
Chapter 13: Service!

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However, her incompetence showed itself, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Careful with the teeth, honey, unless you want it to last for half a day," I said, putting my hand on her hair, caressing lightly.

She shuddered in revulsion at my touch, but I felt her chin forcing open a bit more, distancing her teeth from my skin.

"Use some tongue too, sweetie," I added. She didn't follow.

I stayed fairly passive for ten minutes, the point where the lust potion started to affect her. I wasn't very hopeful about its impact, while it was a strong potion, coating my cock wasn't the best way of injecting a full dose inside her.

I was carefully observing the dilation of her pupils, the indicator of the success. I managed to catch the first sign couple of minutes after the ten-minute line, with her quickening breath.

The dilation came several seconds later, and I licked my lips in anticipation.

I pressed my hands on both sides of her head, and pushed my cock deeper, not too deep, but enough to jar her.

She looked up, the only way she could with my cock still lodged deep in her mouth. "Well," I said, shrugging.

"I wasn't expecting you to be that clumsy when sucking cock, so I decided to help you. Try not to faint." I saw her eyes grew in panic as soon as I mentioned feinting, but I didn't give her any time to gather herself.

I pushed my cock into her throat without a warning, her shocked gags melody to my ears.

I kept it there for a couple of seconds, then pulled back, giving her just enough time to take a shallow breath, then pushed once again.

After the first few repeats, I quickened by beats, my cock repeatedly appearing and disappearing into her throat.

She was helpless, with her responses limited to gagging and wheezing. But as it contained, I noticed something else, her allure was flaring up.

It wasn't enough to turn my consciousness into mush, but I realized allure was an excellent aphrodisiac, especially when the source of it had her lips wrapped around my cock, trying to breathe enough not to faint while I fucked her throat.

Even occlumency was inefficient holding back a release when one face-fucked a veela, I realized as I tried to push it back in vain.

Instead, I decided to embrace the moment. I suddenly pulled back, leaving her dazed and wheezing.

Then, without waiting for even the slightest response, I grabbed the bustier of her wedding dress and pulled down.

A rippling sound later, her naked tits were dangling freely in the chilly prison air. Already at my limit, I started spraying her face and her tits with my seed.

Dazed, she watched with slightly glassed eyes as I covered her face and tits with my spunk, so much that I suspected there was a bit of accidental magic involved.

I received another surprise while trying to understand why she barely reacted my trick with her dress.

She was having an orgasm of her own! Even with the lust potion, that was impressive.

Either the potion interacted with her veela heritage in an unexpected way, or she was more vulnerable to domination than I thought.

"Good work, Mrs. Weasley," I said even as I pulled her wedding dress up, and mended the tear with a repair charm, her tits still covered with my seed under the fabric, staining her wedding dress.

Yet another symbolic victory of sorts. I pulled a paper, scribbled an address on it with a conjured pen, and was about to push it into her dazed hand, when the inspiration struck.

I pulled her dress down once more, writing the address on her stained breasts, then pulling back after one last farewell squeeze.

"Here, Mrs. Weasley. This is the address you will visit tonight, 10 PM, sharp. Don't be late." She nodded, then shook her head dazedly, trying to gather her mind from the haze of pleasure.

I turned, started to walk away. But just at the door, I turned, vanquished by the temptation.

"And don't forget to practice on a banana," I added. "You need to provide a better service if you want to ensure your husband's safety."

With that, I turned, and left the cell, my mind is already on the next steps.


After leaving Fleur's cell, I spent fifteen more minutes in the ministry, setting up the necessary steps based on my agreement with Fleur, her husband's transfer, her release, and other details.

It took a couple of minor favors, a few threats, and an imperius here and there to grease the wheels.

Having magic was awesome, it even helped to avoid the torture called bureaucracy, if one was ruthless enough of course. Then, I left the ministry of magic.

First, I dropped by Fleur's sister cell, making sure to disguise myself in Death Eater garb, and passed over her cell, casting a sound spell that called me Yaxley.

I decided he made a good scapegoat for the whole affair, because I knew that monster actually liked children that way.

Creepy monster. I might be evil, but even I had standards.

After making sure Gabrielle saw me, I stunned her once more. No need to actually traumatize her with the memory of the kidnappings.

I was tempted to pay a visit to Narcissa, but I already had plans for the evening.

And if Fleur loved her sister as much as I thought she was, she would drop by the address I gave as soon as she realized her sister was missing.

So, I stayed there. It was a relatively small house that had been used by a part of the Branch family, when the Malfoy family had a much bigger headcount. It was deserted, but thankfully, the elves took care of it.

As I expected, I didn't have to wait for long. Half an hour later, I heard a loud bang on the door, eerily similar to a bludgeoning hex colliding with the wards.

I apparated to the door. I didn't even bother to check whether the wards held, instead opened the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley," I said, deliberately mocking. "I see you are a bit early."


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