
HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

I dies meet a god and let him decide what would be my fate. Yes that is what happen. I died before my time because of god unsightly mistake. Then he offered me some wishes and which world to go, but I decline and tell the god that anything is fine. And now I am in a world with Magic… yes there is magic in this world. Well what would happen and how I will live in this world… curious, well you have to read the story for that… l am too lazy to explain all that.

Kitamari · Bücher und Literatur
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116 Chs

Chapter 71: Oh congratulations!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




25+ chapters ahead on patr(e)on.


"They kicked you out too," Michael asked.

"…Yes," I said, trying to sound upset, though I couldn't help but find the entire situation humorous.

"It's your fault you know," Anthony chimed in, "Ever since you gave them those fashion magazines, they've just been looking for an excuse all week."

"I guessed as much. My bad," I said, offering a bag of potato chips as an apology.

"Sweet, you are forgiven," Terry called out as he took the bag.

"So, I noticed the girls didn't look mad, that must mean you successfully hid the posters and the magazine, right? Where'd you put them exactly?"

Terry spoke up, "I hid them inside of the furnace, not like anyone was using it."

…I'll tell them later


The snow had finally melted, but in its place, rain had taken over. This meant that a majority of the students were currently still in bed or huddled around a fireplace before they were forced to go to their classes.

Unfortunately, I didn't get this small joy, as even under these harsh conditions the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team was practicing for the upcoming game.

The uniforms' built-in heating charm did very little to stem off the discomfort of having to fly in the rain, especially so early in the morning.

The cold didn't really bother me much and I doubted I'd catch a cold, but I could still be using this time to work on my other projects.

"Okay, let's take a five-minute break, then we'll go through the formations one last time," Robert said to the team before descending to the ground. The rest followed suit, heading straight to the hot chocolate station that was protected from the rain.

I landed and followed after, ready to get away from this rain.

I took out my wand and waved it around my head, droplets of water levitated out of my uniform, drying it instantly. Another wave and an invisible force field appeared above me, acting like an umbrella that kept me from getting wet. Household charms were such useful overlooked spells.

"Hey Bell, you want one," Robert asked as he was handing out cups of hot chocolate.

"No thanks, I've got my own breakfast prepared," I told him dismissing the shield and giving a loud whistle.

Not a second later, a white paper bag fell into my hands. I placed it down on a dry bench and caught a tray of cups brimming with coffee.

"What the-," the quidditch Captain said as he looked up into the sky to see Hermes fly off.

"Did you just have your bird deliver you breakfast," Chloe Thompson, the Keeper, asked incredulously.

"I thought that was obvious," I said, reaching into the bag and taking out an Egg McMuffin. I unwrapped it and took a bite. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is essential to growing boys like myself," I told them through my mouthful.

Simon, my fellow Beater, looked offended, "Aren't you big enough already? You're almost as tall as me."

"So, I'm still in the middle of my growth spurt, I need to eat properly," I told him while taking a big bite.

"That looks pretty good," Samantha said hungrily, eyeing the McMuffin.

"Oh, it is," I told her, finishing it before reaching for another.

"Hold on, I recognize that brand and there's not a McDonalds around here for at least a hundred miles. In fact, how did you order it? I doubt your bird could have just told the people at the counter what you wanted," May, a fellow muggle-born, asked curiously.

"Well one of the teens in my orphanage just started working at one of their stores, so I just had Hermes give him a note and some money. You'd be surprised what I can get this way."

"Wait, don't you live near London? You had your Raven fly all the way there just to get you breakfast," Roger Davis said, sounding shocked.

"Now, now, let's not give Bell any hard time," Robert said, peeking inside the bag, "After all, he brought enough for everyone."

"I sure did," I told them, causing them to smile. "Unfortunately, they aren't for you," I told them, swiping the bag from Robert and hoping on my broom. Their smiles had completely vanished.

Robert looked shocked before calmly speaking to the others, "Alright breaks over, however instead of going through drills, let's play a game. I call it ring the Bell."

They all had serious faces too as they got on their broom, no doubt intending to take the bag away from me. I just smiled and took another bite, my flying skill has recently stopped leveling up, so hopefully this would help.

"After him!"

And the chase was on.


"Hey Charles, I was hoping to talk to you," Eric Grover, the Head Boy, said as he walked toward me.

I stopped and instinctively used [Observe] on him.

'Oh. Interesting,' I thought as I greeted him. "Sure, I have nothing going on right now."

"Great," the older boy said excitedly before looking around to make sure no one was listening in, "Do you mind if we talk somewhere private?"

We walked toward an empty classroom and he placed a silencing charm on the door.

"So, I'm calling in that favor," the teen said suddenly leaning against a desk.

I could already hazard a guess, but it was better to ask, "What did you have in mind?"

"Well you see, Valentine's Day is only a few days away and I was hoping to surprise my girlfriend," he said, taking out a small box from his pocket and opening it to show an engagement ring.

"Oh congratulations," I told him.


Dont forgot to comment and power stones.):


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 25+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

