
The confession

Diana watched the white wolf walk back to the nest before sniffing around it. She swallowed as Victoria dropped down to make herself comfortable. Deciding it best to be on her terms, Diana shifted back herself and slowly crawled over to where the other wolf was. Her ears pulled back and her head down as low as possible.

"Victoria," she whimpered softly. A white ear twitched.

"Victoria," she tried again, holding her breath as Victoria's piercing blue eyes turned to her. The white wolf's ears perked at the display Diana was giving. The Alpha to be wasn't angry at her, she was angry at the humans and herself.

"Diana please don't do that, just come up here and let me snuggle you," she said as her ears pulled back slightly. Diana nodded and slowly made her way into the nest, her head and body still low to the ground.

"Diana," Victoria scolded then cursed herself as the girl whimpered. Diana dropped onto her side and exposed her neck to the Alpha.

Victoria sighed and nuzzled the girl's furry neck. Diana twitched at first, before realizing that she wasn't being punished.

"Did you mean what you said?" The copper wolf asked in a bout of courage. Victoria stopped her affectionate nuzzling as her ears dropped. There was silence as one waited for an answer and the other tried to collect her thoughts.

"Yes," Victoria whispered before nuzzling in under Diana's chin. The copper wolf's ears perked at the affection as her tail started to wag.

"You'd protect me even if you might get killed?" Diana asked and blinked as the nuzzling stopped. Victoria raised her head to look down at the Omega.

"Diana I…you know what Howl Fest means for Alpha's and Beta's right?" Victoria asked and Diana tilted her head.

"Well, I-I know it's to meet other packs," she tried, in truth she never got a real explanation other than for Omega's it was to meet other Omega's. The Alpha's and Beta's had more private things to handle. Victoria sighed as she looked down.

"I was there to find a mate," she whispers and Diana's ears drop.

"Oh," was all that left her as she lay her head down between her paws, curling herself up, "then we got attacked and now you're stuck with me," she added.

"Don't you dare think like that, Diana. I am not stuck here with you. I am happy it's you I ended up with," Victoria growled making the younger wolf look up to her.

"The reason I have yet to find someone is because every year, I have been counting down till I got to see you. You're the only reason I even went to that stupid thing. Diana I…" Victoria growled and shook her head; her fur was standing on end. The smaller wolf was cowering from her.

"What did they do to you?" Victoria whimpered, "You were supposed to be an Alpha, you were supposed to take over your pack and they broke you," Victoria said as pain filled her words. She didn't understand.

"I'm sorry that I'm not what you expected. I'm sorry that I'm not who you thought I was," Diana said as she looked away from the white wolf, "I'm an Omega, that is my place, I accept that," she whispered. To Victoria's added pain the girl turned her back on her as she curled up. She was showing Victoria she trusted her with her life, she wasn't going to challenge her. Not that she wanted her to challenge her.

Victoria closes her eyes and berates herself for the situation they were currently in. This wasn't fair to the younger girl. She did nothing wrong. Taking in a slow breath Victoria moves to curl around the smaller wolf. Diana's ear twitches, but she does nothing else to show she's paying attention.

"Diana, I…I don't care that you're an Omega because, well because to me you are still the amazing independent pup I know and love," Victoria whispers. Diana stirs and turns onto her back slowly as she looks to Victoria, her ears perked towards the bigger wolf.

"Victoria, did you just say you love me?" Diana's question was met with an audible gulp from the older wolf.

Neither were sure how long they stayed just staring at each other like that. Victoria wasn't sure what to answer and Diana was waiting patiently. This whole situation was strange, but Victoria wasn't about to lose Diana now that she finally had her.

"Yes, Diana, I love you. I always have and I always will," she says as her ears drop slightly. The Alpha to be had never felt strongly about anyone before, but the copper wolf was always on her mind and in her heart.

"Victoria," Diana's voice was soft. The mention of her name made Victoria's ears drop more. The copper wolf took in a deep breath before nuzzling her snout against the white wolf's snout.

"I love you too," she said and smiled at the surprised look Victoria gave her. Her ears snapped upright and her tail started wagging, thumping against the floor.

"You do?" She asked out of breath, like she had been holding it.

"Honestly Victoria, Omega's can choose to go to Howl Fest once we're of age. I only went because I knew you would be there," Diana said as she smiled and nuzzled her head in under the Alpha's chin.

Victoria felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest. Her tail started thumping harder as she nuzzled the Omega closer. She hasn't felt this happy in years, nor this complete.

Victoria gasps and Diana tilts her head as she looks up to the wolf. The copper wolf's ears flop to the side and her teal eyes watched the snow white wolf jump up and hurry to the door.

"I'll be right back!" She barked and Diana frowned. This was odd, even to her. She watched the Alpha disappear out a flap in the door before sighing and lying back down.

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