
The Final Decision

Will took a deep breath. He hoped that this would be the final time this day that he would be faced with such stress, because the entire day was full of roller coasters. He stepped forward, as every one watched him very carefully. He even felt as if his grand father was watching this some how.

"Well, he was telling me so many times that I should go to Gryffindor, that he will kill me if I don't.", he thought to himself as he sat on the stool. Professor McGonagall put the hat on him.

"Hmmm A Monroe? Ah! I don't want to lose my life so soon to that tempered fellow. Gryffindor!", the hat shouted out. Will couldn't help but think that Arthur had influenced this decision a lot. The far right table of the Gryffindors cheered as they welcomed the new member. Will laughed as he hurried on to sit next to Harry.

"Thank God you were in Gryffindor. It's always nice to have a friendly face around.", Harry responded very kindly.

"Thank You Harry. Remember, if you ever need me, just ask. Don't hesitate. If you get into any problem at all, you let me know.", Will said in return, promising his help.

All of the students kept looking at the rest of the first year students, as they got sorted into their houses. It was fairly insignificant, as the people that Will had even cared about, were already sorted.

After all of the students had seated themselves, and settled in, Albus Dumbledore had stepped forward to give a few words.

"Welcome," he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I

would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! "

All of the students were confused as to what Dumbledore had said, and they looked at their seniors. Harry looked at Percy, Ron's elder brother(at least, one of his brothers), and asked, "Is he a bit... mad?"

"Mad? He is one of the most brilliant geniuses that ever lived!", Percy replied.

"Don't think about what he said, Harry. He is a very trust worthy man, I think. I hope, at least. He was very kind to me, last I met.", Will reassured Harry.

"You have met Professor Dumbledore before? Where, I must ask.", Percy asked Will.

"He came to my birthday party.", Will replied with glee.

"A birthday party? Surely a man of such great stature as Professor Dumbledore has much greater things to do than go to a birthday party. No offence. He must have had something important to do, or he wouldn't have done that.", Percy pondered.

"None taken, of course.", Will smiled.

As they were talking, Professor Dumbledore kinked his glass. All of a sudden, food appeared out of no where on the tables. All of the students were impressed as they started digging in.

"Aaargh!", someone shreiked. All of the students at the Gryffindor table looked at Hermione, who was the victim. In front of her was a head, with a blue hint.

"Ghosts. Don't be alarmed. They are harmless.", Percy calmed down the students.

All of the students looked at the ghosts with curiosity. Near Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Will was a ghost in armor.

"I don't think I've introduced myself? Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service. Resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower.", the ghost said.

"I know who you are!" said Ron suddenly. "My brothers told me about you — you're Nearly Headless Nick!"

"Please don't call me that. I would prefer Sir Nicholas.", the ghost said as he drifted away. All the students were only surprised by the appearance of the resident ghosts, and they quickly started diving into the main attraction, the mouth watering food. Introductions came into order, as every one got to know each other during the excellent feast.