
How To Survive at the Border of Hell

「Suddenly, all the lights went off and a green panel appeared in front of me. At that moment, I knew that a long apocalypse would begin.」 Ena James, an unsuccessful fanfic author had written some failed original novels. When she is in the hospital, system windows begin to appear and she realizes that it is exactly the beginning of one of her tragic novels titled 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell'. However, 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell' is an apocalyptic world where people have to go through scenarios and kill each other. At the beginning, the players receive a skill that resembles them the most, but Ena is unlucky and receives a strange skill called 'Imagination'. With the knowledge of what will happen in her novel and the power of imagination, can she survive this apocalypse? 「If there is only one person who accepts to read this story, then I will write it to the end just for them.」 ——— Alternative name: I Want to Write a Story

EnaJames · sci-fi
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35 Chs

Welcome to Paris (4)

The advantage of this scenario is that I already know the situation here because I wrote about it, so I don't need to waste time searching for information.

That's how I abandoned my plan to discover things at the same time as Norwood to not be suspected by him in only a second.

I'm going to get really suspicious in this scenario. I feel like my hard work to appear normal before was all for nothing.

I mean, first of all, what normal person creates a pyramid scheme in the middle of a game of life and death?


After a while, I locked onto a target.

In Cheon's camp, people are divided into two: the privileged and the not privileged.

Cheon and his companions, holding all the authority, monopolize food and only distribute rations to people who hunt monsters. If you aren't able to fight, your only way to not starve is to rely on the ones who can, get in the good graces of Cheon's group or even become part of them if you're lucky.

I like monarchy, so what? I'm sure you've also read novels with dukes and princes in them.

By the way, this country's going to turn into a dictatorship soon. I don't remember when exactly the president will be assassinated…

The reason people haven't rebelled yet is not that they didn't want to, but because they weren't able to.

The privileged people surrounding Cheon are, after all, the strongest people in the camp.

As expected from a manipulator, he rallied them to his side right away.

Thus, this camp functions like a dictatorship and Cheon is tyrannizing them.

My dear character is so smart, right?

Anyway, people have Cheon as a leader against their will (even though most of them have been brainwashed to think it's their only way to survive), and we're going to aim into that gap.

Not many people are privileged, and with their different living conditions, it's easy to tell apart the privileged and the non privileged.

Among the latter, some of those who were against Cheon's rule appeared in my novel. There have also been many attempts to reverse the system by killing Cheon and his band, but they all failed and only deepened Cheon's control over the others, showing what would happen to those who went against him.

Recognizing one of the future rebels, I advanced toward her.

I'm going to prepare a mutiny. That is the first step of Operation Card Tower.

Going over the plan in my head, I tried to analyze her body language.

She's seated at a table with a book in her hands. However, the position of said book is a little higher than it should, especially for someone leaning forward with her elbows on the table. Instead of relaxing and letting it touch the table, she's holding it up a few centimeters above it and her pupils are barely moving, as if she were lost in thought.

Personally, I'd only lift my phone this way to not appear suspicious while stealthily taking a picture of a friend, so I'd say the book is a cover to discreetly watch over the crowd.

Apart from this inconspicuous detail, what convinced me were the other signs.

Instead of crossing her legs, she had her two feet solidly on the ground, a posture that seems too stiff for a person merely here to read a book. Yeah, sure, that could be due to a good a good upbringing. Then, let's go on to the next clue.

Her hand scratched the exterior of her knee. What was the knee again? It's an articulation, I think it meant change… Most likely an important one, a change that she desires but can't make up her mind on?

Then, she turned a page and put her arm not holding the book on the table, but still close to her, her hand under her arm with her palm on the table, still pretending to read.

Hiding one's hand means concealing something, but I'm not sure this meaning can be applied in the same way depending on the position.

Although this woman is good at managing her facial expressions, her body expresses her intentions.

She is restless and may have even begun considering rebelling against Cheon and his band. I can't determine if the person she is waiting for is coming to discuss this matter though.

Anyway, it means this is the right person and we came at the right time. I mean, this is also all speculation and there's a 50/50 chance that I'm completely wrong.

Well, I'm not a professional. I'm only a writer, not a mind reader. This'd be cool though.

Then, I slowly turned my head toward the person beside me.


I stared at him.


Norwood met my gaze.


"Hey, Norwood."

I just remembered this guy was a profiler.

"Did you study body language?"

Norwood nodded.

Maybe you won't be so useless after all.

"Great. Then I need you to analyse the mentality of the people I'm going to meet and help me in my pyramid scheme."


You should be a smart guy, I'm sure you can do that much. Or else that means I've been overthinking everything since I met you for absolutely no reason.

Norwood seemed reluctant to answer.

After three seconds, I pulled him with me toward the woman.

"Nevermind, you don't have a choice."

I'm pretty sure you find this amusing, my analysis of body language that has 50% chance of being wrong told me.

By the way, I just realized something.

In the 1st scenario, I let others die; in the 2nd scenario, I casually pickpocketed people; before coming here, I brought two knives with me; and now I'm planning a pyramid scheme.

Maybe DHB was right and I'm actually a pretty dangerous person?

I'm sure it's all father's fault.

As we arrived in front of the woman, I released Norwood's wrist and wore a friendly smile.

"Hello, are you alone?"

The woman eyed us silently, on guard.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I know suddenly talking to a stranger can be a bit rude…"

Seeing my genuinely (fake) apologetic expression, she shook her head.

"It's fine."

I nodded.

"Um, can I take a seat?"

The woman acquiesced so I sat down and gestured for Norwood to do the same.

Then, I controlled my movements to mirror her body language, making it seem as natural as possible.

"If it isn't too presumptuous, may I ask why you're staying here by yourself? Others are so busy hunting monsters, did you already finish? Or are you unable to fight? We can help you if you want."

I paused, faking realization.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm talking so much and we only just met… I didn't even introduce myself; my name is Emma."

Seeing me panic, the woman seemed to relax slightly. She either thought I had no bad intentions or that I was an idiot.

"My name is Carmene."

At least this is the right person.

I waited for her to continue.

"To answer your question, I don't need help to fight. And I'm here because I'm waiting for someone."

I pretended to be relieved.

"It's nice then. What are you reading?"

The woman showed me the book's title.

"What is it talking about?"

She crossed her legs and I imitated her not long after.

"It's about the French revolution in 1749."

"The French revolution?" I repeated with a deprecating smile, "It's amusing because this camp also looks a lot like a monarchy."

Carmene was silent.

I leaned forward, a playful expression on my face.


My head resting on my hand, I met her gaze.

"Are you interested in starting a revolution here as well?"

Okay, maybe I got to the point too fast. I'm too impatient to drag out small talk for too long.

The Sun shone behind me, casting a shadow on my face as I stared into her eyes without breaking eye contact.

The air instantly got colder.

Carmene's expression hardened and she frowned, her fingers tightening their grip on the table as she spoke in a low voice.

"Are you here to interrogate me? Did Cheon send you?"

I grinned wryly.

"If Cheon sent me, you would've already been executed for attempting to rebel with your little followers, isn't that right?"

Actually, I'm not sure if she has already begun gathering people, so this one is a bet.

Carlene's eyes widened.

"What- How-"


I pointed to myself.

"Who told me?"

She closed her mouth.

"Dear, did you really think you were the only ones who wanted to eliminate Cheon? We were only more secretive."

Carmene was at a loss for words.

Opening my arms, I hoped Norwood would play along with the next lie. It would be a shame if my plan failed because his expression showed that he wasn't aware of what I was talking about.

"Security guards, children, women, and even some men in his closest circle, we have gathered a lot of people from many different places. As of now, around 80% of the humans in this camp are directly or indirectly under our influence, and we are nearly ready to execute our plan and reverse the current system to one of equality between everyone—to reverse Cheon."

Then, I extended my hand toward her.

"Do you want to join us?"

She was entranced by my words, but still hesitant.

"Of course, I know that my words are only words to you, and I haven't proved that it is the truth. Still, don't we have the right to dream? By allying yourself with us, you won't lose anything, and you can cut contact at any moment. But, I promise you."

I made a serious expression and affirmed with all the confidence I could muster.

"I am going to succeed."

Finally convinced, Carmene took my hand, making me proud of myself.

I managed to persuade her to join us!

I never imagined Father's teachings would be useful in an apocalyptic world. Not that I thought they'd ever be useful at all.

Hiding my joy, I stood up and bade her goodbye.

That's how we gained a connection to Carmene and her subordinates.

"80% of the camp is directly or indirectly under your control…?"

Hearing Norwood's amused question, I suddenly became conscious of his gaze and looked away.

I mean, I am God. I wrote about this apocalypse…

"Ahem… So, that's how you start a pyramid scheme. It's your turn now."

I patted him on the shoulder.

I count on you, Mr. Profiler.