
How To Train An Elf

MC thought he bought the elf but instead bought yandere. Read few chapters to understand the plot. This is the novel of porhnwa and is not mine. Translated from korean language to english and used various AI to make it readable. visit my patreon for complete work.

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13 Chs

Chapter 3-4 : Crazy night 3

When I returned to the mansion with the elf, I realized that making her urinate on the stone statue of my father was only the beginning of a solution to the problem.


To the sound of my footsteps, the elf was crawling along the corridors of the mansion on all fours. Right next to me was someone who was very confused.

The candles, which were burning at regular intervals, were slightly illuminating the darkness over the mansion, but they did not lighten my troubled mind at all.

"Why are you still crawling!?" I said it when I entered the mansion.

"Enough of the naked walk; now stand on your own two feet."

Then the elf shook her head and wept, saying that she had not yet been punished. That is to say, this lewd and wicked elf was still not satisfied.

'What more do you want me to do here?'

My face, disguised as composure, trembles against my will.

This silence and this stillness are frightening. The serene landscape, which would have felt peaceful at other times, is transformed into the world of Sura by the elf crawling next to me. Intuition was ringing the alarm. If I do nothing and push the elf into the room, I might die.

"Hey. My knee hurts."

I tried to ignore the elf's whining and closed my eyes.

Let's reminisce. The elf must have a reason for doing this. There is no path without a cause. It's about figuring out what you want from me. ?

'No way!'

I sighed and opened my eyes. It was because I roughly understood why the elf was doing this.

"After the naked walk, let's have a'sex torture' time."

Looking back, I didn't want to die, so the words I spat out carelessly included the word sexual torture. From the elf's point of view, a naked walk is an appetizer, and a main dish is sex torture. I understand a little bit now. This elf was protesting silently because I, the chef, was not serving the dishes. !

'You idiot!'

Anger rises at me, who was complacent in the past. What is sex torture? A bastard who has never even had a relationship with a woman, let alone sexual torture!

But the water has already been spilled. Let's calm down. In order to get out of this situation, I have to somehow find a way. It's not easy, but I can do it. Despite this, I was born the son of a prestigious aristocratic family and learned a lot of life skills. Never give in to adversity like this.

I stopped in my seat with a smile on my face. Naturally, the elf stopped crawling and looked at me. I cleared my throat once and untied my hands.

"Turn over the boat. The sexual torture will begin."

"Master, Master.…..."

"Don't make me say it twice."

As I looked down coldly, the elf flipped over and posed as a puppy. Her tits and pussy are exposed. Even so, no lust arose in my heart. Because I was afraid of this elf enough to make my lust run away...


I lifted my feet and took off my shoes. I then took off my socks and put my bare foot into the elf's mouth.

"I want you to kiss my feet as a sign of complete submission."

It was the same repertoire as in the courtroom, but I couldn't help it. I can't think of anything right, so what can I say?

"Too much...!"

Still, the elf seemed to think it was okay, and she licked my sweaty feet without saying anything. Thinking that was enough, he tried to pull his foot out,, but the elf's tongue moved freely between his toes, and she stopped. I wanted to go as far as I could, so I left my foot to her alone, and now she put my toe in her mouth and started sucking on it.

'Why are you sucking...?'

In the first place, my order was nothing more than a kiss, so I don't understand why she is taking another step.

After being in a stupefied state for a while, I belatedly cleared my throat and lifted my feet.


Before the elf whose sucking foot had been taken away spewed out some kind of word, I quickly judged and put my foot on the elf's pussy. It's pretty wet, probably because it's soaked in things I don't know whether it's urine or pussyjuice.

"Does it turn you on to being treated like a bitch? How disgusting. You really are a pathetic bitch."

"Huh!! Master~ Please stop saying things like that."

"Stop? bitch! It's only when you're dead that I stop talking about you."

I spat out words that were more severe than I thought, and I pressed the elf's genitals firmly.

"Hugh…..... !"

Then the elf sticks out her tongue and makes her body tremble. I felt a sense of bliss at that sensual figure. I didn't open my eyes to sadism. It was the joy of survival.

'I'm doing well!'

At this rate, I should be able to get through tonight without any problems. Full of confidence, I squeezed the elf's pussy clit and scolded her.

"You pretended to be classy when you first entered this mansion, but in fact, you were a piece of trash worse than a pig!"

"How do you feel about being humiliated in this way?"

"Haha. How are you feeling? Do you feel like your life is being overrun?"


"Are you desperate? Do you want to die? Say something?!"


'Huh? Why is the response getting less and less cool?'

'Did I make a mistake?'

I was pouring out trashy words while pressing her pussy properly. I can't be more vicious than this, but I have no idea where she is disappointed.


In fear, I put my feet down on the ground and stroked my chin. Let's buy as much time as possible and look at the elf's complexion. If there's something I've missed, I'll have to find it.

'What is it?'

But there was no way to know. Those inorganic eyes are just staring at my face. …..... ? Uh? Wait a minute. That elf isn't looking at my face right now. Looking closely, he was staring at the candle behind me. The inner mouth opens at the low realization.

'Okay. From the beginning, this elf had been wanting sexual torture using candles!!!'

"It seems like you won't be able to come to your senses with normal punishment."

After making my decision, I turned around and took out the candlestick hanging on the wall. The flame that burns the wick on the candlestick shakes like a haze.

"I'll have to burn you with wax, then you'll be able to develop some respect for me."

"Master~ I don't like it...!"

Seeing the startled elf put a smile of relief on my lips. This was the correct answer.

"From now on, let's carry out the devastating nacked elf parade."

Instead of tilting the candlestick, I started. It was because the figure of the elf looking up and shedding tears was more sorrowful than I thought.

"Please, please, Master..."

Uh? Is that acting right? Maybe she really hates it? It could be my misunderstanding that elves want sexual torture using candles. It's also candle farming. If I don't know if it's a low-temperature candle, the candle wax that flows from a normal candle is hot enough to burn her skin.

That's why it's not sexual torture; it's just torture. I don't think there's any way that even a masochist would like something like this. I, who was hesitant, raised my voice arrogantly to make an accurate judgment.

"All right, I'll give you one more chance, but there is one condition. Stop crying and smile at me."

'A normal slave can't do it. How can I smile at the point of being beaten and even hear the trailer for the torture of candle wax?'

But it's different if it's an elf. A large part of those gestures and facial expressions were just fakes, so always smile.

'you can So please give me a smile. I didn't want to do anything like this.'

"Huh, huh, huh...!"

However, the elf only burst into tears as if to behold. She doesn't even pretend to stop crying.

'No matter how you look at it, this is a signal to drop the candle wax. Damn!!!'

"Useless bitch, you asked for it."

I had no choice but to tilt the candlestick. The melted candle wax clings to the tip of the candle and lands on the elf's stomach.

"Eeeeekk! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!"

The smell of burning flesh. Along with the weak smoke, the elf screamed out loud. Thanks to that, I, who was breaking out in a cold sweat, looked back and forth in the hallway. I was worried that my family would hear this scream and wake up.

'... Isn't it?'

Fortunately, the presence is not felt. I held on to my pounding heart and recited as if to warn the elf.

"Don't scream. I won't let you go if you tire my ears one more time."

"Yes, yes...."

The elf's voice was watery. It's so pitiful that I can't tell if she is acting.

I took a deep breath and dripped the wax again.


Each time, the elf wriggled her body and gnashed her teeth. Even I, who was watching it, was in pain. No matter how much you act, no matter how pretentious, this is definitely an act of harassing others. Isn't it different from unilaterally harassing the other person even though they haven't done anything wrong?

I don't have any hobbies where I get pleasure from teasing women. So this act—a series of acts of violence, was relentlessly attacking the square of my conscience.


Now that's the limit. If I did more, I felt like I would lose an important part of being a human being.

"I am tired. That's it for today. Clean it."

I tossed the candlestick on the floor. As the candles are extinguished by the impact of being slammed into the floor, darkness falls over the area. I used the darkness to let go of the arrogant expression on my face. Guilt and confusion rage in the place where the mask is removed. I, who had regained my composure throughout the winter by inhaling and exhaling, licked my lips briefly.

After adjusting my clothes, I turned and walked down the hallway. I could feel the gaze from behind, so I kept my gait as calm and dignified as possible. When I turned the corner of the hallway, I kicked off the floor and ran like someone who had seen a ghost.

Opening my mouth and screaming silently, I found my room and entered. He immediately turned around, closed the door, locked the latch, and sat down with his back against the door.

'I'm out...!'

But it's too early to be relieved. I have to watch the elf's reaction. I activated the monitoring object by tapping the ring I was wearing on my left index finger. The blue energy radiated from the ring forms a square window and illuminates the elf's room. After waiting for a while, the elf came into the room and sat down on the bed. The elf, who was still with a face that didn't know what she was thinking, snapped her fingers.

At the same time, the wind soaked in her water wrapped around the elf's body and completely removed the wax that had stuck to it. The burned skin healed in an instant and returned to its original smooth skin.

And yawning. The elf, who was rubbing her eyes with a drowsy face, crawled into bed and pulled the blanket up to her neck.

"Did he say his name was 'Theorad Deham'?"

Not the usual whining voice, but the most low and authoritative tone. I gulped and waited for the elf's next words.


The elf tapped her lips with her finger and thought. The elf, who was staring blankly at her ceiling as if recalling what had happened to her tonight, suddenly smiled brightly.

"Today wasn't bad. You definitely have a knack for it."

'I am still alive.'


A sigh of despair flows out at the fact that survival is guaranteed.

After turning off the monitoring object, I raised my hand and wiped my face.

'I endured today, but...'

It was unknown whether I could survive tomorrow or the next day.

However, as the head of the prestigious Deharm Viscount House and the vice count trusted by His Excellency, I cannot afford to be fooled by that wicked elf.

So, I need to come up with a countermeasure. A countermeasure to drive out the goblin demon elf residing in my mansion!

'I'll make you regret entering my mansion, elf!'

I gnashed my teeth and tried to get up, but I gave up.

It was because my legs were weak and I couldn't stand properly.

"Hmm, hmm."

For now, let's sit a little longer until the mind calms down.