
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Bücher und Literatur
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

What?!" The girls blurted out, things that they did not expect to happen included one of you-know-who's best death eaters to suddenly appear in front of them.

"You heard me," Harry said as his hand causally reached behind Bellatrix and cupped her backside. "This is your new teacher."

"But isn't she..." Tracy trailed off, not quite sure how to say what she wanted to say.

"A member of Voldemort's death eaters?" Bellatrix finished for her. "I used to be. Now I serve my new master." Bellatrix smiled, thought that may have been because of where Harry's hand was.

"New master?" Daphne repeated.

"Him." Bellatrix said as she gestured to Harry with her head while her hands began rubbing his shoulders.

"I said I'd get you three a teacher," Harry reminded them "you three are my girls, I wasn't going to get you anything less than the best."

"You think I'm the best?" Bellatrix asked Harry with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Please," Harry said with an amused eyeroll. "you know how good you are, there is no need to fish for compliments." Harry looked at the girls. "Bellatrix will be your personal tutor, at least when I don't have her doing other things for me."

"Other things like what?" Tracy asked.

"Well I'm sure I'll eventually need someone to be tortured." Harry shrugged. "Now introduce yourselves."

"Uh...I am Tracy Davis." Tracy said nervously.

"Daphne Greengrass." Daphne said, slightly better than her friend.

"Hi auntie!" Isabella said cheerfully.

"Auntie? Wait...Isabella?!" Bella blurted out happily. "Is that you?! I remember when you were just a baby! Oh, come here!" She made her way over and pulled her niece into a hug. "I've missed you! I can't believe I'm teaching you now!"

"Oh!" Isabella quickly raised her head and looked towards her aunt with a hopeful expression. "Can you teach me how to curse Draco and dad?"

"You are now my favourite relative!" Bellatrix squealed as she hugged her niece again. "Of course I will help you curse your brother and father, from what I've heard your brother is nearly as big of a prat as your father. Always thought Narcissa could do better."

"True." Isabella nodded in agreement.

"Not that this isn't heart touching or beautiful, but what will we be learning?" Daphne asked.

"First of all, you'll be learning all basic spells that Bellatrix thinks you should know." Harry said. "She'll also help you improve on anything you might learn at school."

"Will we be learning dark arts?" Isabella asked Bellatrix and Harry.

"Yes, you will." Harry nodded. "Though you're going to start slow, many uneducated witches and wizards have made the mistakes of diving headfirst into the dark arts without proper instructions and ended up as useless and unstable idiots."

"What about me?" Bellatrix asked.

"You're just unstable." Harry answered.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome." He smiled back before turning to the girs. "Once Bellatrix is done then you three will be able to rule the whole of Slytherin house and keep them in line without any help from me at all. It'll take some time but I have a lot of faith in you all. Bellatrix..." Harry said as he turned to her. "...have fun." He said before walking out.

Harry returned half an hour later to find the girls all exhausted and lying on the floor, while Bellatrix was smiling sheepishly at him.

"Oops" Was all she said.


"One of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation..." Professor Flitwick, the charms professor and head of Ravenclaw class said as he taught his first year class of Slytherin's and Gryffindor's. "or the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers?" He asked, making sure each student had a feather in front of them. "Good, now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising. Just swish and flick, everyone."

"Just swish and flick." The class repeated.

"Very good and remember to enunciate." Flitwick said. "Remember the incantation, 'wingardium leviosa'." He watches as the class all attempted the spell, nobody seemed to get it immediately but that did not surprise him, the last person to get it on the first time was Lily Evans. He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts when he saw everyone looking up, he looked in the direction of their eyes and saw somebody had levitated a feather up to the ceiling.

He looked around to see who was casting the spell and his eyes landed on none other than Harry Potter who had his wand aimed at it.

"Oh well done!" Flitwick exclaimed happily. "Just like your mother Mr Potter, well done, ten points to Slytherin."

"Thank you sir" Harry said as he lowered the feather back down. "Would you like me to help the others sir?" He asked with a polite smile.

"That would be wonderful," Flitwick gave him a bright smile, such a lovely boy, Lilly would be proud. "take ten more points for Slytherin. Now the rest of you, come on, keep going."

"Granger is glaring at you" Isabella whispered to Harry, who was really trying not to look at Granger who wasn't even attempting to be subtle with her glares.

"I am aware my dear" Harry whispered back.

"My lord" Draco whispered from behind him.

"Don't call him that outside the common room!" Isabella hissed to her brother, who gulped when Harry turned to him, his eyes showing that he clearly agreed with Isabella.

"What?" Harry asked the male Malfoy.

"It's just...shouldn't you do something about Granger?" He asked quietly.

"You're a simple little thing, aren't you?" Harry said with a sad sigh. "We are Slytherin's, we do not charge headfirst at any and every enemy we make. Is that a sufficient explanation for you or will you waste more of my time?"

"Uh...no, no." Malfoy quickly shook his head.

"Then get back to work, also when you do the spell emphasise the 'o' not the 'a' when you do the spell." Harry said to Malfoy, though the last part was heard by all the nearby Slytherin's.

At this point Hermione Granger had managed to levitate her feather up into the air, she looked at the Slytherin's with an incredibly smug expression while Ron Weasley, who sat next to her, scowled. Her expression changed a few seconds later when nearly all of the Slytherin's levitated their feathers, and those that failed managed to do it on the second try.

"Oh! Well done Slytherin's, you're all doing brilliantly!" Flitwick said while Hermione Granger and a lot of Gryffindor's scowled, until about a five seconds later when one of them had somehow managed to make a feather explode. The Slytherin's laughed and Harry did his best not to join them, though he was tempted.


"Did you hear her?" Ronald Weasley said as he complained to the other Gryffindor's about Granger while they were walking out of charms class. "'It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA'." He said.

Meanwhile Harry and his fellow Slytherin's were unfortunate enough to be walking in front of them. Harry had to exercise some self-control and not just break the ginger's boy's legs to give him an excuse to keep raising his voice. Honestly, the boy was talking to people right next to him, Harry had no idea why he was talking so loud.

"She's a nightmare, honestly." Ronald Weasley continued. "No wonder she hasn't got any friends."

Harry felt a rather familiar presence coming towards him, in fact he saw it was coming right towards him. He was tempted to do something but he was also aware that there were many other people nearby, a shame as he was rather tempted to do something.

He suddenly had someone shove his right shoulder as they walk past, the bushy hair gave away who it was and the sniffing indicated she was crying. The tears confirmed it, at least for most people, Harry wasn't so easily fooled. Everyone else relied on their five senses, Harry did as well but he focused on his sixth, magic. It told him all he needed to know, her magic wasn't indicating that she was upset. He could tell a person's mood with just a glance at their magic.

He was once again tempted to do something horrible but controlled himself. Isabella on the other hand...

"What do you think you're doing?!" She demanded as she pushed Hermione from behind.

"What are you doing?!" Hermione turned to Isabella after being pushed.

"You pushed him!" Isabella snarled.


"Isabella," Harry interrupted Hermione as he talked to Isabella, he gently pulled her back by the arm and spoke in a calming tone "It's alright, I'm sure that it was an accident." He said, it was a lie but everyone who was watching appeared to believe he was being genuine. "Are you okay Miss Granger?" Harry asked in what sounded like a concerned voice. "Are you hurt?"

"What?" Hermione blinked.

"You're crying," Harry said by way of an explanation. "are you hurt? Shall I escort you to the hospital wing?"

"No, I..."

"It's not a problem, really." Harry replied.

"I am not hurt."

"Well you are crying, perhaps I can guide you to a prefect? I know two that could help."

"I don't need your help!" Hermione said as she walked away, this was not what she expected.

"I can't believe you just let her do that!" Nott hissed.

"Yeah," Draco nodded "the little..."

"Enough." Harry said, there was something in his voice that gave both Nott and Malfoy the impression that they had messed up. "I will not be questioned by the two of you, especially not somewhere where I can't hurt you. I will not warn you again. Understood?"

"Yes." The boys quickly nodded, realising that they had better listen. In their defence they had spent the last few years doing whatever they wanted, being told what to do by someone other than their parents was still a new experience for them.


"Potter" One Slytherin sixth year walked up to him when he was in the common room. "I've heard that you've been letting a mudblood bully you, you're a Slytherin, you should have..."

"Oh shut up." An irritated Harry said as he blasted the sixth year into a chair, ropes instantly tied him to the chair. Everyone in Slytherin immediately became silent and began paying attention.

"You can't..." The Slytherin sixth year started only to be interrupted by a sudden pain in his mouth, his mouth opened as wide as possible, he felt his gum's hurt and a second later he yelped out in pain as one of his teeth ripped out of his mouth and landed on the floor in front of him. "I..." He tried to start again but another tooth came out.

"I'm going to rip out a tooth each time you speak." Harry said calmly. "Do you understand?"

"Y...yes" The sixth year managed to get out, only for another tooth to fly out.

"I said I would rip out a tooth each time you speak," Harry reminded him "that means when words come out of your mouth then so do teeth. Do you understand?" The sixth year kept his bleeding mouth silent and nodded. "Good," Harry said as he walked around and looked around at all the Slytherin's. "I am tired. Did you guys know that? I have been here for only a little time but I am tired of constantly having to remind you all that I AM IN CHARGE!"

The Slytherin's all flinched, apart from Daphne, Tracy and Isabella. The former two because they felt safe enough knowing that Harry wouldn't hurt them, Isabella for the same reasons but also because she was rather amused by the reaction of others.

"You see," Harry continued "in the wild, pack animals would follow an alpha. A famous example would be wolves. The alpha's job would be to look after the pack, keep it safe, provide for it. But he would also have to remember to always be strong, because if he falters, for even a few seconds then the other wolves would try to take his place as the top dog. It's a full time job. But you know the difference between us and wolves, wolves are all armed with the same weapons. They all have similar bodies and they have a nice set of teeth.

What do you all have? Magic? Yes but you also have a dependency on wands." Harry said, he hissed for several moments and the Slytherin's widened their eyes in fear as all the snake designs in the common room came to life and also began hissing. "I don't have that problem. Understood?" They all nodded. "You may all be wondering why I have not done anything about the Granger? I think the reason that I haven't charged in head first like an idiot was because I am a Slytherin.

For Merlin sake's, I was told I was in the house of ambition and cunning yet here you all are wanting me to attack each and every person who bothers me and none of you can think beyond asserting your dominance over school children. I have a bigger plan, can you idiots not see that I am wearing a mask because I have no desire to draw negative attention? Huh? Or is that too complicated for you all? Clearly it is seeing as you all think it's a good idea to antagonise me after I had to resist the urge to rip out Granger's throat. Perhaps I should just take my mask of politeness off and show you the real me, huh? SHOULD I TAKE OFF THE MASK?!" Harry roared, his eyes turning a bright and glowing red as magic leaked out.

The Slytherin's choked on his magic and all fell to their knees, they couldn't breath, they couldn't even begin to describe what they were feeling. They felt like they were locked in a room with ten dementors.

Eventually Harry eased up, for no reason other than not wanting to cause permanent damage.

"I will not be questioned again by people who can't think past what they want to do today." Harry continued, he walked over to the cowering sixth year and looked him dead in his teary eyes. "You tried to usurp my position, even after all I've shown that I can do. Darwin says to let you die. Do you want to die?" The boy shook his head so fast that he nearly damaged his neck. "Fine," Harry said as he looked around the whole common room. "I have better things to do than repeat what you all should know, so I will say this one time and one time only.

I am in charge for a reason, and it's not just because I'm the strongest, it's because I have the brains necessary to back this up. I want you all to remember that I won't even need to raise a hand or a wand to kill you. I can make it so nobody even suspects I was involved. The next person who irritates me will have their families learning that they have been found with a broken neck at the bottom of a flight of stairs. Am I understood?"

"Yes." The common room murmured.

"I'm sorry, can you all repeat that?" Harry asked.

"Yes." They said louder.

"Good," Harry nodded. "remember today because I will not be repeating myself. We are Slytherin's, act like it. After today Slytherin will no longer be viewed as the house of evil, it will no longer be viewed as the default house for purebloods, it will be viewed as the best of Hogwarts. Tomorrow there will be a meeting, I am fixing Slytherin up before you all ruin it's noble reputation anymore."

Harry turned and walked away before he suddenly stopped and looked back at the sixth year, he pointed at his mouth. A few seconds later all the removed teeth flew back into his mouth, the sixth year was released as the ropes disappeared, his hands went to his mouth, it felt like his teeth had never been pulled out.

"Clean this shit up," Harry said as he gestured to the blood. "and brush your teeth."


"Is something wrong?" Bellatrix asked when Harry entered the room and plopped down onto his chair, she walked over and stood behind him and began rubbing her hands over his shoulders and chest.

"Yes," Harry answered as he relaxed into her touch. "today in charms class Professor Flitwick was teaching the levitation charm."

"Doesn't sound like something you would struggle with."

"I didn't, it was laughably easy, the mudblood Granger tried to show off in class."

"I never would have expected you to use that word," Bellatrix admitted with a little surprise in her word. "after all your mother is a mud...muggleborn as well." Bellatrix quickly corrected herself, she hoped that he didn't notice her nearly referring to his mother as a mudblood, she didn't mean to do it but habits were hard to kill off. Though she knew that he likely did.

"My mother was a muggleborn but she was no mudblood, she was a true witch. A mudblood is a word that means traitor, a word for the scum of society, it's only been changed to refer to actual blood by the purebloods."

"Hmm, so you said this mudblood was showing off?" Bellatrix prompted.

"Yes, the annoying little creature saw me levitate my feather on the first try then tried to do the same in some show of superiority and dominance, she was thoroughly embarrassed when I had taught the other Slytherin's how to do it and then all of the Slytherin's managed it. After class an orange baboon called Ron Weasley insulted her, the girl then pretended to start crying and walked in my direction. She purposefully pushed me, she made it seem like she was upset and didn't notice.

Isabella wasn't too happy about that and I believe it was only my interference that prevented your darling niece form hexing her."

"I knew we've been good influences on her." Bellatrix grinned proudly.

"We have," Harry nodded in agreement. "of course I had to play 'good boy' act and pretend to be nice about it, it's so tiring."

"Aw, you poor thing." Bellatrix said as she bent over and kissed his cheek, instead of stopping she began kissing his jaw and neck as she kneeled down on the side of the chair.

"I know, then I have to go to the common room and deal with one idiot who thought he could embarrass me and make it look like I was too afraid of acting against the mudblood. I had to put them in their places. Sometimes I forget if I am in Gryffindor or Slytherin, I am dealing with a bunch of Neanderthals with no cunning or even a single brain cell between them."

"Perhaps your loyal servant can make you feel better." Bellatrix whispered into his ear before giving it a playful bite.

"Yes," Harry laughed "because you are loyal, aren't you?"

"Yes my lord!" Bellatrix said quickly as she quickly positioned herself so she was kneeling in front of him, she looked at him with pure devotion and desire. "Ever since I've felt your magic, I have been yours. The dark lord's magic was never as great as yours, his magic was weaker and his sole desire was to make other men kneel before him."

"You would be mine Bellatrix?" Harry asked as he leaned forward, cupping her face with one hand and bringing her closer. "You would kneel when I tell you? You would live to obey my every command?"

"I would get on my hands and knees if you told me to." Bellatrix said in a fanatical voice, Harry grinned and placed his lips against hers. Bellatrix moaned into the kiss when they were interrupted by a knock from outside.

"Yes?" Harry asked in an irritated voice.

"My lord," Draco Malfoy's very nervous voice called "...it's t...time for dinner."

"I'm coming." Harry replied. "I will be there in a minute."

"He is now my least favourite relative!" Bellatrix growled, incredibly pissed off that she had just been interrupted.

"Do not blame him, if I had to guess then he would just be the unfortunate bastard who was sent by the others to collect me." Harry smiled. "Now I apparently have to go for dinner."

"But we were having so much fun!" Bellatrix whined childishly. 'So she's who Isabella get's it from', Harry thought with amusement.

"And we will have more when I get back," Harry smiled as he stood up

"But..." Bellatrix stood up as well.

"Shush," Harry said as he placed a finger on her lips, the finger slowly slid down to her jaw and down her neck, "you're mine Bellatrix," he said as it slid down her collar bone and down to the outside of her chest and continued going lower. "you're mine which means I have to look after you. And I take good care of such loyal followers," His finger strayed on her hip for several seconds before his hands reached behind and grabbed her butt. "you trust me don't you?"

"Y...yes." She breathed out, as she had felt his magic flow through her body as his hands moved around.

She let out a surprised squeak when she suddenly found herself thrown into the chair, Harry grabbed her roughly by the hair with his left hand and smashed his lips into hers. Her hands grabbed his head and pulled him closer as their tongues battled for dominance and Bellatrix quickly lost while Harry's right hand went to start feeling her chest.

"Merlin!" She gasped in-between kissing. "You're not an ordinary boy!"

"What gave me away?" Harry grinned as he pulled away.

"No...no!" Bellatrix said, instantly upset by the loss of contact.

"Don't worry my dear," Harry smiled "I'll be back after dinner to finish this. Until then, this should suffice for now." Harry tapped her forehead with his finger.

"Oh my god!" She gasped as she felt her magic flare, she was in indescribable pleasure, seconds later she barely noticed that ropes wrapped around her wrists and ankles and tied her to the chair "W...what are you doing?!"

"This is just to make sure you don't wonder off while I'm gone," Harry grinned evilly "consider this your initiation into my inner circle."

"P...please!" Bellatrix pleaded, she couldn't move and right now she really wanted to move, she realised that he was going to leave and she knew that she wouldn't like staying like this for long, she wanted to move either to help bring herself to completion or grab him and make him do it.

"None of that Bella" Harry said as he leaned in and whispered into her ear "stay like this until I get back, if you behave then I will make it the best night of your life. By the end of the night I will have no doubt that your loyalty will be to me and me alone."

"But...buy why...I..."

"Bella, you compared my mother to that mudblood." Harry smiled evilly. "Plus I noticed your little slip up earlier, you were about to call to my mother a mudblood, I have to punish you for that, if it was anyone else then I would've removed their skin. This is your punishment and initiation into my circle. Now I'll be off, you should be able to last until I get back. I won't have to worry about you going insane, you are already there after all." He kissed her on the cheek before walking out though he made sure to silence the room before he did so.


"Hmm, this is lovely." Tracy moaned as she ate her food.

"Harry," Isabella turned to him, "do you like my hair?" she asked randomly.

"I do, why?" Harry asked curiously.

"I was thinking of getting it changed, you know, do something different. Do you think I should?"

"That's entirely up to you my dear." Harry replied. "What are you thinking about?"

"Well I was thinking of..." Isabella started only to be cut off.

"TROLL!" Professor Quirrell rushed into the hall screaming "IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" Everyone stared at him for several seconds. "Thought you ought to know." He added before his eyes rolled and he fell face first on to the floor.

Harry barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the man's fake acting, he was rather surprised that anyone believed it. A few seconds later the whole hall went into a panic, so apparently Quirrell was a lot better than Harry had gave him credit for.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled, the students had all become silent and stopped running around and panicking. "Everyone will please not panic. Prefects will escort their houses back to the common room, teachers will accompany me to the dungeons." Dumbledore said just before he and the teachers walked out.

"But the Slytherin common room is in the dungeon!" Daphne hissed as they all started moving.

"Like it matters, Harry will protect us." Isabella said confidently as they walked towards the common room.

"I won't need to." Harry replied. "The troll isn't in the dungeon."

"How do you know?" Tracy asked.

"It's magical signature is nowhere near the dungeon, besides Quirrell was faking."

"Faking?" Daphne blinked.

"Haven't you noticed him leave?" Harry asked and the girls all looked towards where Quirrell was supposed to have fainted and saw that he had left.

"Was he faking?" Isabella asked Harry, looking like a curious student as she asked.

"Yep," Harry nodded. "His faint was fake, also he had no reason to be in the dungeon at all seeing as his classroom and office are nowhere near the dungeons. As for the troll it..." Harry suddenly stopped walking as he felt the magical signatures near the troll.

"Harry?" The girls asked as they stopped next to him.

"Hmm, I think I now have a reason to deal with the troll." Harry said "Go, I'll meet you later."


Hermione Granger was not happy, not happy at all. She was currently in the girls bathroom, she had cast the spell needed to attract the troll on the door way just like she had been ordered to. If things had went to plan then Harry Potter would've come here to rescue her like a hero should, the rumour about where she was should have spread by now. If Harry passed the test and saved her then she and Dumbledore would know that he was still on the path of the hero.

Unfortunately someone else came, it was some Chinese bint from Ravenclaw.

"Come on!" The Ravenclaw girl said. "We need to get out of here before the troll shows up."

"Urrrh" A low growl was heard, the two turned around and realised that they were too late. The troll raised it's club and roared, the girls jumped back in fear. It was about to swing when it suddenly found the club ripped out of its hand, it looked very confused. The troll looked up to see his club floating in the air, a second later it dropped down and struck him on the head. The troll rolled it's eyes and fell to the floor.

"Is...is it dead?" The Chinese girl asked.

"Merely knocked out." Harry said as he walked towards them. "Their pretty thick, it will live if that's what you're worried about."

"How did you do it?" She asked.

"Simple, I levitated the club and used it against it." Harry answered. "Just a bit of imagination can solve most problems. Now, you're not in our year, are you?"

"Uh...no, I'm not." She said, between the unconscious troll and his alluring eyes she found it hard to focus.

"Well, I am Harry Potter." Harry said as he gently took the girls hand into his own and placed a kiss on her knuckles. He looked at the girl, she was incredibly pretty. Long black hair, a beautiful face, pretty eyes and Harry could tell that she would grow to be even more beautiful as she got older. So it was at this moment that Harry decided he was definitely having this one.

"Uh...I...I'm Cho...Cho Chang." She said, introducing herself. "Second year."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Chang, though I wish we could've met under better circumstances. And Miss Granger, are you okay?" Hermione didn't get the chance to answer as Professor McGonagall arrived, accompanied by Quirrell and Snape. They immediately stopped when they saw the troll.

"Explain yourselves!" McGonagall ordered, looking very shocked as she did not expect to find a troll unconscious here.

"I had heard that Miss Granger was crying in the bathroom" Harry answered "and I wanted to go inform her that a troll was lose. I figured that if the troll was in the dungeon I could quickly go and tell her then take us both to the library."

"The headmaster ordered you to go to the dormitories, not the library. Can you not even pay attention in emergencies Potter?" Snape sneered.

"I can sir, I can also remember that the troll was supposed to be in the dungeons which is where the Slytherin common room is also supposed to be." Harry replied calmly, McGonagall blinked at that piece of information, wondering how the hell they had forgotten that.

"Same Professor," Cho said. "I had heard from one of the first years that Granger was in the bathroom, I wanted to quickly get her then go back."

"That was foolish of both of you." McGonagall admonished. "You are very lucky I am not taking points."

"We understand Professor." Harry nodded while Cho lowered her head slightly.

"You two should understand how lucky you are, not many first or second years could fight a grown mountain troll and live to tell the tail. Five points to each of you...for sheer dumb luck."


"Thank you" Cho said to Harry as they walked down a hallway, Harry had politely offered to accompany her to her dormitories. She had found herself accepting surprisingly quickly and that's how the two found themselves. "For the troll and...accompanying me."

"It was my pleasure." Harry smiled at her. "So, are either of your parents Japanese?"

"No, why?" She asked. "Do I look Japanese?"

"Your name." Harry replied.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Your name means Butterfly in Japanese." Harry explained. "A rather fitting name as well, you are a very pretty girl."

"Oh...uh thank you." Cho said, blushing brightly. "My...my mum had a friend who was Japanese, she died before I was born and they named me after her."

"That's nice." Harry said as the two stopped. "We're nearly there, I'm sure you can make it back on your own. I would accompany you but I don't think the ravens would appreciate having a snake so close to the next."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Cho said. "And I know I already said it but thanks again, if there's ever anything I can do for you..."

"As a matter of fact there is." Harry said.

"What? Do you need help with your homework? I didn't think you would, the whole school knows you're the best of your year. But I can still help if you..."

Cho suddenly found herself cut off as Harry grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close and placed his lips against hers in a soft yet passionate kiss. Cho's eyes closed, she felt her legs go weak and ended up leaning against him. This was her first kiss but she was sure that normal kisses weren't like this.

Eventually the kiss stopped, Cho slowly opened her eyes then jumped back in surprise when she saw that Harry Potter, her first kiss and saviour, was no longer there. She looked around, wondering where he had gone, if she focused on the windows then she might have noticed her eyes briefly flash green.


"Hello Bella," Harry said as he entered his room, he found her shaking and sweating in the chair.

"My Lord! Please! Please! Please help me!" She begged.

"I could do that." Harry said as he walked past her and to his bed. He sat on it and looked at her. "Is that what you want?"


"Very well."

Harry clicked his fingers and the ropes disappeared, Bellatrix fell off the chair and onto her hands and knees. This was a new kind of torture, at least when she or Voldemort tortured people it would be simply causing as much pain as needed. This was a totally different thing, she had spent the last...she didn't actually know how long...unable to move while her body and mind was being overwhelmed with pleasure. Pleasure that left her right near the edge of completion but would not allow her to go all the way.

She couldn't think, she was exhausted. She saw Harry and her eyes focused on him, there was nothing else in the world. She needed him, he would end her torture. She got up and began moving when she suddenly felt her body freeze.

"Did I say you could move?" Harry asked.


"On your hands and knees." Harry ordered, Bellatrix didn't bother thinking and just did as he said. She couldn't think at the moment, if asked then she would go and attack Dumbledore right now if it meant getting this to stop. "Now come to me, but don't you dare get up." He said calmly, Bellatrix made her way over to him, on her hands and knees like she was ordered to do. When she got within touching distance of him he reached out and grabbed her roughly by the hair. "Who is your lord?" He asked.

"Y...you are." She breathed out.

"Who do you obey?"


"Will you be mine? Will you obey nobody but me?"

"Yes! Yes!" She said, anything to get this to end. "I, Bellatrix Lestrange, do swear on my life and magic that I will serve Harry Potter faithfully and will be his, and his only, from this moment forth! So mote it be!" She said and a light flashed, signalling that she had just made a magical oath. "I'm yours my lord! Please! Please release me from this torture!"

"Just one last thing Bella." He said with a small smile. "What is your opinion of my mother?"

"S...she is a great witch! B...better than me! Much better! She...she was a goddess in human form! If...if anyone d...dares to insult her then I shall kill them my lord! P...Please!"

"If you ever call her a mudblood again then next time this will last a week before I stop it."

"I...I understand!"

"Well I like to think I am a good lord, very well, I shall release you." He said as he smashed his lips into hers.

'YES!' She mentally cried with joy as she physically groaned with pleasure.


Bellatrix woke up the next day, tired as all hell. She yawned and stretched before going back to sleep, she woke up again a few hours later. She yawned and got up before making her way into the bathroom. Thinking about a lot as she did so.

Firstly she thought about her slip up with the use of the word mudblood, something she did not want to do it again. For multiple reasons, one of which was she wasn't seeing blood in the same way as she used to do so. After all, Harry Potter was just a half-blood as far as everyone else was concerned yet his power was far greater than any pureblood could hope to achieve. It was intoxicating, she felt like she could survive years by just feeling his magic. It made her feel younger, stronger, happier.

As for his mother, Lily Evans was actually well known for her brilliance, so much so that she had even gained grudging respect from death eaters, at least the ones smart enough to see that her blood didn't make her useless. Plus she was smart enough to still be praised by teachers today and that said more than the bragging of purebloods.

Bellatrix also did not thin she would survive if her lord had followed through with his threat of repeating that torture for a week, she'd go mad and crazy far before the week was over. Well...more than usual. Bellatrix found that she also wanted to impress her new lord. This was far different from the previous one, with him she wanted his respect and looked up to him.

With Harry, she felt like she wanted him to care, she felt like he did care. That was a rather...strange...feeling for Bellatrix. She had never cared for people outside of family before, even the Lestranges, she only married into that family because of her father signing a marriage contract. She hated that contract, because of it she was stuck with her stupid husband. She couldn't do anything to him, he could do whatever he wanted though. He could go out and drink and hang out with whores and do whatever he wanted.

He controlled her, he had made her life miserable and she hated him for that! And she hated his stupid brother! Many a times was she shared between the two despite not wanting to do anything with either of them, they would just sit in chairs with bottles of alcohol then demand she pleasure them, those two brothers had made her life hell" Just like with the Longbottom's, she had told them repeatedly to leave them alone and focus on going into hiding instead. But no, the two fools dragged her along there and then the two idiots began torturing them along with the help of that boy Barty Crouch Jr.

She meanwhile was tasked with locating the child, and that was something that had she had never liked. Bellatrix would freely admit that she was one crazy bitch, but she did not like harming young children. She wasn't always sure why, possibly because of her old childhood memories or maybe she just had a soft spot for them. Either way she had found the baby, but she had cleverly realised a loophole was present. She was tasked with finding the kid, not doing anything after that. She had hid the kid, and then went back to the idiots just as the aurors arrived.

As she exited the bathroom she found herself wondering, did her lord like her? Obviously he liked her for her abilities and enthusiasm and devotion, much like her previous lord, but did he like her? She knew he liked her body, but what about her? The last lord only valued her as a soldier, what about this one? Did he care for her?

"HMM! HMMM!" A muffled voice was heard.

"What the devil is that?" Bellatrix asked herself as she removed her wand and began searching for the source of the noise, she soon found herself in one of the side chambers of the room and was very surprised with what she found.

Two people were chained to the wall, both wore uniforms that you would wear if you were a prisoner of Azkaban. They both also had black bags over their head, she looked and found a note in-between them. She summoned the note and began reading it.


I enjoyed last night, despite the rough start. You are a very valuable follower, do not think for a second that you could be replaced.

As a reward for you, I have brought you the Lestrange brothers. I understand that one is your husband and the other is your brother-in-law. Don't worry about your magical contract, I have 'convinced' them that it was better for them to release you from it. Feel free to do what you want with them, just don't expect me to clean it up.

I shall return later.

Love from Harry.]

Bellatrix read the letter over and over again, a swarm of thoughts came through her mind. These thoughts varied from things such as what she was going to do the brothers, how she no longer had to be their slave and a variety of other things. Though one thought reigned supreme over all of them.

"He does care for me!" She squealed happily.