
Chapter 317 : Legal Documents

Orion has to say that he was good at storytelling, at least he felt that those kids liked this story. After the supper was done, he was ready to finally get some rest now, but he thought otherwise, thinking about it, he asked Credence to come with him.

"Come on, let's walk a little and digest." Orion said as he practically dragged Credence with him to walk with him. This was the right time to talk with the boy and maybe even explain his own identity to himself.

He should learn he is a Wizard and a Dumbledore at that, the sooner the better.

Both got out of the building and decided to walk on the night street of New York, honestly, this wasn't the best idea seeing that the place wasn't the safest place to walk at night.

Not Safe for those who had the bad luck to irritate him that is…

"So, Credence…I heard that you and both of your sisters were adopted by Ms Marry." Orion walked alongside with Credence while making some talk, hearing him the man only nodded.

"Ah… are you real brother and sisters ?" Orion asked while looking around the still not-so-empty streets.

"Hmm no… but mother took all of us as her adopted children, so we are siblings" Credence explained. However, by his tone, it didn't feel like he liked talking too much about this family.

"I see… that good. So what about you. What are you planning to do after you are done with the Orphanage ?" Asked Orion still continuing the ideal talk.

Making Credence relax again, though the relaxation soon turned to confusion, the kid had no idea what he was planning on doing afterwards. He didn't even ever think of his life besides the Orphanage.

"Don't worry, it's totally fine to be clueless at this age. You will find your path soon enough." Orion said, for the time being just ending the conversation there.

As both of them walked around for some time, it was Credence to speak first after a little silence.

"I want to learn who where my true Parents were. I want to know where is my real family." Credence replied while Orion just nodded.

"Hmm, well that sure was an unexpected answer. I thought that you wouldn't want to do anything with your real parents or family." Orion said with a little surprise on his face.

Credence at this just looked over to Orion, not sure what exactly he was thinking.

"Why do you think that…" Credence asked with an unknown expression on his face.

"Hmm… well, because I was like that. I never wanted to learn about my own family when I was in Orphanage. Though life has a way of raising the dead matters from the grave when you least wanted it to be. Even if I didn't want to, I just had to face who I am in the end." Orion replied with a sigh.

Credence heard this and didn't reply anything, he was a little slow on the uptake, not the best when it comes to understanding human emotions.

"What did you do then ?" Credence asked.

"Hmm… well there is only one thing is there to do. Embrace it, accept what you are and then decide what you want to be. I learned that I was not like others when I was in the Orphanage much like you. The longer I denied that the longer I was in misery. Only by accepting it that I was able to move forward and pave a path for myself." Orion replies while indirectly leaking that both of them are different, not normal.

Hearing this Credence of course didn't understand the underlying message but these lines did struck an accord with him.

"Come on, let's head back. Its getting late…" Orion wasn't planning top say more than this today. To fast and he might break the boy. Rather he was planning on slowly influencing him and then reveal his identity to him.




The next morning, Orion decided it was time to visit the American Ministry of Magic. He couldn't hide forever, especially if he planned to stay in the States for a while. If he wanted to avoid any trouble, he needed a proper permit, some form of legal documentation that would allow him to stay as a wizard in the country without raising suspicion.

When it comes to how he plan on obtaining one, well lets say he was ridiculously good at messing with others' minds by now.

After preparing himself, he made his way to the Ministry building, blending in with the busy New York streets. He had chosen a simple but professional look, hoping not to draw too much attention, though looking like Keeanu, even that was looking good on him.

Upon arriving, he stood in front of the large, grand building hidden among the regular muggle offices. It looked like any other structure from the outside, but to those who knew, the subtle magical symbols carved into the entrance told a different story.

Orion entered the Ministry, walking up to the reception desk where a witch sat, scribbling on a piece of parchment. She glanced up at him over her glasses. "Can I help you?"

"Yes," Orion said calmly. "I'm here to register my presence. I'm a wizard from Europe, and I plan to stay in the States for some time. I need to acquire the proper permissions."

The witch raised an eyebrow, what Orion was saying but pretty much announcing that he enter the country in illegal ways, but before the woman can react, his eyes glow and her eyes also look glassy for a second.

"Take this to the Department of Magical Permits on the fourth floor," she instructed. "They'll handle the rest of the paperwork and grant you your temporary stay pass."

Orion thanked her and made his way to the elevators, silently relieved that the process was going smoothly.

"Hail Hydra…hahahaha


I just felt like adding that last line, just on a whimp. If there are some marvel fans here then they can understand what I am talking about.

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500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday

1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter

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