
Howlers Moon

“A normal teenager, fated to be the Alpha. A delinquent who doesn’t get attached. Is he fated to become the Lunar Alpha? Or will he bend fate to abide by him. Robin, the boy who suffered more then he anticipated in his twenty years of life. The boy who gets pulled into a world he never knew existed by a girl he met in his dream, only to find out there’s more to his and her life then they could’ve imagined. One bite changed him, what will he do with the power given to him, will he use it for evil and stray from the path of fate, or will he bind himself with the life planned for him? The fated path has just begun and what will it behold?”

Sage_Long · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Day to Forget

He entered the hospital with the pale limp body of the kid, at this point Robin was covered in blood spotted all over his clothes, and he started yelling once he cleared the entrance to the waiting area.

"HELP! He yelled.

A girl and two guys in scrubs ran up to Robin and slowly took the kid from his arms and placed him on the gurney. They raced down the hallway of the hospital with the doors slamming shut behind them. Robin sat down on the waiting benches, with his head slumped back dazing out of consciousness. He woke up with a shake to see a middle-aged man in scrubs holding a clipboard with several papers clipped to it.

"Mr.?" The doctor insisted.

"Yes?" Robin asked in a dazed state.

"My name is Doctor Melvin; I came to ask you a few questions."

"Okay, ask away." Robin rubbed the grubbiness out of his eyes, staring patiently. His wound on his left arm started aching and his vision started to narrow on the doctor's eyelashes seeing every single hair. He shook his head trying to get his eyesight back to normal.

"Are you the kid's legal guardian?" Melvin asked.

"No sir, I found him lying in the driveway of my house. He had a knife sticking out of his side and I pulled it out, wrapping the cut in a blanket I got him. I thought he had already died."

"He lost a lot of blood, but he will survive. He's lucky to have you. You saved his life."

"I... is it alright for me to leave?"

"Yes sir, we will take care of him and contact the police. May we get your phone number so we can contact you about his health?"

"No, it's fine. Just get him home."

With those lingering words left in the air, Robin got up and walked out of the hospital leaving any trace of his existence. He drove home in complete silence, rethinking everything that has occurred in the past hours. He was growing more unstable every second, every thought, every blink. He slammed on the brakes and pulled over on the side of the highway, throwing up everything. A stinging pain went up his whole body as if his bones were breaking every second, he fell to his knees puking blood. His eyes turned black and all he could see was empty darkness and a blurred form appearing from the mist. It was walking slowly towards Robin, every few steps it would appear closer as if it was a ghost. Robin could only feel the asphalt beneath his fingertips, but when he tried moving, he sat in place until the figure was directly in front of him. It smelled as if it rolled in a pile of garbage as a cologne. Its breath was cold on contact with robin's pale face as if her breath was the icy wind.

"What... are... you?" Robin said trembling with fear.

It pulled back the black hood from its face and revealed a black hole of emptiness with two piercing crimson eyes that looked straight through him. It felt like Robin's heart was being squeezed and he fell unconscious from pain and fear.

He opened his eyes to a crystal white room surrounded by endless uncertainty. There was a chair sitting in front of him seating a man with long white hair and a curly long beard. Robin was on his knees looking up at the man as he grins devilishly.

"Where am I?"

"Hello, Robin." He said grimacing with a crooked smile.

"Why are you doing..."

He stood up and walked beside Robin and grabbed his head, turning it to the man's scarred face.

"You know. I would hate to mess up that pretty little face of yours." He whispered in Robin's ear sending shivers up and down his spine.

"Who... what are you?" Robin asks.

"Don't worry about that, you'll see soon enough." He put his index fingers to Robin's temples.

His body went numb, and an excruciating pain traveled through his body. His bones started breaking and connecting, forming into different shapes. His spine cut itself out of his back's flesh, shrinking and twisting into an arched bridge. Robin threw his head back screaming while his eyeballs popped out of their sockets, he closed his eyelids from the pain until it went away and opened his two bright blue glowing eyes. He bent forward grabbing his sides ripping his skin from his flesh and growing a thick coat of dark black fur covered in blood. He fell to his stomach, arms and legs extended, curling his misshapen toes, grasping the endless white floor with his cracking fingers. The pain was so intolerable he couldn't take it anymore until, on the verge of fainting, something in his head clicked.

He came back to consciousness, opening his eyelids to a tunnel vision sun, surrounded by tall thick waves of grass. He leaned up squinting from the weird sight of his eyes. His vision was zoomed in so much that he could see every ant and spec of dew on the grass. Everything was a tint of blue and his feet and hands were aching in pain, his body was sore and scarred, but to Robin, he didn't understand anything that had happened the night before. All he remembered was a tall man with white hair and the boy he took to the hospital but it all felt like a dream. He stood up and looked at his blood-soaked hands and his clothes-less body, confused about all the blood on his hands, not even caring about being naked, he looked up trying to concentrate on where he was at to get a visual on how to get to the nearest town or even the nearest road. But he looked around and didn't recognize anything or anywhere he could be.

He started walking, trying to get used to his receptive eyes zooming in and out. He walked and walked until his legs started aching, looking around and seeing nothing but trees for what felt like miles. He walked about another mile and heard a car engine, not knowing exactly how far he was since his ears have been playing with him the entire time since he's been awake, but even that didn't stop him from taking off, running for what seemed like an hour the noise of cars started getting louder and louder until he saw a break of light in the thick trees of the forest, he drew closer until he broke through the trees and found himself on I-15, the interstate closest to the town of Wolfsbane. Robin not even caring about his appearance threw up his hitchhiker's thumb and tried to get a ride home. After about twenty minutes of holding his arm up and his other arm over his crotch, he felt like nobody was going to stop for him until a car passed him honking and then pulled over to the side of the interstate. As Robin approaches the vehicle, a young girl gets out, with her curly silver hair and her bright green eyes, it was Aria.