
Howl Of The Phantom Wolf

A young man having served his purpose after years of struggle and fighting, was discarded and sent back to the planet he was from. Having returned, he found himself reflecting on what has happened to his life. With his experience thus far, born with it his new aspiration, to never place his life being controlled by others and not live a life in the bottom of a well. And to make that happen is to make himself stronger, as personal strength is what matters most. Follow our main character on his journey.

wizardoncouch · Fantasie
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3 Chs


Far in the distant star field, there situated a large planet, it's so big that it's sun and moon are revolving around it instead, called Zunus.

At the outskirts of the imperial capital of one of the human race's empires, three young men in tattered bloody black clothes, surrounded by men in uniform holding spears pointed towards them. They're all covered in wounds, pale faced gasping for breath while coughing out blood, struggling to stand up with the support of their three feet black swords stabbed on the ground. They all have rage and unwillingness on their faces looking at the blonde young man and woman standing in front of them.

"So this is our reward for our services of claiming back the throne, Golden Lion? Or should I address you as Your Highness now?" one in the middle of the wounded young men said sarcastically to the blonde young man in front of them.

"Well, I guess this is the final elimination for us." added the other young men by the right side of the three slowly in a self-deprecating way with blood coming out of his mouth while talking.

Silence took the place for a while, they were staring at each other.

After about a time to finish a cup of tea, the blonde young man, Golden Lion, said coldly, "Black Wolf, Scarlet Scorpion, Hunter Mantis, we don't have much friendship among us, do we? Since we were young, thousands of us killed each other to survive until only ten of us were left. For the past ten years, the only relationship between us was killing and rivalry, though your assistance was crucial for retrieving the crown that rightfully belongs to my father. As a sign of gratitude from the royal family, I will not kill you, you'll be sent back to which planet you're from."

"Consider it as us taking back what has been given to you. You should enjoy living a normal life now that your cultivation is discarded. It's where you should belong in the first place. You should be grateful for being alive, not like the other five who gave their lives ahead, not waiting for this moment to receive their reward."

Pausing for a bit, Golden Lion continued, "Well then, White Raven and I will not be sending you off.".

Turning around, Golden Lion looked to the middle aged man that seemed to be the head of the imperial guards, and ordered, "Bring them to the transportation portal and send them away."

"Yes, Your Highness!" replied the middle aged man snappily.

The blonde young woman White Raven, looked at the three for a while without saying a word, then turned back following Golden Lion.

The three of them didn't resist being dragged by the imperial guards. Aside from knowing that they don't have any power to resist, they always knew that they would die one day as they lived by the edge of the sword since the day they were brought to the training camp at tender age. They already lost count of how many died at their hands during the process of reclaiming the throne. Before that, they even killed their fellow trainees for survival until only ten of them left out of thousands. Some were even killed without knowing what's coming for them. They just didn't expect to happen this way, falling to the trap of their own allies, the one they served, without being able to fight back. Their cultivation was discarded and will be thrown away after having served their purpose cold heartedly.

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