
Hp: The Bounty Hunter


dragongod4949 · Bücher und Literatur
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1 Chs

Snake eyes

The sky rumbled with a hideous cry as rain poured down drenching those caught unaware wet and despite the streets being empty from the harsh weather two men can be seen facing each other.

"Now, we can do this easy or we could do this the obvious way, choice is yours partner." His words were ignored as his opponent reached into his robe pulling out a slender stick.



To any on lookers it would appear as if simple words were being exchanged but the sudden dismemberment would prove them wrong as warm blood gushed followed by the sound of a meaty slap on the floor as the mans hand landed still holding his wand.

"How about you give up before I take your other hand or would you like to roll the dice?"

The robed man gritted his teeth and reached for his wand swiftly and with strength that was fading fast he stood up to attack only for his other hand to be sent flying as well.

"Tough luck seems like you got snake eyes partner"

Johnny kicked the wand away from the death eater before he cast a few healing spells to stop the bleeding after all he still needs his information or he won't get paid.

"Now that we see eye to eye I believe we should get acquainted a bit more, shall we?"

With a flick of a wand all traces of their presences were removed.

A few hours later Johnny could be seen washing the blood from his gloves while tied behind him was the death eater looking much worse than before as his body was covered in burns, cuts, and various open wounds that slowly healed only to violently reopen a second later.

"Let's try this again, where's the rest of y'all."

A death eater's intelligence is always in question but their loyalty? Might as well teach a pig to fly but one thing that gets you what you want is either through money or with a steel bat and this death eaters knees became well acquainted with it for the next few minutes.

"Stop *huff* Stop I'll tell you, there in the back ally behind David's bowling."

Leaving back In his chair Johnny took a deep puff of his cigar before putting it out on the cheek of the death eater.

"Now was that so hard? We could have skipped all of this if you were a bit more honest, no?"

The death eater or Bob in this instance prayed he would be let go and it was evidently on his face as Johnny sighed before making his way to the door.

"Those ropes will disappear in a few minutes and make sure you stay gone or next time." With a devilish grin that promised that those who saw it would not have a swell time.

Bob nodded frantically and as Johnny left the ropes disappeared.

"Dumbass actually let me go, I know his face and the others will gladly help me kil-"

The room was engulfed in flames as a dozen hidden runes set off which swallowed the building and all that was inside.

Inside a bustling restaurant a tv was turned on.

"The Fire Marshal states that the explosion was from a faulty pipe that came into contact with a cigarette."

A young news reporter around her mid 20's said while her partner a older male could be seen shaking his head


"See Martha that's why I say we got to up our laws about these dame handheld Man killers!"

His rant would last a few more minutes before they spoke about the weather among other events.

The waiter poured coffee while the man in front of her was reading a newspaper.

"So what are you doing around these parts stranger?"

Johnny glanced at her before returning to his newspaper to continue reading the comic strip.

"Nothing much just looking for a good place to hunt."

Startled the waitress reaches under the counter slowly while her eyes dart around the restaurant frantically almost pleading to someone.

Faster than a rattle snake her head was sent flying following her body that slumped over the counter.

As if anarchy was ignited dozens of men and women stood from their seats with various snarls, each of them rapidly casting spells.

Johnny wasn't sitting there doing nothing he blew a hole inside of the death eater sitting next to him before diving over the counter while patting out some fire that managed to graze his shoulder.

"Get him before Lord Voldemort gets to the potters."

Johnny was lighting his cigar but froze his hand trembled for a second as rage overtook him with little regard for his health he stood up but instead of carrying a wand he held a long barreled revolver and when Johnny pulled the trigger it sounded like lightning struck it's bullet pierced the magical shield the death eaters used in a desperate attempt to save their lives.

Johnny stumbled out of the battle torn restaurant his body laced with deep cuts and bruises, making each step painful and laborious. His left arm hung limply by his side, broken by a powerful curse he barley managed to deflect.

As he stumbled into a nearby alley, Johnnys breath came in ragged gasps. The wounds on his body ached with each small movement, and his vision blurred from the loss of blood.

Leaning against the cold brick wall, he clenched his teeth, fighting to stay conscious.

In the dim light of the alley, he pulled his wand out and whispered a few incantations, attempting to heal his broken arm and close some of his nastier wounds. The healing spells were feeble, as his wand was cracked and leaking magical residue.

Gritting his teeth, Johnny pushed himself away from the wall, his determination stronger than the agony. He must reach the potters before Voldemort did.

Hours passed as his journey consisted more of stumbling then walking, yet despite his wounds dripping blood he pressed on.

Johnny passed dozens of people who attempted to help him to a hospital but a wave of his wand made them forget he even existed and finally he stumbled into the Potters neighborhood, but something wasn't quite right.

The last time Johnny was here you could practically feel the kindness radiate from James and lily's house yet the streets felt colder than usual and the rain pouring overhead felt more like tears than a simple display of nature.

falling against their mailbox and leaving a crimson smear across it his body hit the ground with a thud. He tried, he really did but his body no longer listened even as he felt the dark presence slowly walking up behind him.

"What do we have here, a lost hound?" The voice was mocking laced with cruel amusement.

"Left to die after all he's done, how pitiful and how…" with a thud Johnny was kicked in the side forcing him to face Voldemort.


The hideous snickers from Voldemort's mouth could kill a dead man and with that the vile man's face beamed.

"Ahhh it would be quite the sight to see your face after I deal with the Potters." He grabbed Johnny's face and was only a few inches away.

"Now be a good mutt and wait here."

Voldemorts steps were thundering in Johnny's ears even as he vision faded.

The last thing he saw was James horrified face and the soul crushing screams of lily before all turned black.