
Chapter 52 : Secrets Under Moonlight



"Goblins' gold! The p-pout!" He said trying to breathe again.

"What pout?" Severus asked darkly, his eyes narrowing.

"You're sulking, Sev!" Harry explained as he sobered up.

"I'm not sulking!" Severus huffed offended. "I'm brooding at the worst! And, being the owner of a castle and the last heir of an ancient bloodline, I'm entitled to brood." He stated contemplating. "Actually, if I want to honor my status, I should brood more." Harry started laughing again as Severus rose from his armchair and stretched.

"Ready to call it a day?" Harry asked rising up from his seat too.

"What time is it?" The potions master asked yawning.

"One fifteen." The boy replied looking at his watch.

"I was ready over an hour ago." He stated eyeing the watch. "You rather like that watch don't you?"

"I like pocket watches in general, I think." Harry replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Tell you what." Severus offered as they walked to the door after Harry picked up his notebook from the desk, peering at the scroll one last time. "What would you say if we stopped at the kitchen on our way to our rooms for a hot chocolate?" Harry smirked.

"I would say lead the way Sev."

"There's a good lad." Severus offered smiling. They reached the kitchen half asleep on their feet and Severus prepared two mugs of the hot liquid, placing one in front of Harry.

"Got to love chocolate." The boy sighed taking a sip.

"I do." Severus confirmed smirking at his cup.

"So, what's the translation for that mysterious plant of yours?" The green eyed wizard asked as he eased back to his chair; jokes set aside, Severus had spent weeks translating the scroll.

"If I have the whole translation correct and have deciphered the text without missing something -and trust me I haven't- then the plant is supposed to be called, listen to this; the purple stone herb." Harry cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"The what?" That was quite anticlimactic…

"As you heard it. What I got from the scroll is that the herb wasn't a part of the native flora and was brought there by a traveler. My guess is that whoever wrote the scroll had no idea what the actual name of the herb was and thus settled on describing it; it could be anything! Any type of herb from whatever country that traveler was from!"

"A bit… less dramatic than what I expected. And what makes it so important then?" Harry asked.

"The effect of it, as described in the scroll, is recurring and pain reducing. It might be the key that will allow the Eloḯsa flower to retain its ability of reacting to the moon to some extent." Severus explained deep in thought. "I don't know."

"Well, as I have said time and time again, if anyone can solve this then you can." The boy said with conviction.

"Thank you, Harry." Severus replied draining his chocolate, looking the boy carefully. "It's still bothering you, doesn't it?" He inquired; Harry didn't even need to ask what it was that Severus was referring to.

"Yes." He simply answered. "I just don't get it, Dad!" He exclaimed. "I mean, not training me is one thing but I thought that the whole purpose of not allowing me to even know what's going on was so that Adrian's training would be kept secret! If Ron is there, why can't I be?" That was a valid question, the potions master couldn't deny that.

