
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Bücher und Literatur
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297 Chs

Chapter 46 : The Force Is Strong With This One (Bonus Chapter)

Here is your bonus chapter for reaching 500 stones this week. Too bad for you if it didnt happen today and only one day later or pior then you guys would have gotten another bonus chapter as today to also my birthday and I was planning on releasing a bonus chapter.

Yeah, I am stingy like that but anyways, enjoy the Bonus chapter.


Orion found himself in a secluded glade, deep in the heart of the Enchanted Forest, thanks to Red he was able to come here, the reason he was here was that Merlin wanted to teach him new magic, In his words, it's called Magic Bending but Orion after learning what the magic does, he is calling it the Force.

As Orion wandered through the ancient trees, a hooded figure emerged from the shadows. With a long, white beard and a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, it was none other than Merlin, Orion was wondering why he was playing cosplay here but didn't say it, maybe the old man finally is losing it.

He also remembered that recently he was watching all those old Star Wars Movies in his memories and got quite influenced by them.

"Orion," Merlin intoned in a voice that resonated with ancient power, "you seek knowledge beyond the confines of traditional magic. You seek the Force, a power that binds the universe together."

Orion, his eyes wide, trying hard to hold back his laughter, but he played along nonetheless.

"Close your eyes, young Pada...I mean wizard," Merlin instructed. "Feel the energy that surrounds you, and connects all living things. It is the Force, a power beyond the spells and incantations you've known."

Orion closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt the gentle rustle of leaves, the cool breeze against his skin, and the subtle vibrations of the earth beneath him. Slowly, he began to sense the magic, thanks to many developed magic circuits now, he was able to feel magic much more clearly, even if that magic was not his own but natural magic outside.

Of course, he totally replaced all the time Merlin said force with Magic to not get confused.

"The Force is not something to be controlled but to be embraced," Merlin explained. "It flows through all living things, connecting them in a delicate balance. To tap into the Force, one must be attuned to their surroundings, to the ebb and flow of life itself."

What Merlin said just now is actually true, magic exists everywhere, even in the muggles, little magic exists in their souls. Magic is just a second name to chaos, a natural disorder in the rules of the world.

Everything which can't be explained originates from here, even Life. If there is life then the existence of magic is inevitable.

As Orion delved deeper into his connection with the Force cough* Magic *Cough*, he felt a profound sense of unity with the world around him. The glade seemed to come alive with a vibrant energy, and he could sense the interconnectedness of every living being.

"Remember, Orion, the Force is not just a power; it is a guiding principle. Trust in it, and it will guide you on a path of wisdom and harmony," Merlin imparted, his eyes gleaming with ancient knowledge.


-An Hour Later-

"You are not imagining it well, it's not just about your magical power, you also have to take account of the magical power around you," Merlin said.

Orion was trying, but no matter how much he tried, nothing was happening, even after an hour, there was no chance in the environment.

He glances back at Merlin already started another Star Wars movie by this point and most likely will not leave that any time soon. Orion just sighed and kept on working out.

"I demand the universe sent me a Yoda for this,"


-Three Days Later-

After three days of intense meditation and practice in the Enchanted Forest, Orion could feel the Force (Magic) flowing through him. The once elusive energy had become a part of his being, connecting him to the very fabric of the magical universe. Determined to test his newfound abilities, Orion focused on a small rock at his feet.

This magic looks similar to the Wingardium Leviosa spell but there are major differences. First, it's not just Orion's magic which is in play here, Orion also had to use and bend the magic around him to make it work, thus Merlin first named the magic, 'Magic Bending,'.

Second, this magic works a lot in the concept of pull and push. It plays with the natural space around the user without breaking it, like an Apparition. The closest example that Orion can give is the Force or Gojo Satoru's power in Jujutsu Kaisen.

With a deep breath, he extended his hands toward the rock, channelling the Force within. The air around him seemed to hum with unseen energy as he concentrated on the connection between himself and the rock. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to harness the Force's power without the aid of a wand.

His developed magical circuits helped, hell in fact the only reason why Merlin even wanted to teach him this magic was because of those developed circuits but right now Orion doesn't have full control over his magic and he can use the full extent of those highly sophisticated magic circuits.

The small rock trembled slightly, responding to Orion's efforts. He could feel the resistance, the struggle inherent in manipulating the Force with his bare hands. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he maintained his focus, determined to overcome the challenge.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, the rock lifted a few inches from the ground. Orion's face contorted with effort, his hands trembling as he fought to sustain the connection. The small victory filled him with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he had tapped into a force that went beyond the conventional boundaries of magic.

Yet, it was not without difficulty, In fact, it almost felt like he was living his days in Hogwarts where he didn't have much magic and had to use every ounce of his willpower to life a damn feather, he had to visit Madam Pomfrey after that.

Orion could feel the strain on his magical core, struggling to maintain focus without a wand, the limitations of his untrained proficiency in wielding the Force apparent. In fact, according to Merlin, he shouldn't even be able to shake the rock for another month or two let alone make it float 2 inches above the ground, he only did it because of his insane willpower and focus which he developed back when magic was not so abounded in him.

The rock wobbled in the air, threatening to fall back to the ground. Merlin on the side noticed this and there was a smirk almost threatening to appear on his age-old face, 2 or 3 months is what took him, and he was the best among all out there.

"And this child did it in under 3 days. Hahaha, The force is strong with this one," Merlin muttered to himself and got back to his movie which he got from Orion's memories.

With a final surge of concentration, Orion steadied the rock and gently lowered it to the forest floor. He collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily, both exhausted and exhilarated by the experience. The struggle had been real, but so was the triumph.

Orion smiled, realizing that this was just the beginning of his journey into the depths of the Force. With time and practice, he would hone his abilities, unlocking the true potential of this power. The Enchanted Forest echoed with the whispers of unseen forces, and Orion, with determination in his heart, was ready to explore the boundless possibilities that awaited him.


Yo, who wants to see Orion pluck up that Whomping Willow tree with just force? I can't wait to do something so awesome. Maybe third year.

Do you want to see force more in the magical world? Please tell me in the comments.



Hit me with those beautiful stones you stingy people.

If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on
