
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Bücher und Literatur
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114 Chs

Chapter 20: Grinning

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Suddenly though, he stopped himself. The hotcakes… there was an opportunity there.

Since no one else was awake, Harry quickly pulled out the batter and started making more hotcakes.

In addition to that, he quickly pulled out a bottle of maple syrup from the carton-full of the stuff that they kept around for Dudley, knowing they would never miss it.

He made a stack of hotcakes before he opened up his inventory and dragged the box over his newly made stack.

He slowly lowered it down the stack. Much to his elation, they all slowly disappeared into the box before the food then reappeared in the inventory in a box. Grinning, Harry quickly loaded in as many pancakes as he could.

Finally, Harry closed his inventory after storing 20 hotcakes in it. He then grabbed two more and put them on his plate to eat, headed over to a corner of the room, and started to quickly devour his breakfast.

"Morning freak." came an ugly voice. Harry sighed and turned, and there he was, sucking in all the light and life from his surroundings. Dudley sneered at Harry.

"Sod off to your mum Dudders." Harry replied flippantly without looking at him.

"At least I have parents," Dudley said, after spending a moment processing Harry's statement, and walked away.

It shouldn't have hurt him. Harry was used to the insults. He was used to the Dursleys telling him he was an orphan, and that was the first thing, anyone, stranger or otherwise, would use to insult him. He should have been used to it by now, but he wasn't.

At least he knew the Dursleys had been lying to him all along. That hate made a fantastic suppression of the sadness.

He quietly looked down at his meal and quickly began to eat, before, on a whim, he used observe on his hotcakes;

Hotcakes: food,

Restores 30 HP, 10 MP.

Harry's eyes widened at that. He placed a hand behind his back and burned a flame for a few minutes to use up some mana, hoping all along that the Dursleys wouldn't notice. He then quickly ate a full hotcake and pulled up his mana bar. Sure enough,



It was amazing, the way reality was so integrated with his Game. Even food affected magic and mana. Perhaps somewhere out there he would one day find food that could restore 100% of his mana and health. It would be an amazing find for sure.

Harry made a mental note of that for his future and then quickly spent the rest of his breakfast using Observe on everything around him hoping to level it up quickly.

The more information he could get from observing his enemies the better he could be prepared for whatever this crazy new world would throw at him.

Soon after,

Ping! Ping!

Through constant use, a skill has level up!

Observe Lv-4 (40%)

By Observing a target one will get information about said object

Max HP, MP, stats and info.

'Sweet,' thought Harry as he quickly left the kitchen to get ready for the school.

A few minutes later, just when he had left the premises of Number 4, he suddenly felt an unpleasant tingle run down his spine. Suddenly, his throat dried up, and he froze. Every instinct in his body screamed danger.


By detecting bloodlust you have gained a new skill.

Detect bloodlust, Lv-1 (20%)

This skill will detect any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill.

Will detect within 20 feet and will tell origin.

Origin of BL- Amycus Carrow wants to kill you.

Harry's eyes widened, before immediately composed himself and looked around. It wouldn't do to alert whomever it was that wished to kill him that Harry was aware of their presence. This… Amycus Carrow… whoever it was, must've been the one coming after him. The same person who had almost killed Gordon. The same person Ms. Roemmele and those other wizards seemed so worried about.

Harry's eyes scanned every bit of the neighborhood, and even with Gamer's Mind looking for any possible abnormalities in its alerted state, Harry almost didn't spot the rippling spot underneath the shadows of Mrs. Monroe's tree.


Trying to remain as inconspicuous as he could, Harry looked intently at the faint ripple, which had almost instantly stilled when he had laid his eyes on it, and whispered under his breath, "Observe."

Amycus Carrow Death Eater











Amycus Carrow is a Death Eater, a follower of Voldemort, who is a powerful dark wizard and blood purist, and does his bidding. He has been searching for Harry Potter to get revenge for his master's defeat. He wishes to kill Harry, and hates muggles with all his passion.

'There are a lot of words in there that I don't know the meaning of,' Harry thought to himself. But a few of the words he did understand quite clearly.

This invisible man, whoever it was, wanted to kill Harry for some sort of revenge.

The other thing he knew the meaning of was the incredibly high stats and level that he had. With the rate at which he had been gaining skills lately, it would probably be a safe bet that someone at a Level of 39 probably knew an incredible amount of magic and skills.

He also knew one last thing.

The best thing to do in a situation where he was so hopelessly outclassed and outmatched, was to get the ever-living fuck out of there.

And so he hightailed it out of Privet Drive and off to school, where he sat fidgeting in class, feeling a dose of fear every single time something seemed to move or seemed out of order.

There was no catching an invisible man coming, so the best he could do was be prepared. He only felt himself ease a little bit once Ms. Roemmele's class rolled around. Curious about her, he used his new and improved Observe to take a look at her statistics.

Emmeline Vance, Order of the Phoenix












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