
How To Train An Elf

MC thought he bought the elf but instead bought yandere. Read few chapters to understand the plot. This is the novel of porhnwa and is not mine. Translated from korean language to english and used various AI to make it readable. visit my patreon for complete work.

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13 Chs

Chapter 7 : The fiance II

I have released upto chapter 50+ along with arts in Patreon 

So, feel free to support me.. It will really be helpful..


Bringing the elf to this mansion is definitely my karma.

I don't know if it's really evil or if it's a sin of retribution, but I have no intention of blaming others.

In any case, the decision to buy an elven slave was made with my bloated lust and a handful of other reasons at the time.

Even so, I can't watch people who have nothing to do with me being harmed by elves.

To take responsibility for all problems caused by me. Because that was my duty and responsibility as a noble.

"Sir Theorad, the head of Viscount Deharm, is entering!"

The servant, who wanted to save my prestige, raised his voice and opened the door to the drawing room.

While staring straight ahead, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the scenery beyond the door.

'No big deal.'

I was assuming the worst; it was embarrassing to even say it out of my mouth, so I couldn't help but be relieved to see Ashley having a friendly conversation with the elf.

'You are as beautiful as ever.'

The long blonde hair shines like gold hail under the sunlight, and the lapis lazuli-like wall is as beautiful as the sea on a sunny day.

If all other women are nothing more than beachside Satou, Ashley, you are a jewel that shines brilliantly.

Even her personality is gracious and broad, like a goddess, so how can I not like and hate you?

I smiled and walked forward, but I raised my hand to stop David from following me.


"I would like to be alone with her."

"As you wish. Then I will forbid the servants to enter."

Harvey, who understood my meaning, stepped back and closed the parlor door.

It would have been better if he had taken the elf with him, but since slaves were basically treated as objects, they could not be blamed for not including them in human life.

"Ah, Sir Theorard!"

As I move closer, Ashley smiles brightly and raises her hand. It was against noble etiquette, but now no one is watching, so what? I smiled and waved my hand.

"Long time, no see. Lady Ashley!"

Ashley laughs bashfully as her face blushes. I saw her two weeks ago, so I'm not happy.

I pulled out her chair and sat across from her, maintaining her dignity. Then, the gaze of the elf standing next to Ashley (wearing a maid uniform, as if the chamberlain had taken care of it) naturally turned to me.

To sum up the ambiguity of that gaze in one word, it was close to 'displeasure!'


'Damn it.'

'We can do the humiliation game after I send Ashley away, so... just be patient, elf.'

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Aren't you bored while I'm gone?"


As I lucked out, Ashley looked at the elf and smiled happily.

"No, not at all. I didn't realize the time was flying by because I was busy admiring your elf; I've only read about them in children's books."

"Is this the first time you have seen an elf?"

"Of course, not only is their population so small that if we gathered all their species together, we could count them on our hands, but their territory is the forest. Normally, they wouldn't even come out of the deepest parts of the forest. It wouldn't be possible for me to meet one even if I wanted to."

But it was rarely seen unless slave hunters accidentally captured a lost elf and brought it out of the woods. The elves in my mansion were deliberately captured.

"Shouldn't she be very young if she was captured as a slave? An elf of about 100 years old would be able to deal with slave hunters as if they were just children."

"Oh, um."

I didn't know what Ashley knew. Should I say that Ashley is well-informed, or should I say that my knowledge is short?

It seemed like it was both. I nodded, acknowledging my ignorance.

"Right. Age is that... twenty-five, you could say."

"Twenty-five? Oh, my goodness. I thought she was younger than me and treated me differently, but she was actually a three-year-old sister. Ah. What a pitiful life she is, that she becomes a slave at her blossoming age."

Ashley looks back at her elf with a pitiful gaze. Her sinews sprouted in a lattice across her elf's forehead.

She was acting expressionless, but he could feel her unpleasant aura wafting around the elf.

If Ashley shows any more interest in the elf, she will die! Let's change the subject!


"That, more than that, why did the young lady come to my mansion? You didn't even contact me in advance."

"What. Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Ashley puffs out her cheeks with her sullen expression. The corner of her mouth went up in the wind, and her figure was cute.

"How can that be? I was just asking in case you had any particular issues."

"Matters...yes, although wanting to see Lord Theorad's face was my biggest reason for coming. I have a message to give him."

"A message?"

"It looks like Father will be heading to the capital soon. His majesty, the emperor, is summoning all his scattered forces. I'm so sick of it... He's moving his forces for something like an expedition to the north or demon subjugations, even when he's not going to carry them out."

"Ashley... I understand how you feel, but maybe you should be more careful with your words."

"If I wanted to be careful, I wouldn't have come here. Don't you think his majesty is acting a little strange too? He's not putting on a charade to sharpen his discipline."

There is no hesitation in speech. If it were not me but another noble, she wouldn't have insulted His Majesty.

'Conversely, it must mean that Ashley trusts me that much. It wasn't bad....Hehehe'

"Anyway, for that reason, sooner or later, my father will entrust the county to Sir Theorard."

"Is His Excellency the Count asking me to be the regent?"

"Yes. Although it is said that he has recently become the head of the family, Sir Theorard is definitely the owner and vice-count of Viscount Deharm. It seems my father is using this opportunity to test Sir Theorard's ability to govern."

This is a little surprising. He was thinking that someday the time would come when he would rule the county with the title of deputy count. My father often did it whenever the count wanted it.

But is it too early? I'm not used to running my family yet, so I'm giving you too much of a mission.

No, I did know that this might be a good opportunity. If we perfectly fulfill the role of regent and receive various supports from the count, our family will become more splendid.


My thoughts are broken by the piercing voice.

When I looked away, the elf was looking at me with her absent-minded eyes.

"Do you need anything more?"

A handful of hatreds in my mind made my body tremble.

Even so, she couldn't flirt in front of his fiancé.

"Nothing needed....."

She stopped talking and kept her mouth shut. It was because the elf's eyebrows twitched subtly.

I'm not showing off as much as I can, but I could see it very well in my eyes.


Fear passes over my neck.

That is definitely the high point. Keeping a docile attitude doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Just as the water just before boiling is still, the elf's anger seemed to have reached its limit.

Somehow, we have to fill the selling quota here and now. Otherwise, as soon as I left the drawing room, Ashley and even my head would be cut off.


"... Come to think of it, I do need something. Come here."

As I raised my hand and wiggled, the elf approached me after a month.

I called her at once, but how should I humiliate her? Should I slap her ? Not. There was no way that the machoist elf, who was not satisfied with walking naked, could be satisfied with such a simple situation.

If so, then this is the only way.

"A simple slave standing is very unpleasant."

"Sir Theorard.....?"

Ashley looked at me with a puzzled look, but she couldn't help it. With tears in my eyes, I picked up a teacup and stood up.

"It is also unpleasant for me in the eye. It seems you still haven't learned your lesson, even after yesterday."

I tilted the teacup slowly. The black tea in the teacup seemed to be swaying, and then it became a stream of water and poured onto the elf's head.


As hot steam rose, the elf shrugged her shoulders in surprise.

"I'm sorry..."

Red eyes acting as innocence are watery. People who don't know her look at her with a sad complexion that would make them want to comfort her right away, but to my eyes, who know the inside story, it looks different.

That was not a silent request to quit, but an expression of anticipation to sell more.


"Didn't you hear me? You're still standing, you insolent slave!"

He threw the teacup he was holding onto the floor. *Crack!* The teacup is broken and fragmented in all directions.

"Sir Theorard!!!"

Ashley let out a sound close to screaming, but I tried to ignore it.

'Fuck! I'm not doing it because I want to, Ashley! I'm begging you, so please stay still!'

"Crawl on all fours and pick up the fragments. Isn't that what you're good for?"


"But, but, master..."

"I don't want to hear it, you despicable creature."

As I frowned, the elf sat down, crying.

Looking down from above at the tea-soaked silver hair makes my heart hurt for no reason. No matter how insane the elf was, it was my fault, so I couldn't be free from the remorse of conscience.

"If you use your hands to pick up the glass shards, you could hurt yourself, so..."

As I take a handkerchief out of my pocket, the elf looks up at me. For a moment, I put the handkerchief back, startled by the shadow on the elf's face.

"It's the perfect job for a vulgar like you to do."


He quickly exchanged words and sat down in a chair. Ashley's gaze at him was stinging, so he couldn't help but stare at the refreshments on the table. A chilly silence permeates the hall. Only the sound of the elf picking up shards of glass and putting them in was heard intermittently.

Ashley and I couldn't help each other, but the elf started begging me with her tears dripping down.

"Forgive me, Master. If I keep going like this, I'll cut my hand on a shard of glass."

'You're the one who didn't want the scarf, you crazy bitch!!!!'

"Ah...! I cut myself! There's blood. It's not even the time of my period, but I'm bleeding, master."

'Don't say such frivolous things in front of Ashley! How the hell am I supposed to react?'

"Sir Theorard??"

The cool tone pulls at the back of my neck stiffly. As I mustered up the courage to raise my gaze, Ashley was glaring at me with contempt.

"It seems I was wrong about you. I thought you were a benevolent and fair man, but it seems you are no different from a bully."

Scary. It was frightening to see a normally kind person appear so cold.

No matter how much I keep my mouth shut, it turns into an established fact that my personality is trash. You have to make an excuse somehow. Somehow!

"Ashley. You are misunderstanding. I am not doing this for no reason."

"Oh, then let me hear this excellent reason."

"That is, I have a disease that kills me if I am kind to my slaves."


After exhaling, I belatedly inhaled.

'Hey, you asshole! Where is that sickness?'

Ashley seemed to have the same thoughts as me, but her contempt added to the difficulty. She was silent for a while, then pursed her lips as if pressing down on her disgust.

"What kind of philosophy is that?"

As he hears Ashley's accusation, he feels a sense of exhaustion all over his body.

'Ah. Is this true? Maybe I'm having a nightmare right now.'

"Juniing. My finger hurts so much.! master~"

A very terrible nightmare...