
HP: The Book of the Wise

Magic is omnipresent, magicians are ubiquitous. Villains are evil, heroes are good.  Yet despite magic being omnipresent, not everyone can wield it.  Despite magicians being ubiquitous, not everyone has seen them.  Despite villains being evil, not every villain has killed.  And despite heroes being good, not every hero has saved a soul.  So, why shall 'The Boy Who Lived' be the greatest wizard of his time?  When there is someone that is far greater than him lurking in the shadows? =×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=× [[This is a story that I am writing for fun. I am not someone that is an expert on either Harry Potter or this fanfiction community. I am just an average guy trying to publish the stuff that I write for fun and maybe get some insights on how I can improve my writing down the line.]] =×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=×=× [[This is a work of fiction and I own nothing other than my OCs, everything else belongs to Rowling and others related to the making of the Harry Potter Franchise.]]

Bored_Hermes · Bücher und Literatur
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20 Chs

Book of the Wise

Ian was shaking in his boots. He didn't know how to react. He wanted to immediately rush to his uncle but the words in the book prevented him from doing so. 

He knew who Merlin was. Everyone in the wizarding world did. 

Merlin was a man that had the ability to control climate, mists, storms, fire, earthquakes, and summon darkness amongst countless other abilities. He talked with dragons, tamed them, defeated countless mythical beasts and even changed the topography of Britain. 

He had so many feats that his name became an expression used by many. And if the book was truly written by him, Ian knew that he couldn't be careless. As much as he wanted to let his uncle know, he couldn't disregard the words of Merlin the Wise.

"Should we get going?" 

At Garrick's question, he immediately placed the book in between the other ones. After all, he couldn't let anyone see it.

Even if it meant lying to his uncle. 

The moment they reached home, Ian ran to his room with the books. Garrick laughed and believed it was because of his excitement to read the books. 

And he was correct… to some extent.

Ian had locked the door to his room and immediately got to his study, opening the 'Book of the Wise.'

And surprisingly, the first page that asked him to not reveal any information had magically changed to 'Merlin's Book of the Wise.'

Ian gulped thickly before turning the page ever so slowly. Initially, the page was blank but as he leaned on to read —it revealed some text.

`Heed with caution, young reader.`

The very first line warned him. 

`The knowledge of this book is not meant for all.`

It was vague but it was a warning. 

`The magic on this book prevents it from being read by anyone past the age of ten.`

A revelation that confused him. He couldn't understand why Merlin would do such a thing.

`However, if the reader obtained the book before the age of ten, he or she will be able to continue reading it even past the age of ten.`

Ian figured that the second page was a guide about the book, listing instructions on how to use it. 

`There can be only one owner of the book at a given time. Unless the reader passes away, another owner cannot be chosen.`

Ian felt a chill down his spine. This was big and if this was true, his life just got a lot more complicated. 

Merlin was an idol to many, people were fanatical about him. And if these fanatics or dark wizards came to know about the existence of the book, his life would be in danger. 

He was about to disregard Merlin's previous words and rush to his uncle, but then he read the next line.

`If the owner reveals the truth about the book to anyone, an unforgivable curse would be placed on the owner and the people around him.`

Ian froze. 

"Why…" He grumbled."Why me…"

`As a bearer of ancient magic, I have always condemned the usage of dark magic. However, when it comes to security measures, no one can deny the potency of dark magic. And I hope the spirits forgive me just this once for the usage of it.`

Ian gritted his teeth. He was furious, his excitement gone with the revelation of the curse. He was angry that he was made the target of a dark spell.

`Children are the purest and the easiest to mould, be it good or bad. Hence, the book can only be read by children —ones that aren't corrupted by the darkness of the world. The book will allow the reader to become someone capable of discerning good from evil and making righteous choices.`

Ian wasn't sure how to react. These were very big words for him to understand and while he believed Merlin was right, he also hated the wise wizard for placing him under a curse. 

`Dear reader, you may hate and even curse the spirit of this old wizard. Yet I promise you that as you grow older, you will understand the depth of this book and the responsibilities that come with it.`

Ian calmed himself. Being angry at such a moment won't help him in any way. 

`Do not worry though, the spell on the book that inflicted you prevents others from figuring out anything related to the book. However, do keep in mind that it doesn't hide your other memories so you will still be prone to legilimency.`

Ian was a tad bit relieved that he didn't have to worry about being cursed because someone went through his memories.

`By the time you are reading this, I will have been long gone. I don't know if you are the first reader, the second one or even the hundredth one. I do not know if you will be able to completely understand the book or if your predecessor was able to understand it. Neither do I know if that person succeeded in their quest or not. However, I believe that you, dear reader, will have the courage and determination to complete the quests.`

Ian continued reading.

`Only the required knowledge will be made visible to you and unless you complete the requirements of that page, you won't be able to move onto the next one.`

This was interesting for Ian. He understood that he couldn't skip topics and move onto the last page as every other page seemed empty.

`If by accident the book ends up with another person who is not the owner, they will see it as a simple book about ancient magic and old Britain. But do be warned, losing the book will trigger the first level of the unforgivable curse.`

Ian was worried, he was extremely worried but he knew there was nothing that he could do other than to follow the instructions of the book. 

`Dear reader, once you are able to take in all the knowledge of the book, I can promise you that you will be someone that will forever be remembered. A person immortalised not through magic or potions, but through books and poems.`

Ian breathed out. As he did, he saw the text in the book change.

<The requirements to unlock the next page has been met>

<Read the entire content of the first page: Completed>

<Access to next page granted>

As he read through the page, the letters vanished once again and it asked him to turn to the next page.

And he did.

<Page Three>

<Secrets of the Mind: Chapter one>

<Occlumency: The Art of Protecting the Mind>

<Quest: Learn and master the first stages of Occlumency>

<Progress: 13%>

Ian was confused as to how the bar was already at 13%, however the next sentence made it clear.

Once again it was Merlin's text.

`If you have any prior knowledge of the topic, the knowledge will be counted in the progress section.`

That was good but he was surprised that even after trying so hard, he was barely at 13% of the very basic Occlumency level.

But he saw something interesting at the corner of the page.

<Quest Completion Reward: Location of the Scales of the Leviathan (Incomplete)>

Ian was in awe, he had heard of the beast called Leviathan. It was a mythical creature, far rarer than dragons and phoenixes. Not to mention he believed that it had gone extinct. 

"Guess I was wrong…"

And as he completed reading the page, the contents once again changed. The progress percent moved to the right corner of the page and a heading appeared in the top centre of the page.

`Basics of Occlumency`

And this was when Ian realized that the book was even more special than he initially thought. 

"The knowledge and the rewards… just might make living with this curse bearable."

He hoped.

He hoped with all his heart that he wasn't wrong.

"I hope you keep your promise, Merlin."

He hoped, he really did.