
HP: I am Aurelius Dumbledore

In the 1920s, a magical adventure marked the beginning of a remarkable era. The conflict between No-Majs and wizards is about to erupt. The dove took over the magpie's nest, becoming the sole survivor to reach adulthood in silence. A skilled summoner of the Obscurus, a brilliant wizard who disregards the dangers faced by the Obscurials. "I am the chosen one, the one and only!" "I am the embodiment of destiny!" "Because... " "I am divine!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 美漫霍格沃茨:默然者的战争学院 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 to 5 Chapters Just a Translator and a Reader

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122 Chs

95. Grimmson And Grindelwald

Speaking of Grindelwald, by the way, what is he doing?

Alone, Grindelwald arrives for the appointment.

Grindelwald walks from a deep and quiet drainage outlet, his footsteps crisp.

This is a nice hidden place, especially when there are no floods. No one will come to check it out for hundreds of years.

A tall man has been waiting for a long time.

If Newt were here, he would recognize that this tall man was the Grimmson he saw at the hearing.

Grimmson has a sinister look on his face. When he sees Grindelwald, he opens his mouth and says, "Is your information accurate?"

"What?" Grindelwald is a little surprised. He thought he was here to hear good news, but why does it seem like he's here to investigate?

"That boy - he is not what you call a rookie. When the vulture saw them leaving, he went to the hotel to check for fear of losing him, but he never came back." Grimmson says with an ugly expression.

Perhaps it's Newt's disgust for hunters of magical animals that fooled him!

The uninvited guest who broke into Aurelius's room in the hotel was Grimmson's subordinate. And it seems that he was a subordinate that Grimmson valued very much, "even going so far as to challenge Grindelwald for him."

Grindelwald ponders: "It seems that I still underestimated his talent. It's really amazing. He has such terrifying power in less than a year after being exposed to magic. My judgment is correct. He will be a valuable ally, an important piece of the puzzle for us to build a great cause."

"You don't know either?" Grimson looks at Grindelwald with some suspicion.

Grindelwald presses his shoulders with both hands and says earnestly: "We are gathered together for the greater good. We have the same goals and like-minded people. Why should I hide it from you? What good does this do to me? What does this do to us? What good are my great ideals? Or do you think I'm one of those cowards from the Ministry of Magic?"

"Listen, I know my credibility -" Grimson is very aware of his reputation, which is almost ruined by the streets. Although this bottomless style of conduct has brought him a lot of benefits, it doesn't mean he doesn't mind his bad reputation.

Bad people may not necessarily know that they are doing bad things. They may know better than anyone. But for the sake of profit or something else, they prefer to go against their hearts, creating a treacherous divide between good and evil -- between heroes and criminals.

"Grimmson!" Grindelwald interrupted, his gaze serious. "We are joining forces for a greater purpose. We will carve a path to glory, ensuring that your name shines in the future. Together, we will enable wizards to rule the world! This is a noble and resolute battle. This is our righteous cause. You and I have never bowed down to anyone. We are brothers. I trust you implicitly, for our shared pursuit and ideal unite us!"

Their conversation evoked memories of their first meeting, a brainwashing session that left an indelible mark on Grimmson's mind.

In the past, Grimmson was an intrepid hunter of magical creatures, unafraid of any challenge. However, everything changed when he encountered Grindelwald.

"Just for the greater good" -- those few words persuaded countless wizards to risk everything. Grimmson was no exception, drawn to Grindelwald's radiant charisma.

Grimmson possessed incredible power, capable of overpowering thousands as a member of the Alliance Party. Yet he was not treated as a mere subordinate.

He fell victim to Grindelwald's manipulation, a method far more terrifying than the Imperius Curse itself!

In pursuit of one of Grindelwald's ideals, Grimmson willingly concealed his true nature from his fellow party members.

He became Grindelwald's clandestine operative, leading his hunting team to make significant contributions to their cause.

"Speak," Grindelwald commanded.

"Vulture, my most skilled capturer," Grimson replied.

"The sacrifice of our comrade pains us all, but it is for the greater good. He is a hero, and we will ensure his heroism is honored!" Grindelwald not only uttered these words but also comprehended the need for both compassion and authority, promptly promising compensation.

"What is our next move?" Grimmson looked up. "Should we continue monitoring him?"

"No, this matter is beyond your team's jurisdiction. I do not want any unnecessary sacrifices," Grindelwald refused. After a moment of contemplation, he continued, "I will have Mr. Soprano take action."

"You and your team... I hope you can seize control of Père Lachaise Cemetery promptly. We require a grand gathering to announce my triumphant return to the world."

Grimmson hesitated but ultimately did not refuse.

As the second most powerful wizard within the Alliance Party, beneath only Grindelwald himself, he was deeply influenced by their cause.

Watching Grimmson disappear with a whirl of Apparition, Grindelwald remained motionless, lost in thought.

He could deceive others with his persuasive words, but it would be disastrous if he started believing in his rhetoric. He was aware of the immense consequences of his actions: completely overturning centuries-old rules that governed wizarding society and tearing apart the façade of the magical world.

Such a monumental undertaking required utmost caution and could not be accomplished through mere slogans. The biggest trouble in this situation was Dumbledore. Once the main character's best friend and comrade, he had now become the main obstacle. Due to a blood alliance, they constantly fought but were unable to take any practical action against each other. This had been the case for over ten years. Dumbledore had almost become the Grindelwald inner demon. If Dumbledore hadn't intervened, the Grindelwald would have achieved their dream long ago. Fortunately, Credence was sent to them by God...

Grindelwald chuckled strangely as he contemplated the situation, feeling quite satisfied. Being able to achieve such remarkable feats in less than a year of exposure to magic was terrifying. In three to five years, or at most ten to eight years, the Grindelwald firmly believed Aurelius would be able to catch up with him or even surpass Dumbledore. It was the most perfect gift that God had bestowed upon him. Unfortunately, obtaining this gift wouldn't be easy - they would have to persuade Aurelius, whose surname happened to be Dumbledore, to dedicate himself to the cause.

"Dumbledore... God truly favors this family!" Grindelwald shook his head, sighed with emotion, and disappeared with apparition. Something had gone wrong, and he had to make a change in plans. Many things needed to be arranged, especially since Aurelius couldn't escape right under his nose.

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