
Starting to get the hang on powers

Chapter 3: Starting to get the hang of powers

'I got powers' Connor thought incredulously.

'But what are the limits what more can I do'

Connor began to walk through the empty alleyway while thinking of ways to get to know his power, and also evade the police so he wouldn't have to go to another orphanage.

'I should let them come naturally, that's for sure, but how do I get a feeling of my powers, or power?' He pondered for a while and tried thinking of movies and books he had read, trying to understand where he might be able to improve.

'Ok let's try to do it again'

He aimed his hand at a random trash can and tried to raise it.

This time he could feel something inside of him wanting to come out, wanting to fulfill his need, but he lacked control over it, so the trashcan twisted in all the wrong ways.

'So, at least I got a killing move, time to have something more than a killing move'

He spent the whole day trying to get something to float, but he lacked control, big time.

Everything either got deformed or didn't move.

By the time he noticed he was hungry, but hungry as fuck.

He stood up ready to face the day when a shadow of covered him

Connor turned around hastily and found, you guessed it, three rich assholes.

"So we got a mutie here Alex" The one on the right said, which made the one in the middle laugh, he guessed that was Alex.

"We can finally beat up a freak, you in thomas" Alex said cheerfully almost like he was talking about something else entirely

Before anyone could say anything more Alex shouted out in pain, and when he looked down he saw his right foot all deformed, bones sticking out and flesh ripped out.

In this state of pain he doubled over and began to cry while on the ground.

The other two, who seemed clearly angry, began to move quickly towards him, ready to beat him up or kill him.


It was just one word, but for a second both teens stopped.

"You want to end up like him"

It wasn't a question, but more like a challenge, and seeing the way the two were looking Connor already knew the answer

With just a sigh the two other teens bent against their will, staring deep into the eyes that unblinkingly stared at them back, while a small smile started to grace his face.

"Isn't this beautiful?" He spoke a little bit while he could feel, his power roar inside of him seeking blood, seeking death, making the control he had over the teens hard to keep, however seeing this blood and the state they were in made him more aware of his own power, almost a realization.

"Having your life in my hands is…" He didn't finish the phrase and even though the three teens thought he would say thrilling there was another thought going through his head `terrifying` he finished in his own head, thinking of how much this power made him change.

"But you are in luck you will live" As soon as the words came out the relief could be seen on their faces "Shall you say anything, I will know, as far as you are concerned…." Connor strolled keeping a calm facade and got in the middle of the two kneeling teens, positioning himself to tell them a little secret with his mouth so close to their ears "I am god"

Connor walked away from the situation, with his head high trying to maintain his newly gained status, but as soon as he walked out of the alleway he ran, as fast as his little legs could carry him, as far away as it was possible.


He ran for lord knows how long and as he ran he could feel his mind break a little, his psyche not being able to handle all that this power means.

After he reached a park he stopped and laid down.

Wasn't this supposed to be easy, it must be, at least that what he wants to believe, that power would at least make it a little easier.

Connor let out a little sob before composing himself, he needed to remember something, this was the reality he was living in.

As soon as that thought sink in, Connor took a breath, he could feel his skin tingle and some leaves rose from the ground he was sitting on and then fell back down as soon as he exhaled.

In his mind he now realized what he had to do.

It was time to truly understand his powers


AN: So sorry it took me so long to do this chapter and that it is so short I have been dealing with a sickness that makes it very hard to live my life right now, I will be writting better and longer chapters soon so stay tuned cause the bitch is back ALSO, this and every chapter moving foward shall be dedicated to sleeping_dragon26