
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Bücher und Literatur
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114 Chs

Chapter 100: Flawlessly

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And before it could go in for the second soul in the body, Harry activated his 'Iron Fist' ability, lit his fist on fire, and with a powerful punch, sent the Dementor flying off of Lisa's body. He had to get attention off of Lisa now and defeat the Dementor so that they could all get out of here.

There was only one ability that could do it, for that he needed something.


One emotion a Dementor had no control over.

And he knew that he had the rage. The events in the chamber had made sure of that. Emboldened by Hedwig's ongoing song, Harry walked over to the Dementor that was confusedly looking at him before grabbing its head with both arms, feeling its cold putrid breath on his skin.

Thoughts of Dean's dead body and Hermione's petrified form flew around his head as rage filled him, and a familiar burning hot feeling started in his stomach, fighting the bone-chilling cold of the Dementor's breath on his skin.

And with all that he had in him, he roared.

And whether by chance or by sheer force of will, despite the abysmal chances of the skill working, Harry's magic responded flawlessly, and a brilliant white pillar of fire erupted from his mouth, and tore away at the monster's skeletal face, broiling and incinerating its entire head.

With its head burned off, the Dementor dropped motionless in front of Harry, unmoving before it turned into dust.

Drained, and exhausted, Harry dropped to his knees with a groan. 1000 MP, as he learned right now, was a lot to spend in one go.


A skill leveled up!

Dragon's Breath, Lv-2

A concentrated breath of fire mimicking the magical properties of Dragon fire. Capable of burning through almost anything, and can be used for metal work too.

5% level of control

Cost - 950 MP

" Harry! " Hedwig fluttered down in front of him with a worried look, " Are you alright? "

"I'm fine," he muttered, waving the window away and opening up his inventory from which he pulled out a Pepper Up potion and tossed it, feeling the remaining cold get driven out by the potion's effects. "It's over Hedwig," he told his familiar, a nervous chuckle escaping him as the adrenaline slowly left his system. "We saved her."

" We did Harry. It's over. "

For a moment, he sat there, staring at the pile of golden dust that had been the Dementor. He extended his hand and touched the dust,


You have gained a net of 20163 Exp!


Loot transferred to Inventory!


520 G

Dementor's Skull - Crafting Item


Quest Success!

Save Lisa and defeat the beast of the Chamber!


80,000 exp

10 stat points

Skill book:


You have levelled up!

Harry Potter



The Gamer

Title-The Boy who Lived

Level-14 Exp-435990/790000









MONEY- 14025£ / 3697G 188S 56K

Harry Potter is a wizard, the son of Lily Potter and James Potter. He is a new fledgling wizard at Hogwarts.

He likes hanging with his new friends and divides his time between figuring out insanely complicated political manipulations and honing his unusual magical skills as the Gamer in secret. Harry loves his parents, and wants to help the world they died protecting.

Status- wizard, giving Harry +4 VIT, +4 DEX and the ability to control magic, talk to snakes, control his appearance and look cool.

"Now let's get out of here. Lisa probably needs Madam Pomfrey's help," he said as he waved the window away and pushed himself to his feet, fighting against the soreness in his bones.

Walking over to where Lisa lay, Harry picked her up onto his shoulder with a humph, and Hedwig grabbed onto his other shoulder before flaming them back to the Inner Chamber in the Chamber of Secrets.

"ID Escape," he muttered, and reappeared in the inner chamber.

"Wait for a minute Hedwig," he said as he put Lisa onto the floor again, "I have to go make sure that all the Parseltongue doors are blown up so that other people can get in here."

Getting a trill of agreement, Harry headed out, at first blowing a hole in the door that led into the inner chamber, before heading out of that hole into the tunnel which led into the main Chamber.

He had barely stepped foot into the Chamber when he froze.

Something was off, and it took a terrifying second for him to realize what.

The Basilisk was gone.

But that wasn't all. Something else had changed. The saxophone medley that had been playing from the gramophone under Slytherin's statue ever since he had entered the Chamber was now no longer playing.

Instead, a scathing harsh hissing sound filled the hall, echoing again and again from the giant walls.

A window popped up in the corner of his vision.

Parseltongue Skill Active!

And the hissing slowly softened and flowed together into comprehensible words.

Three words, in fact, looping over and over and over again on the magical gramophone.

" Kill them all. Kill them all. Kill them all…"

The meaning of all this suddenly clicked in Harry's mind.

A failsafe.

Panic starting to set in, Harry rushed over to the gramophone, before immediately casting Observe on it.

Enchanted Unbreakable Gramophone

A gramophone enchanted with a Switching charm and a targeted Homenum Revelio charm to make sure that it will play Track 1 when the enchanter is nearby, and Track 2 when the enchanter is not nearby.

Track 1 - Coleman Hawkins - Body & Soul

Track 2 - Parseltongue recording.

His eyes widened in panic as Gamer's Mind made the connections and he realized what this meant.

"Hedwig!" he yelled as he turned around and ran into the tunnel towards the Inner Chamber, boosting his way into the Chamber and towards limp bodies that lay on the ground, one alive and one not.

Picking up Lisa's body onto his shoulder with little effort, Harry Boosted over to Dean's body, which he picked him up onto his other shoulder. Hedwig immediately landed on his forearm, and the world around him dissolved in fire.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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