

Chapter 1:the pack's prophecy

In the heart of the mystical forest, the wolf pack's elder, Aurora, foresees a prophecy. A young wolf, Axel,who will rise to lead the pack and defeat the darkness threatening their land. But Axel is unaware of his destiny, for he was too young to understand the weight of his heritage.

Axel comes from a legendary bloodline of strong alpha wolves. His father, Dominic, was a demon wolf, a being of unparalleled power and strength. Dominic's pack was comprised solely of alpha wolves, making him the most powerful werewolf of all time. However, his reign ended in tragedy when his lover, Akira, was murdered by his own brother, Lucian, a master of dark magic.

Consumed by grief and heartbreak, "history records him as a leader who abandoned his own pack, overwhelmed by the pain of his lose ,and fled in his wolf form , leaving behind only whisper of his whereabouts

Axel, unaware of his father's past, roams the woods alone, a habit he's developed over time. Suddenly, he hears a faint scream from afar. With his super speed, he rushes to the scene, finding a girl, Maya, surrounded by a pack of snarling wolves.

"Help me!" Maya cries out, her voice trembling.

"Don't move, just close your eyes," Axel instructs calmly.

Maya obeys, and Axel's eyes glow red, signaling his alpha heritage. The pack of wolves, sensing the presence of a superior alpha, retreats in fear, their tails between their legs.

"You can open your eyes now," Axel says, his voice steady and reassuring.

Maya opens her eyes to find the wolves gone, and her gaze meets Axel's. For a moment, they lock eyes, and an unspoken connection forms between them.

"What are you doing here in the woods alone by this time of the night", Axel, asked,Maya,after getting to know each other,Axel, found out that , Maya,is just a human ."well ,am a botanist and am here because of my research of a rare plant species rumored to grow here in this mystical forest I have been searching for weeks when I finally received a tip about a possible location here in this part of the woods ", Maya, explain "ohh I see ,now did you find the plant you are looking for " ,Axel, asked "yes I did ,here it is" , Maya, brought out the plant and showed it to , Axel," what that f**k " ,Axel swear "what's that ,did you know this plant and what it's use for ?" ,Maya , asked in surprised " yes it's wolfsbane ",Axel, answered,

Maya's eyes widen in surprise. "Wolfsbane? I've heard of it, but I never thought I'd actually find it. What does it do?"

Axel's expression turns serious. "It's poisonous to wolves. If ingested, it can be deadly."

Maya's gaze drops to the plant in her hand, her mind racing with the implications. "I had no idea. I just wanted to study its properties..."

Axel's eyes narrow. "You shouldn't be here, Maya. This forest is dangerous, especially for humans."

Maya's determination kicks in. "I can't just leave now. I need to learn more about this plant and its potential uses."

Axel sighs, knowing that Maya's curiosity is a force to be reckoned with. "Fine, but you need to be careful. And stay close to me."

As they stand there, the forest grows darker, the shadows deepening. Axel's senses tingle, alerting him to potential dangers lurking in the woods. He knows that he must protect Maya, not just from the forest's secrets but also from his own kind.

"What's that ?", Maya,asks,her voice barely above a whisper.

Axel's ears perk up,and he sniffs the air, trying to detect any unusual scents ."i don't know,but it doesn't feel right",he says,his eyes scanning the surrounding area.

Suddenly,the noise grows louder,and a dark figure emerges from the shadows.

Axel's hackels rises and he position himself between, Maya,and the mysterious figure.

"Who are you ?", Axel,growls his eyes fixed on the stranger.

The figure step forward, revealing a tall gaunt wolf with glowing yellow eyes, "I am , Raven,a messenger from the shadow pack ,"he says in a low , ominous tone .

"And what is it that you want ?",Axel, asked., Raven's,gaze fixes on Axel,his eyes gleaming with a otherworldly intensity.

"I come bearing a message from my pack leader,the alpha of the shadow pack.he bids you to meet with him ,Axel,to discuss a matter of great importance."

Axel's instincts bustle,wary of the shadow packs intentions."what matter could be so important that it requires a meeting with their alpha?".

Raven's smile grows wider,his teeth sharp and pointed ,"that is for the alpha to reveal.but be warned,Axel, the fate of your pack and the forest hangs in the balance.refuse ,and suffer the consequences"

Maya's eyes dart between Axel and Raven , sensing the tension.,"Axel, what's going on? what pack leader are is he talking about?

"This is nothing to do with with a mere like you ,go home ,Maya, it's dangerous here ",Axel said with a calm yet cold voice

Maya's eyes narrowed, her expression defiant. "I'm not going anywhere, Axel. I've come too far and risked too much to turn back now. Besides, I'm not afraid of danger. I can handle myself."

"Then I shall make you leave ",Axel said with that same calm yet cold voice."Go home,Maya, and forget about this night, forget that you ever met someone like me and ,Raven, and forget about the pack of wolves that attaced you"he compelled her which is something he hates doing but this is for her own good and for her safety

Maya's eyes widened, feeling a strange sensation wash over her as Axel's words seemed to take hold. She felt a sudden urge to leave, to forget everything that had happened, and to return to her normal life. But her mind resisted, refusing to let go of the mysteries and secrets that Axel and Raven had hinted at.

"No," Maya said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I won't forget. I won't leave until I know the truth."

Axel's eyes flashed with surprise, clearly not expecting Maya to resist his compulsion. He took a step closer, his voice low and urgent. "Maya, listen to me. You don't want to get involved in this. You don't want to know the truth. It's too dangerous, too risky. Just leave and forget, please."

Maya shook her head, her heart pounding in her chest. "No, Axel. I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers."

Axel's expression turned stern, his eyes gleaming with a hint of frustration. "Fine, Maya. If you want to play it that way, I'll show you the truth. But don't say I didn't warn you."

He grasped her arm, his grip firm but not harsh, and led her deeper into the forest. The trees seemed to close in around them, casting long, ominous shadows on the ground. Maya's heart raced with anticipation and a touch of fear.

Suddenly, Axel stopped in front of a massive tree, its trunk twisted and gnarled with age. He raised his hand, and the air seemed to shimmer and distort, revealing a hidden entrance behind the tree.

"Welcome to our world, Maya," Axel said, his voice low and mysterious. "Welcome to the world of the pack."

Maya's eyes widened as she stared into the darkness beyond the entrance. She felt a shiver run down her spine, but her curiosity and determination drove her forward.

"I'm ready," she said, her voice firm.

Axel's eyes gleamed with a hint of approval. "Then let's go."

And with that, he led her into the unknown, leaving the safety of the human world behind.