
The Noble families arrive

After many of the seats filled, Will noticed a pattern which was quite obvious. His own table was at the center, and there was a circle of tables around him that were empty. And then, the rest of the tables were beyond that, and these were the tables that were getting filled. Around Will were quite a few tables that were empty, and reserved for who Will assumed were the 'important guests'. Sure enough, soon after his hypothesis, Arthur descended from the stairs. For the brief moment that he was getting down from the stairs, all the noise died down, and all the guests looked at him. Will noticed some nervousness in everyone's eyes.

"What the hell did grandfather do, for everyone to think him a demon? Well, he can't do what he did to me to everyone, can he?", Will thought to himself. He was truly curious as to how Arthur was able to garner such respect among even the respected wizards. Will had taken a look at all of the plaques at least once, and he knew that some, if not many, were in the ministry of magic, and were in quite high positions. They appeared in the newspapers quite often.

Meanwhile, Arthur smiled at everyone, and proceeded to the guest welcoming area. There, he stood for a few minutes, when suddenly there was a warp. A family of three were standing there. Arthur smiled at them.

"Flavius! Good that you were able to come. It seems that Marcus has also joined us. Well, thank you for taking the time. Please, Raphael will show you the way."

Among them were a middle aged man, whom Arthur referred as Flavius, and a sixteen year old, who Arthur called Marcus, and a lady. Raphael stepped forward to receive them.

"Raphael! It's been years since I saw you. How was the muggle world?", Flavius said. The moment he said this, the air around them all became tense. Even Arthur's smile died down immediately.

Raphael immediately said, "It's been a long time since I returned to the wizarding world. Why talk about the inconsequential past? Let us just enjoy the present.". He led the trio to a table in the inner circle, with a single plaque, having the name 'Flint'. The three took their seats.

After this, a pair of guests had arrived. An old woman and a young boy who was Will's age.

"Augusta! It is a fortune to have you with us this evening.", Arthur smiled, and welcomed the two. Again, Raphael showed them to their seats. They went to the table that was named 'Longbottom.'

"So this is how Neville Longbottom's grandmother looks like! I always wondered.", Will thought to himself, clearly recognizing this person.

Then, Arthur scowled for a moment. Very quickly, he changed it to a smile. Again, a trio appeared before him. "Lucius! Great to have you here. Good to see you brought your son as well. Well then, Raphael, show them to their places."

Will looked interestingly at the arrivals. He knew that they were the Malfoys. Their white hair gave it away too quickly. Will felt a sense of disgust towards them. In the books, the Malfoys immediately shifted sides after Voldemort was defeated, and then shifted back the very moment that he returned. Will despised that behavior.

"Well, we know one person that I will not be interacting properly with in school.", Will decided in his mind.

"Ernie! And is this the lucky one, who got into Gryffindor? Now I know you did one thing right!.", Arthur's voice could he heard. They were taken to the table with the name 'Macmillion'.

Soon after, all of the tables were filled. Will noticed that the Weasleys were not here. He suspected that their financial status had lost them the privileged status as a pure-born family. Son after, Will's parents and his grandfather joined him in his table. His aunts were seated at a table close by, and they were sneering. Will did not mind them. Years of experience taught him to just let it all go. Arthur raised his wine glass, and tapped it a few times. All of the noise died down immediately, and he cleared his throat.

"Thank you all, esteemed guests for coming to my grandchild's eleventh birthday. I admit, it was always a tradition of solely our Monroe Family to celebrate the occasion of the eleventh birthday, but we think it necessary. Today, I think it proud to announce that my grandchild will be joining so many of your children at Hogwarts. Well then, shall we let the festivities begin?", Arthur said as he waved his hands. Food appeared instantly at each and every table, but this time, all the families started eating immediately after the food arrived.

"Impatient vulgarities.", Arthur cursed in a low voice.

Both of the faces of Raphael and Daphne were filled with shock. "When were you going to tell us, father?', Raphael asked.

"Well, I did tell you, didn't I. Why quip about the past?"


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Check out my other books, The Golden Throne, and Legacy Firing

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