
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

DaoistvKcdRe · Urban
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26 Chs


They stepped out of the train and entered the busy hogsmeade station. Towering over all the students was the half-giant Hagrid. He was about 2.5 meter tall and was almost two times the height of the little wizards on the train station.

"All first year students come here" Hagrid shouted and waved his hand. Soon the first years gathered in front of Hagrid and were chatting among themselves. Orion also catched a glimpse of the savior Harry Potter. He really didn't fit into the picture you would have of a protagonist. He was almost as shy as Neville and was very malnourished. But since Orion knew he spelled trouble he really didn't want to involve himself with him.

"Hi Hagrid" Harry said in a good mood to the big giant.

"Oh hello Harry, didn't see you there" Hagrid smiled and said to everyone " Okay everyone follow me".

Hagrid led them down to the docks on a dark slippery path full of the roots of the trees on the side. Iyt was honestly a bit scary.

Because of the rugged path and the bad vision all the first years stumbled down all the way to the docks.

"Alright everyone to the boats. At most four persons per boat" Hagrid instructed and entered a boat alone. The boat sank dangerously low and everyone thought he would sink the boat. Neville, Hermoine and Orion took a boat together and set of since no one joined them. The boat slided across the surface of the black lake by itself.

Everyone could now finally see Hogwarts around the corner.

"Amazing..." Hermoine said with an excited expression and Neville also looked at Hogwarts with sparkles in his eyes.

"You know I'm very glad I am a wizard so I can go to Hogwarts. Even my family thought I was a squib until my magic riot a few moths ago" Neville said while still not taking his eyes of the castle.

"What is a squib" Hermoine asked and looked at Orion and Neville a bit confused.

"A squib is a person born in a wizard family but unable to use magic" Orion said "but such cases are very rare".

Soon they arrived and entered the maze of Hogwarts. The corridors and stairs of Hogwarts will make everyone lose any orientation at first. They arrived in front of the great Hall and waited in front of a strict looking professor McGonagall.

"In a few minutes you will all sorted into your houses. There are Griffindor, Hufflepuf, Ravenclaw and Sltherin. Your house will be like your family and you will spend the rest of the years in school with your classmates. For good behavior and exellent performance in class you will be rewarded with house points. If you break the school rules or have a bad behavior in class you will be deducted points. The house with the most house points will be rewarded with the House cup at the end of the shool year and it is an honour to recive it" professor McGonagall introduced "everyone wait here until I call you".

McGonagall then walked back and left the first years waiting.

"Do you know how we will be sorted? I heard from my brothers, that you will need to fight a troll" Ron in front of Orion said. Harry who heard it immediately paled with fright and stared at the doors of the great hall with a bit of fear.

"As if, my father would never send me to this school if we would need to fight a troll" Malfoy said and aproached Harry. "Hello I am Malfoy...Draco Malfoy" he introduced himself.

"Pfff" Ron laughed when he heard Malfoys introduction. To be honest even Orion found it a bit funny how Malfoy tried to be as arrogant as possible. Mabye only Lockhard next year will be able to compete with him in that aspect.

"Seems like you find my name funny....Harry you will notice, that some wizard families are better than others...I could help you with that" Malfoy said and offered his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you, but I decide for myself who is the wrong kind" Harry flatly refused and didn't take the hand.

Malfoy immediately frowned and looked at Harry with hate.

At that moment McGonagall came back and Malfoy had no choice but to go back. Otherwise there would definetely be a conflict.

Everyone followed McGonagall into the great hall and marveled at the sky at the cieling of the hall.

"The sky is not real, just enchanted to look like outside. You can read that in the book history of Hogwarts" miss know-it-all said.

McGonagall showed them a stool with an old hat.

"This is the sorting hat, it will sort you into your houses. When I call you just sit down on this stool" McGonagall said and looked at the list.

"Abbot Hannah" McGonagall asked and a timid girl came to the stool.



"Granger Hermoine" McGonagall read and looked at the crowd. Orion gave her an encouraging look and pushed her to the front.

"Griffindor" the sorting hat anounced after a while.


"Pendragon LeFay Orion" McGonagal read after a few sorted students. Even Dumbledore on the teacher table lookedinterested at the first years to see him.

Orion squeezed out of the crowd and sat on the stool. The big hat was placed on his hat and covered most of his vision.

"Oh very interesting...you have practiced Occlumency...and came from the past" the sorting hat murmured. "A terrifying black magic talent eh? And your heritage...SLYTHERIN" the sorting hat decided as Orion expected. Dumbledore glanced at him with a small frown.

A system window popped out in front of him.

[King of Snakes (chain quest)]

- make a loyal friend in your house 0/1

- beat up Draco Malfoy 0/1

Reward: none

Upon failiure: spend 2 weeks in the infirmary and become a social outcast inside your house.

(More Quests follow upon completion...)

[Rise of the dark lord (chain quest)]

- find the Hogwarts kitchen

- poach at least 20 house elves 0/20

Reward: mind curing potion recipe

The Slytherin table welcomed him with small applause. Harry and Ron were of course sorted into Griffindor. Then the sorting hat started his horrible song with the worst school song ever. The text was fine, it's just that everyone sang in another melody what makes it very awful. After Orion survived that Dumbledore stood up and made a speech.

"Before we eat I want to say a few words, that are Nitwit, Blubber, Odment, Tweak! ...Thank you" he said and sat down again. Orion really started to doubt if this old man is really sane.

Immediately the tables were filled with the most delicious food you can imagine. There was pork, steaks, sausages, chicken legs, several potato dishes, soup, a lot of pumpkin juice and much more!!!

It was a paradise for a glutton like Orion who immediately filled his plate with a mountain of steaks. You must know that because of the aura, magic and the miasma inside him, his body needs a lot of energy to maintain it. But of course he didn't eat like Ron at the other side of the hall and always ate with the necessairy ettiquette. "You are not from a pureblood family right" the boy to his left said. "No I'm an Orphan and a half blood" Orion answered since his father was only an aura knight and tecnically not a wizard.

The Boy immediately looked at him in a more arrogant manner.

"Let me give you a piece of advice, in Slytherin the ancient purebloods are like Kings. You half bloods are nothing more than our servants, it's better if you understand that early" the boy said and looked at him with malice.

Orion just rolled his eyes, this bastard wouldn't even survive one punch from him. "Sorry who are you?" he asked the arrogant boy.

At this question the boy grinned even more arrogant. " I am James Rosier and from now on you will be my servant" he said and the Slytherins around Orion surrounded him.

Now Orion couldn't hold it anymore. This bastard really needed a beating. Orions opressive magic aura burst out and he punced him in the face immediately breaking his nose. Seeing that the Slytherins around him immediately took action and took out their wands. Before they could cast a spell a shout came from the teachers table. "What are you doing?!" Snape said foaming with anger and stared at the Slytherins and Orion.

The Slytherins around Orion immediately froze and hurriedly put their wands away.

Like a bat Snape came to the Slytherins and Orion with fast steps with the other teachers following him and looking at Orion with judging eyes.

"Mr. Rosier and LeFay immediately come to my office with me" Snape said barely containing his anger. The small professor Flitwick came to Rosier and fixed his nose with a swift healing charm but his robe was smeared with blood that came out from his nose. Orion and James folllwed Snape out of the great hall with James staring at Orion with anger while Orion just ignored him annoyed. He really had no time for these childish power plays.

AN: I need to write my final exams this week this is also why there are no chapters updated. I will write more next week.