
How To Talk To Anyone 92 Little Tricks For big Success In Relationship

A book I took from the net; all credit belongs to Leil lowndes

Davidplays_5397 · Urban
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Technique #20 Parroting

Never be left speechless again. Like a parrot, simply

repeat the last few words your conversation partner

says. That puts the ball right back in his or her court,

and then all you need to do is listen.Salespeople, why go on a wild goose chase for a customer's real

objections when it's so easy to shake them out of the trees with


Parroting Your Way to Profits

Parroting is also a can opener to pry open people's real feelings.

Star salespeople use it to get to their prospect's emotional objections, which they often don't even articulate to themselves. A

friend of mine, Paul, a used-car salesman, told me he credits a

recent sale of a Lamborghini to Parroting.

Paul was walking around the lot with a prospect and his wife,

who had expressed interest in a "sensible car." He was showing

them every sensible Chevy and Ford on the lot. As they were looking at one very sensible family car, Paul asked the husband what

he thought of it. "Well," he mused, "I'm not sure this car is right

80 How to Talk to Anyone

Technique #20


Never be left speechless again. Like a parrot, simply

repeat the last few words your conversation partner

says. That puts the ball right back in his or her court,

and then all you need to do is listen.

for me." Instead of moving on to the next sensible car, Paul parroted "Right for you?" Paul's questioning inflection signaled the

prospect that he needed to say more.

"Well, er, yeah," the prospect mumbled. "I'm not sure it fits

my personality."

"Fits your personality?" Paul again parroted.

"You know, maybe I need something a little more sporty."

"A little more sporty?" Paul parroted.

"Well, those cars over there look a little more sporty."

Aha! Paul's parrot had ferreted out which cars to show the customer. As they walked over toward a Lamborghini on the lot, Paul

saw the prospect's eyes light up. An hour later, Paul had pocketed

a fat commission.

Want to take a rest from talking to save your throat? This next

technique gets your conversation partner off and running so all

you have to do is listen (or even sneak off unnoticed as he or she

chats congenially away