
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Bücher und Literatur
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114 Chs

Chapter 18: Maintained

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As he doodled on his notebook during class, he thought about what he had seen, arriving at a conclusion.

Wizards seemed to have a very neat and efficient system that they used to cover stuff up in case someone, child or otherwise, did magic out in public.

That seemed to be how they hid their existence from the rest of the world. And that meant that he couldn't just use up large amounts of magic out in public without someone somewhere knowing about it and coming for him.

One thing was for sure. He was being watched in ways he couldn't even comprehend.

Throughout the remaining school time and on the way back home, Harry had maintained a tiny flickering flame in his hand, constantly changing its color to make sure that his skills were being constantly honed and bettered.

There was a lot to be improved about his accidental magic skill before he could use it as well as he intended to, but level ups would certainly help him get there.


Due to constant usage a skill has evolved!

Accidental Magic Lv-4 (30%)

Allows you to control your magic in short sporadic bursts. You can try to use it in any way you wish but it may not obey your every command.

12% chance of Harry using a randomly selected magical ability when in a situation of great distress.

Cost-20 MP per minute

He'd gotten two level ups by the end of his walk. And the factor of randomness in the use of his skill was going down! Harry smiled.

He finally knew how he was going to grow stronger. Practicing day after day, one step at a time, strength would come to him.

He couldn't help but wonder what would happen when the randomness factor would reach zero.

Just as he was getting close to home, another notification gave him a pleasant surprise.


Due to constant usage of Mana and constant Mana regeneration, 1 to Int and Wis.

This seemed to be only getting better and better. It seemed as if studying and making wise choices weren't the only ways to train Int and Wis.

Seeing aunt Petunia frowning at him through the window, Harry decided that standing in the middle of the road while smiling at thin air wasn't a very normal thing to do, and went into the house, intending to start on the dinner.

Outside, hidden from the outside world by the veil of an invisibility cloak, a pallid frail man in tattered black robes watched him with hungry eyes.

That night, as his punishment, Harry's uncle had told him that he was to have no dinner. However, having learned some seriously world altering truths throughout the course of the last few days, Harry was in no mood to listen to their self-aggrandizing drivel.

He promptly flipped them off from under the kitchen counter, stole most of the dinner leftovers by stuffing them into his inventory, and just because he was feeling extra vengeful towards his Aunt for lying to him about his mother, polished their silverware with his own spit.

Judging that to be enough revenge for the one night, Harry went and shut himself in his cupboard. He had no plans to sleep that night.

He had a stone to find after all.

That night, it was time to test out his new Apparation skill. Focusing long and hard on the Dursley garden, and just like he had done with all his magic till then, focusing incredibly hard on his desire to make the Apparation happen, he drew on his mana.

Feeling his mana slowly envelope his body, Harry turned on his spot just like he had seen those wizards do, and hoping to all heavens that he would stay silent, apparated.

If Harry felt that it was slower this time, and even somewhat a bit more comfortable, he was right. Picking up on his desire for silence, his magic had deliberately slowed his apparition down.

When apparating, a wizard left behind him a vacuum of space unoccupied by air. Hence, when the process happened incredibly fast, there would be a bunch of air rushing into the space, trying to fill in the vacated space, and much like in the case of Muggle Fighter Jets, cause a loud pop similar to a localized sonic boom.

Furthermore, in a vacuum, there would be no air pressure to counter human blood pressure, which was the reason why the wizard's blood pressure would try to burst him open like an astronaut without a spacesuit in space.

Summed up, all that would make for a rather painful ride.

However, Harry's slow apparition allowed air to slowly take over the space he vacated, thus removing the sound and the vacuum attributes of normal apparition, making his ride a much quieter and smoother one.

Thus, it was hardly surprising that once Harry landed, he immediately heard a ping.


Due to constant usage skill has evolved!

Silent Apparition Lv-2 (64%)

Destination, Determination and Deliberation. Apparition is a magical method of transportation and is basically the magical action of traveling by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind.

It is by far the fastest way to get to one's desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched up.

Cost-70 MP per use

'Bloody Hell!' Harry couldn't help but curse under his breath. His Gamer's Mind abilities were working in conjunction to boost his learning speed like all hell.

This apparition jump had not only turned his apparition silent and leveled it up, but it had also decreased the amount of mana it used!

After a moment of gaping, Harry waved it away and started searching for the cause of his fainting again, this time taking a different approach.


If the stone was magic and he was magic, then maybe he could… summon it? The logic behind it was iffy, but the logic behind his entire life had been blown to trash since the last few days, so it was worth a try.

He tried Accidental magic, but it didn't quite work as well as expected, so Harry decided that maybe spells were what he needed to give his magic that extra boost.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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