
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

DaoistvKcdRe · Urban
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26 Chs

The wizard duel

"Oi mate wake up you sloth, the class is over...hey...wake up!" Blaise tried his best to wake him up. Orion slowly awakened from his wonderful dream where he dominated the wizarding world. He drowsily stood up and walked with Pike and Blaise to their next lesson which was defense against the dark arts.

"Thanks for waking me up" Orion said.

"No worries, that's what friends are for right?" Pike said "now hurry up we only have 3 minutes left till defense starts".

The three ran to the classroom of defense against the dark arts and barley made it in time. After a role call to see if everyone was here the class started. The garlic stench from Quirell was really horrible. Orion was really glad that he took one of the seats far away from the professor. The lecture was also really bad as expected. You could barley understand what the stuttering Quirell was saying and even if that wasn't the case, he just read the exact contents from the textbook in his lecture. To be honest Orion was a bit dissapointed, he hoped that with Voldemort at the back of his head Quirell would be able to at least decently teach the subject...but no. He also planned what he should do with the man. It was a perfect opportunity to bribe the professor to let him learn the unforgivables. But for that he would need to wait until Voldemort was really desperate. He then could trade a few phoenix tears for a few private lessons in the dark arts...hehehe...

But he still needed to be very careful. Even with Voldemort extremely weakened would Orion most likely lose in a direct battle. At least if he didn't reveal his sword aura or miasma power. But he would not reveal something like that so easily and most importantly not so early.

He didn't want to draw to much attention to himself especially since he had a whole library of lost and forgotten magic.

Dumbledore, Voldemort and the ministry would only be too eager to steal this invaluable knowlege.

So for now the only thing he could do to learn the unforgivables is to wait until the moment comes he could put his plans into action.

With that his mind wandered to his upcomming duell with the Rosier scion. How should he teach him a lesson?

A simple Expelliarmus would be to harmless, a cutting curse or an exploding charm would be to much...

Mabye a bone breaking curse or an illusion spell...yes, something like that should work.

Later when he returned to the great hall with his friends there walready was a big duelling plattform set up by the teachers. Word had already spread and Students were assaulting Rosier with questions.

"You sure you got this?" Blaise asked a bit worried.

"Of course you think I'd loose to someone like him?" Orion said.

"He is inofficially recognised as the strongest first year student in Slytherin. He defeated Malfoy last year in a wizard duel".

"Oh really" Orion said...this might be more fun than he expected.

He would set a good example and use James Rosier as a stepping stone to dominate Slytherin.

With a bang the doors opened and the teachers entered. Dumbledore and all for deans came and walked on to the plattform.

"Everyone please be silent" Dumbledore said and the great hall quieted down.

"You will now have the opportunity to see a wizard duel as two students could not resolve their conflict peacefully..." he said and looked at Orion and Rosier accusingly.

Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment and read all the neccesairy formal things to say before a duell.

"James Felix Rosier and Orion LeFay Pendragon, please come up to the plattform".

"Good luck" Pike said as Orion went to the plattform.

On the opposite side James Rosier walked up the steps with a smile on his face as if he had already won this fight. Orion just looked at him void of any expression. He had battled with his sword instuctor and with warmages in direct service under his mother his whole childhood. Even now with only half his magic, he could very well take on a not very experienced auror not to mention this arrogant 11-year old brat...

Dumbledore looked at them both "do you both wish to participate in this duel?"

""Yes"" they both answered.

"Good, now state your bettings" Dumbledore said a bit frustrated.

"I bet 10,000 galleons" Orion said confidently

"What?" Rosier said very suprised.

"I betted 10,000 galleons" Orion repeated and smirked "what?...cold feet Rosier?"

"You wish...I bet the property rights of a shop in diagon alley" Rosier said.

"Mister LeFay, I need to remind you that your account is currently frozen. If you can't pay the required amount you wil face servere consequences" Dumbledore informed him.

Orion reached under his robe to hide the fact that he took out something out of his subspace ring. He took out the big vial of phoenix tears he prepared for his upcomming ritual.

He gave the small bottle to Dumbledore.

"I think that should suffice" Orion said.

"Phoenix tears...a very rare ingridient for precious potions" Dumbledore muttered and stared at him trying to find out where he got them.

Orion felt a faint Leglimency probe against his Occlumency shields.

'This bastard, just because I have a few phoenix tears?' he thought.

Dumbledore felt the rising killing intent from Orion and quickly retreated.

"Forgive this old man for his worries" Dumbledore said and acted as if nothing happened.

A floating quill wrote down the betting contract on a magically enchanted paper.

"Shake your hands to finalise the contract" Dumbledore said.

Orion and Rosier quickly shook hands and the floating contract paper above their hands caught fire and then vanished.

"The contract is now in effect, I will now explain the rules for your duel" Dumbledore said and again looked at the parchment in his hands.

He then read out a long list of rules but the most important ones where, no killing or any form of maimimg. The duel will immediately stop if one side surrenders else the duel will continue until one side passes out or is disarmed in any way.

"Professor Flitwick as a former duelling champion will serve as a professional referee" Dumbledore said "I wish the co testants the best of luck".

With that he concluded the formalities and left the plattform. The small professor Flitwick now approached them and said loudly for everyone to hear.

"Gentlemen, take up your positions" he said.

Orion walked to one end of the plattform, took of his long robe, that would just restrict his movements and took out his fake wand.

He might have imagined it but he saw professor Flitwick give him a look of approval.

He nooded to professor Flitwick to signal that he was ready and Rosier did the same.

"Ready?....Go" he shouted and retreated quickly to not hinder their spellcasting or aim.

The duel began and Orion did...nothing.

Rosier ethusiastically threw spells at him as soon as the duel started.

"Obscurus, Silencio, Pertificus totalus, Expelliarmus..." he said and hurled his spells at Orion.

Orion was a equally impressed and dissapointed. Impressed at Rosiers ability to cast these advanced spells in a very fast speed and dissapointed by his ungodly aim.

He doged all spells that would hit him and just stood there if they would miss anyways.

Rosier quickly adjusted his aim and used more violent spells in his frustration.

"Bombarda..." he cried and hurled the red glowing spell at Orion.

Orion now decided to get serious and swatted the spell away to the walls where it made a small but loud explosion.

Orions eyes changed and became cold, his Occlumency helping him to channel the negative emotions for the bone breaking curse.

This spell was borderline dark magic but to his luck still allowed in duels.

Despite it beeing allowed, there are a lot of demands to forbid the spell for duelling.

"Ossa fractionis" Orion chanted and loaded the spell with a tenth of his total magic power.

A crackling black spell emmerged from his fake wand and shot at Rosier.

His eyes widened and he tried to doge but Orion's spell was to fast and hit him inside his chest.

The spell threw him back about tree metres, a sickening crack was heared and Rosier cried in pain.

"Expelliarmus " Orion chanted right after and Rosiers wand flew inside his hand.

"Winner, Orion LeFay" Flitwick declared with a conflicted voice.

Madam Pomfrey rushed and fed several potions to the on the ground squirming James Rosier.

Flitwick looked at Orion and asked "was that really necessairy? He is so young...".

"I'm in Slytherin professor, I needed to make a point" Orion said coldly and left the plattform.

The crowd nervously wispered to each other, occasionally glancing at Orion.

The crowd fearfully parted to make way for Orion when he stepped down and left the great hall through the big oak doors.