned to look at the investigation team curiously, and from time to time someone would say hello to Tonks. Tonks tried to keep a straight face, but her hair turned bubblegum pink with a pop. The students let out a burst of cheers, causing the group leader and Auror who were walking in front to turn their heads to see what was going on.

"Sorry, I'm used to it." Tonks said, closing her eyes tightly and turning her hair brown.

"Be more careful." The team leader said impatiently.

"Become another one!" the students in the corridor begged Tonks, "become a double chin! You don't know how much fun our lounge has lost since you graduated!"

The team leader turned to leave, but Tonks seized the opportunity and quickly closed her eyes. A lump of fat suddenly appeared on her chin, and the onlookers burst into laughter.

Anthony looked on in awe, having never seen a Metamorphmagus before. Now he understood what Professor Flitwick meant by disguise.

Professor Quirrell just came down the stairs.

"Good afternoon, Professor Quirrell." Anthony nodded to him.

"Professor Anthony." Quirrell said, "I haven't seen you for a long time." He glanced at the investigation team suspiciously.

"Ah, the investigation team from the Ministry of Magic." Anthony explained, "They came to ask me if I put the troll in the underground classroom."

Professor Quirrell adjusted his turban and stammered: "Is it - is it you?"

"No." Anthony replied dumbfounded, and couldn't help but think of the complaints among students.

When you are an elective course professor and you have a reputation as "no points deducted", your students will gossip in class from time to time, and you will be forced to know a lot of school news.

He heard from his students that Professor Quirrell's classes were becoming more and more ridiculous recently, and that people were becoming more and more neurotic. One time he even burst out laughing in the fourth grade class. After quelling all the students who had deserted, he started to cry again.

"He can't even laugh or cry." That Gryffindor commented rudely at the time, "If increasing knowledge and improving endurance can be considered a kind of learning, then we have really learned something in this class. ."

His classmates tried to defend Quirrell: "At least he proved that he does have some skills... Think of the paper box he summoned when he cried, and he used the Silent Flying Charm with ease."

They debated for a while about Quirrell's level of magic and teaching abilities, and finally agreed that too much garlic could drive people crazy.

Naturally, the investigation team also noticed this garlicky professor.

After hearing that Quirrell was the first person to discover the troll, the team leader immediately politely invited Professor Quirrell to describe the scene to them in the empty classroom to help them find evidence that "dark wizards are at Hogwarts." Plotting something" (he looked closely at Anthony as he said this).

Quirrell walked into the classroom with them, trembling all over.

According to the gossip among the students-Anthony marveled at their enthusiasm and speed in asking for information unrelated to their studies-Professor Quirrell came out soon. His stammering, timid demeanor and strong, distinctive smell clearly impressed the investigation team, as did every student in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"I really hope Quirrell let the troll in," one student said. "Let the investigation team take him away."

"Then Snape will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts," her deskmate said glumly, scratching the parchment with his quill and connecting a duffle skirt and square-toed shoes.

"Then it's Quirrell, at least he doesn't like to deduct points." The student hesitated for a while and then made up his mind, "It would be better if Snape put the troll underground."

"It would be great if they colluded." The deskmate fantasized.

Anthony stood behind them and coughed twice.

"Sorry, Professor." They turned back and smiled at him, immersed themselves in practicing common Muggle clothing matching.
