
HP: Solitude for Two

Seventh year. Driven by his anger and jealousy, Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in a fit of temper despite their important mission. But, was leaving his girlfriend and his best friend alone, thoroughly angered by his actions, looking for a way to take revenge, the correct move?-I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Her body burned with desire as she stumbled on the shower, desperate for the caress of the water to give her a semblance of control back, annoyed that he was able to 'win' that easily.

Especially with his victory leaving her aching for more … battle.

She was not willing to accept her defeat without taking revenge, though luckily, it was easy. All she needed was to 'forget' closing the door as she entered the bathroom. After some consideration, she forgot to close the curtain as well, giving herself an even better view.

The water felt good as it pounded against her bare skin. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the luxurious shower even as her hands danced on her body, assisting the water to clean off her sweat. Maybe her movement was a bit slower, more sensual than her usual habits, but that didn't matter much.

She was just taking a shower, with no ulterior motives.

With that in mind, she grabbed some liquid soap, and pouring a generous portion, stepping to the side as she used the soap to cover her body with bubbles, the giggle that escaped her mouth completely artificial.

Curious how effective her revenge had been going, she glanced at the mirror, only to realize Harry was looking at her directly, his thing in hand, masturbating. She turned with a victorious expression, catching him in the act.

Unlike what she expected, however, he didn't turn away in shame, instead catching her gaze with a smirk, his hand still moving steadily. She found herself breaking her gaze and looking down, her whole body burning with shame. For some reason, it affected them even more than … what they did earlier.

She kept her gaze down, trying to handle the confusing feeling, though her own hands, dancing on her soap-covered breasts didn't make it any easier.

When she gathered courage enough, she checked the mirror hurriedly. Her first reflex was a disappointment, noticing that couch was empty. "He couldn't have got bored, is he," she found herself murmuring.

"Of, definitely not," came the answer, making her turn in panic, only to see him somehow sneaked to the corner, a blind spot of the mirror, still playing with himself.

"Harry, what are you doing here!" she gasped, trying to sound indignant like he had done something wrong, which was a position hard to argue based on current circumstances.

Not when she was the one to leave the door open.

"Well," he murmured as he walked forward. "Since you seem to be willing to take a lot of time, I thought of a way to save time. Aren't I clever?" he said, his amused smile sending shivers down her body.

Hermione was fully determined to say no to him, showing his determination to be confident and set boundaries. She didn't have his presence, but the sensation of losing control was disorienting. She opened her mouth, determined to explain her disappointing decision.

Unfortunately, for the last moment, her gaze dipped down to take note of the shocking monster he was playing with, and her mouth decided to rebel. "O-of course," she stammered, hating herself for the sudden indecision.

"Excellent," he said as he stepped into the shower. Hermione instinctively turned away, covering her breasts with her hands. Like suddenly it would have helped.

His chuckle was enough to convey that without any words. "Let me help," he said as he put his hands on her shoulder, his gentle caresses not a surprise after his massage performance. His presence, sliding between her thighs, was more alarming, but not too different from her earlier … lap dance, she thought, blushing as the correct term hit her like an angry dragon.

Distracted by her own realization, she just obediently accepted his hands, her body once again burning with desire. She was determined to stop him of course.

Any moment now.

Hermione glanced at the mirror, confident that it would give her the courage she needed, but she only received a glimpse of his nudity, water dancing on his muscles, making them even more delicious.

She should leave, but after a momentary consideration, she decided not to do that. Of course, it had nothing to do with how good his body looked under the shower. It was just because she wasn't done showering.

She continued to repeat that even as his hips continued to rock back and forth, rubbing against her inner thighs with the great approximation … of a word she was resolute to avoid. She closed her eyes once more as she threw her head back, letting the water infuse her hair.

Harry, true to his form, managed to ruin that as well. She soon felt his fingers slipping into her head, caressing gently as he shampooed her hair gently — a great contrast to his hips, moving steadily. She closed her eyes, enjoying the beautiful paradox, her intention to stop it halfway once more forgotten.

She did her best to act like it was just a shower, a fiction that was getting very hard to maintain as her arousal got more and more intense, almost about to topple her once more.

That would not do, she said with a sudden impulse and pushed him back without an explanation, hoping to tease him. "Should I leave," he asked, but his smirk showed it was not a serious question.

"Shut up, I won't let you win this time," she answered as she rapidly rinsed her hair while being turned at him. She didn't bother to cover herself, believing that to be pointless after everything.

She hoped that it would tempt him enough for him to start working on his shaft once more, giving him another advantage, but he limited himself to watch, ruining her little trick.

It seemed that victory required her direct action.

After rinsing her hair, she took a step forward, enjoying the way his gaze dipped down to capture the shake of her tits. Then, she pushed him once more, this time against the wall, and wrapped her fingers around his shaft.

"I should help you, as you helped me," she whispered as she felt his presence throbbing under her fingers, which only made her even more excited. Her hips gyrated in anticipation even as her fingers danced, applying just a little more pressure.

Something he enjoyed if his expression was any indicator.

She resolutely didn't question whether this way of helping a friend was something nice, just continuing steadily. His hand moved toward her breasts, but she slapped away. This time, she just wanted to continue pumping, determined to be the victor.

Victor of a game with no objective and ever-changing rules, but victor nonetheless. She was starting to realize her competitiveness wasn't limited to the classroom.

Yet, her plan hit another, unexpected snag. She was getting more and more turned on, her mind moving to dangerous variations, the kind they couldn't return from.

Hermione was determined not to give in to such mysterious feelings, but that determination took damage when she realized her own body was rebelling, and her free hand somehow landed on her breast, squeezing her nipple, helping Harry to win.

That would not do, she decided. She needed a better way to occupy herself.

A radical one.

She had always been steady once she made a decision, so she had no problems collapsing to her knees, her lips parted open as she pushed forward, his massive … thing … slipping through her lips.

She found it ridiculous not to refer to it even mentally even as she took it into her mouth, but as her mouth filled with his throbbing presence, she decided to focus on the task in … mouth. She grabbed his hips to make sure they didn't rebel once more, steadily pushing her head down, only to pull back once the tip touched her throat, triggering a gag.

As the few inches of his length filled her mouth with his warmth, she focused on the steady movement of her head, keeping her eyes closed to focus properly.

She found it hard to breathe, but it was less to do with her mouth half-filled, and more to do with the excitement filling her heart as she did it for the first time. She held onto his thighs as if her life depended on it, afraid for her balance even while on her knees.

The excitement was simply too overwhelming.

She focused on the sensation of being filled, which contrasted greatly with her tits pressing to his thighs whenever she pushed forward. Her body was aching for even more, but she didn't question the exact details, focusing on her task.

She moved back and forth, enjoying the full range of his movement, pushing him again and again.

Then, he exploded, filling her mouth. She was supposed to pull back, but she didn't want to create a mess — or at least, that was the excuse she gave to herself, ignoring the absurdity of it in their location.

She only pulled back once he stopped twitching, getting rid of the evidence with a gulp as she raised her gaze to catch him, and muttered. "I win, have a nice shower."

"You certainly do," he answered even as she reached for a towel, slowly drying herself even as she did her best to hide the trembling of her legs, her excitement satisfied for the moment.

She wrapped the towel around her waist carelessly, leaving her tits free as she walked away, leaving him back in the shower. Her victory tasted amazing…

Yet, her mind was already on the next … competition.