
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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Chapter 20: Incident

Watching the backs of the twins and Lee disappears, Arthur turned to Cho and said, "Let's go back too."

Cho was already a little drunk, so his eyes were blurry, and he could only nod his head that she agreed.

Seeing Cho in this state, Arthur could only shake his head helplessly and embrace her into his arms, feeling the skin of the young girl.

Arthur kept repeating a word in his mind, "Not legal, not legal, wait a few more years."

The two of them arrived at the Ravenclaw office, and Cho regained some of her senses after a while.

But feeling the warmth of the young boy's embrace, she remained silent, just enjoying the moment.

"Thank you, Arthur," Cho finally spoke up, gathering the courage to lightly peck Arthur's handsome cheek.

Without looking back, she ran towards the direction of her dormitory, showing a hint of panic. Arthur, on the other hand, stood still in place. Recalling the faint kiss from earlier, he muttered to himself.

"Why is she running? I didn't feel anything."

With a wry smile, Arthur also returned to his own room and fell asleep with the trace of the warmth kiss.


On Thursday, the young wizards from Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor gathered in a big grassy area in front of the castle.

Today was their first flying lesson of the semester.

Many of the young wizards from wizarding families bragged about their childhood flying experiences to their classmates, especially the group from Slytherin.

Draco Malfoy was bragging about how he flew on a broomstick and managed to dodge a Muggle helicopter.

He also loudly complained about how first-year students were not allowed to compete in the Quidditch tournament, which he felt was highly unfair.

As he spoke, he glanced at Harry and Arthur, who were chatting with Hermione, as if he felt sorry for them for not having ridden broomsticks since they were a child.

Arthur was not interested in Malfoy's self-bragging. He was currently comforting the little brown-haired girl in front of him.

"It's okay, Hermione. Harry, I, and many other young wizards haven't ridden broomsticks before. Some of them are just making things up. You don't have to be so nervous," Arthur softly comforted the young girl.

Ever since she found out about the flying lesson, Hermione had been acting strange. Harry had mentioned that she had always been talking about the stories of the book "Quidditch Through the Ages" during breakfast.

Besides them, Neville was also trying hard to listen to Hermione's conversation, and he was hoping to learn useful knowledge to help him in the approaching activity.

He didn't even pay attention to his Remembrall repeatedly flashing in his hand.

After a while, their teacher, Madam Hooch, arrived. She pointed her wand at a pile of floating brooms and walked towards them.

Then, each person was given a broomstick.

Arthur looked at the broomstick in his hand and suddenly felt he didn't want to use it. His broomstick was very old and wasted, with many branches and leaves falling off the tail.

[The MC might have a OCD about cleaning]

"Okay, now, Stick your right hand over the broom."

Madam Hooch blew a whistle. "Then say, Up!"

"Up!" Arthur concentrated and shouted at the broomstick lying on the ground.

The broomstick immediately jumped into his hand, as did Harry's.

But other young wizards were not so lucky. Hermione's broomstick rolled a few times, and then it ignored her.

Draco also shouted several times before the broomstick jumped into his hand, nearly hitting him in the nose.

Next, Madam Hooch explained some techniques and then signaled everyone to try them.

"On my whistle."




"Kick your leg!"

Arthur gently kicked the ground and smoothly floated into the air. He suddenly realized that his flying skills were pretty good, and the effect of the blue flying experience was powerful.

The broomstick changed direction, height, and speed with his thoughts.

However, Neville nearby was not so lucky. Perhaps he was too nervous, and he used too much force when he kicked the ground.


Neville shot straight up at an angle of almost ninety degrees, so fast that Madam Hooch didn't even react. Neville was already twenty feet off the ground.

To make matters worse, Neville's hand slipped from the broomstick, and he fell straight down into the grass below.

Madam Hooch was so scared that she wanted to use the Levitation Charm to catch him, but perhaps because of the speed, the charm missed Neville.

The young wizards and witches were so afraid that their faces turned pale, and several of the girls covered their eyes as if they could already see Neville's future.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

At this moment, a firm and clear voice came, it was Arthur.

Arthur's levitation charm hit Neville in the air, and Neville's fall speed instantly slowed down. Then, with the wave of his wand, Neville landed gently on the ground.

The others stood dumbfounded, even the little witches who had covered their eyes put their hands down and looked at the good Neville.

"Wow!" Instantly, most of the young wizards cheered, and some even clapped.

"Oh, Merlin!" Madam Hooch also returned to her senses and rushed over to help Neville and check on him. Still not at ease, she decided to take Neville to the school hospital for a check-up.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw! What a fantastic levitation charm, Mr. Gaunt!"

Before leaving, she didn't forget to give 10 points to Arthur.

After all, if it weren't for Arthur, Neville would have been injured, and she had made such a big mistake that she couldn't feel good about it.


After Madam Hooch left, Malfoy began to mock Neville loudly and noticed Neville's Rememberall picking it up. At this moment Harry couldn't stand it anymore.

"Give it here, Malfoy," Harry said to him.

Malfoy laughed arrogantly. "No. I think i'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find."

Without waiting for Harry's response, he got on his broomstick and flew off, taunting Harry loudly.

"If you're brave enough, come and get it, scar-head!"

Harry was furious and immediately got on his broomstick, flying towards Malfoy.

With James Potter's genes running in his blood, Harry quickly learned to control his broomstick and chased after Malfoy in the sky.

Arthur watched the scene in front of him and realized that this was the reason why Harry was selected for the Quidditch team in his first year.

As he enjoyed the rivalry of the two young wizards chasing each other in the air, Arthur rubbed his chin and thought.

Suddenly, he heard screams coming from beside him.

It was Hermione. She was anxious when she saw Harry charging forward, and she jumped up unconsciously. Forgetting that she was already positioned to take off on her broomstick, Hermione shot up into the air like an arrow.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.