
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Bücher und Literatur
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114 Chs

Chapter 99: Paralyzing

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The piles of zombies exploded in massive showers of blood and gore, before turning into dust just as Harry regained his balance from all the shockwaves that had rocked through the ground.

And with that, the second tier boss in the zombie dungeon was finished.

'Soon,' he thought as he activated Unicorn Boost and ran over to the center of the Crossing, and waited for the only monster that could help him save Lisa to form.

The wind around him started to pick up as a cold feeling started to set in. With a warming trill, Hedwig alighted onto his shoulder. "Be ready," he told her, as he searched the skies for it.

It was a few seconds before he saw it. Flying at him from the skyline above the Buckingham Palace, illuminated by the rays of the waning moon, was a cloaked figure.

Harry wasted no time. He knew that the Dementor had seen him, and would follow him. Now it was time to lead it to Lisa. So he simply turned, activated Unicorn's Boost, and ran, making sure that the Dementor could see him clearly.

He ran and did not look back this time, instead focusing squarely on running as fast as he could down the Whitehall road towards his apartment, making sure to occasionally throw fireballs behind him to slow down the creature following him.

The only reason he didn't stutter and fall like he had last time was that Hedwig was singing an uplifting song as she flew above him, keeping his heart full and helping him fight off the effects of the Dementor.

When he finally reached his apartment, Hedwig swooped down from above, grabbed him, and flamed him onto the top of the building, where Lisa was. Harry quickly moved into the right position that he had planned.

The Dementor, which was until now chasing Harry at the street level, rose to the roof's height in pursuit.

And that was the moment.

The moment where he could finally save Lisa. He was standing on one end of the roof, and the Dementor the other, while Lisa lay bound and unconscious in the middle.

Logically, the Dementor should have gone for the prey closest to it, which was the more easily caught one.

It did the exact opposite.

It completely ignored the bound prey in front of it, and simply lunged over it at Harry, who in a blind panic, apparated him and Hedwig to a spot on the roof about three buildings away from where he was before.

"Why isn't it going for her?" Harry wondered puzzledly, watching the Dementor completely ignore the girl on Harry's building roof as it looked around for what was presumably him.

" It has locked onto you. You are its target. Until it gets you, it won't go for any other prey, " Hedwig replied gravely.

"So how do we get him to attack her?" Harry asked, hoping his immortal friend would have an idea. Because he sure didn't.

Hedwig thought for a second, before saying, " I remember reading in one of your books that Dementors sense its prey by their emotions since they don't have other senses

And it clicked in Harry's mind.

If he somehow managed to empty himself of emotion to a degree that even a Dementor wouldn't be able to sense it, he could make the Dementor think he wasn't even there.

"Keep singing Hedwig," he simply said, before disapparating from the roof and reappearing on the roof with the Dementor.

The amortal beast's head snapped towards him, and it started advancing on him. And Harry needed to make sure that the creature was convinced that Harry was dead, so he let it.

He could feel the creature watching him, hear its rattling breath like an evil wind around him. The Dementor seemed to be considering him as it closed in.

It raised one of its rotting hands, and lowered its hood, exposing the grey scabbed skin, stretched blankly over empty sockets, and the mouth… a gaping, shapeless black hole, sucking the air with the sound of a death rattle.

Suddenly, A paralyzing terror filled Harry so that he couldn't move or speak. His mind seemed to fuse as the entire plan he had fuzzed out of his consciousness.

'Focus of Hedwig's song,' he tried to tell himself, but the thought disintegrated into wisps before it could even fully form. He stumbled down onto the floor.

A pair of strong, clammy hands suddenly attached themselves around Harry's neck. They were forcing his face upward… He could feel its breath sucking… He could feel its putrid breath… His mother was screaming in his ears again…

" Remember Harry! Remember! " Hedwig's voice sounded in his head, snapping him out of his tizzy.

'This is not the end. Not today.' he thought to himself in his moment of clarity and pulled down every shield he had, turned up Gamer's Mind to its fullest extent, and pushed every single positive emotion he had into oblivion before flooding his own mind shields with mana.

The sucking stopped, the hands let go and the Dementor above him came into focus. It looked… faintly puzzled for a second before it straightened, believing this morsel of its food to be finished and heading over to the next one. Harry silently signaled for Hedwig to stay back.


You have learned a new skill!

Ghosting, Lv-1

A clearing of emotions of the mind in the deepest levels that not even Gamer's Mind can control. This skill is a combination of mana and mind that can be used to hide from creatures that track people by the use of their emotions like Dementors.

25% chance of success


Ghosting Active!

He got to his feet, his entire being emotionless as he walked over to where the Dementor was bending over Lisa to take its next soul.

It sucked, and just as Harry had hoped, the guest in the body came out first, a putrid black smoke that connected the Dementor to its prey.

With a final dull pop, the Dementor sucked out Riddle's soul, breaking the connection between them.


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