
How To Survive at the Border of Hell

「Suddenly, all the lights went off and a green panel appeared in front of me. At that moment, I knew that a long apocalypse would begin.」 Ena James, an unsuccessful fanfic author had written some failed original novels. When she is in the hospital, system windows begin to appear and she realizes that it is exactly the beginning of one of her tragic novels titled 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell'. However, 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell' is an apocalyptic world where people have to go through scenarios and kill each other. At the beginning, the players receive a skill that resembles them the most, but Ena is unlucky and receives a strange skill called 'Imagination'. With the knowledge of what will happen in her novel and the power of imagination, can she survive this apocalypse? 「If there is only one person who accepts to read this story, then I will write it to the end just for them.」 ——— Alternative name: I Want to Write a Story

EnaJames · sci-fi
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35 Chs

The profiler, the scammer and DHB (6)

I moved my hand on the ground and touched something next to me. When I glanced at it, I saw that it was another corpse and hastily retracted my arm.

In this scenario, we have to get other people's cards.

The question is: how do people get these cards?

There are a few ways. For example, you can talk it out and convince someone to give you their cards.

But how could people think of such a peaceful solution? Would it even work?

So, usually, the first methods that come to mind are either stealing, or violence.

You can also threaten or blackmail others if you have the means.

And for people who have gone through the first scenario and already became murderers, there's also 'killing'.

Between 'stealing' and 'violence', stealing isn't easy to pull off for those who aren't accustomed to it (I'm not saying I am). In other words, when people saw this scenario's conditions, they first thought of using violence to get the others' cards.

Murder is simply an extension of that violence.

'It's the end of the world anyway.'

'In the end, killing is easier than I thought.'

'Everyone is doing it.'

'They'll never know it was me.'

'I've already killed someone once, one more death wouldn't make a difference.'

'This is now a world where only the strong can survive.'

In people's minds, the 'value' of life has decreased.

There are those who enjoyed killing, the outcasts who didn't like following the rules, the bullies, the gangsters… With the first scenario, a mental barrier has been lifted for the players.

「Murder became a possibility.」

That's why there are so many dead corpses on the ground here.

There weren't any consequences after openly killing someone once, so people can now consider it as an option.

And even if only one fifth, or merely one tenth of the players here have that mindset, that makes all the difference.

Some people decide to kill, others decide to follow them and do the same and the rest are either forced to commit murder as well in self-defense, or die.

As for why that self-defense automatically degenerated into murder instead of simply knocking out the assaillant, isn't that obvious?

It's because 'murder' became an option.

In the victim's mind, due to that 'option' appearing, while trying to survive, the other possibilities are closed. It's either to kill or be killed. In a life and death situation, people become very narrow-minded.

And as much as that analysis into human's psychology to check if I can coerce a non-player into assassinating someone for me later is interesting, let's go back to the current situation before I get punched.

I tried to tilt my body to the side while lifting my right arm to protect my face. Unfortunately, since I was held by the collar, I received the man's fist on my arm. He also chose that moment to release his grip on me and I hurriedly put my left hand behind the back of my head before it collided with the floor.


The man's goal wasn't even related to the scenario or cards anymore. He only wanted to take revenge because I hit him before.

Maybe because of this, he didn't immediately try to call the others for help to apprehend me.


I had a few scratches on my left hand now and my right forearm hurt but I couldn't care about it.

Now that he wasn't holding me, I seized the opportunity to roll to the side—the side where a body wasn't laying dead—and sat up before getting on my feet.

However, since we were too close, I didn't have time to get away. Even if I ran now, I wouldn't be able to widen the gap before he caught me. After all, I was slow.

He grabbed my hair as I attempted to run. Frowning, I tried to elbow him but didn't feel any recoil. He had tilted his head to dodge it. Instead, he punched me in the stomach as I turned toward him, cutting my breath.


I blindly swung my leg toward the guy but he blocked it with his other hand.

Then, I threw my fists toward him, looking for any gap in his defense, but he also blocked them.

I'm really not good at fighting.

After a few seconds, while I uselessly exhausted myself and got slower and slower at throwing punches, he hit me again.

I attempted to kick him in the jaw only for my stomach to be assaulted once more.

Then, I kicked him in the legs but he didn't even bother blocking, likely because he understood how weak my strength was.

At the beginning, I thought that being hit in the stomach hurt less than if he aimed for bones. However, after being punched a few times, I started to feel acid going up my throat while my head spun a little. I was also unable to breathe.

I lifted my foot and crushed his toes as hard as possible, but the man didn't move.

Then, as he hit me harder and harder in the stomach, occasionally punching my temples and making me dizzy, I bent forward while receiving one hit and bit down on his arm. Since we were in summer, he wore short sleeves and I wasn't hindered by a fabric, which made it more effective. After all, there aren't many people who wear long sleeves all year like me. I even have a jacket on.

When he was caught of guard, I hurriedly took a few steps back and tried to catch my breath, my head spinning. However, he was now angrier compared to earlier.

As he approached more fiercely than before, I turned around to give more momentum to my leg and kicked him as hard as I could, positioning my feet at the right angle to stab his side, then charged at him and violently raised my head to slam against his jaw.

However, I suddenly received a blow from behind.


Someone had likely heard us fight and came to help his colleague.

As I fell toward him, my opponent hit me with his knee, making me bend forward, then elbowed me in the back. I collapsed face first to the floor and barely cushioned myself with my arm.


It hurts so much.

The man then put his feet on my head, crushing it on the floor, and turned toward the new people.

If only I had more strength… It will take a while until my stats reach at least 6.

My head was ringing and my mind was empty. I could barely distinguish up and down right now.

"Guys, I found her. Help me beat her up to give her a lesson."

Then, the man removed his foot and turned around my body to look at me in the eyes while his colleagues approached. He smiled creepily, revealing his teeth.

"I'm gonna break every bone in your body before I kill you."

I stared up at the man who had asked his team members to help him.

However, I didn't have anyone to ask for help here.

Actually, it was the same even in the first scenario. I had been doing things by myself. I didn't get acquainted with anyone and simply eavesdropped on conversations, nor did I try to make friends.

That's why, right now, there wasn't anyone else to defend me. I had to solve this situation by myself.

I made a bitter smile.

「At that moment, I realized that I was all alone.」

"Are you smiling?"

The man frowned.

"Do you find this situation funny?"

Yes, it's somewhat funny.

What was I even planning to do after this?

Did I want to go back to my camp, get a meal and head to the chickens' camp?

Why did I think that everything would go my way?

Did I gain too much confidence after successfully completing the first scenario? When I was merely lucky on top of that? Or because this is my novel?

This is a battle I knew I couldn't win.

Why did I even think I could run away from multiple opponents that were faster than me?

Maybe I should've tried to knock out the guy who found me in the first place. I should've immediately run to the chickens' camp, or I should've lied that I was a chicken.

Why didn't I hide the cards on me better to begin with?

Why didn't I simply take out a viper's card that I had stolen even though he may know that person in real life? Anyway, if he didn't check the name on it, I could've definitely avoided this situation.

Why didn't I pay more attention while heading out of my hiding place and lowered my guard?

Why didn't I wait a little more?

Why am I so dumb and air-headed?

I wanted to laugh.

It was ridiculous.

If I had paid a little more attention and took the situation more seriously…


"Are you ignoring me?"

However, it was too late to regret things.

I tried to reach for my shoes, intending to grab them, swing them around blindly, then slip through my assailants and make a run for it while they stepped back. After all, shoes should hit harder than fists, right?


But the feet crushing my arm told me otherwise. My muscles hurt.

I couldn't muster enough strength to lift my limbs.

Another blow in my stomach cut off my breath again. I choked.

Even breathing was painful.

I felt my vision get blurry as my eyes were unable to focus. However, I wasn't fainting. Because of experience, I knew all too well that these weren't the signs of fainting, or else my vision would have darkened as I lost control of my senses.

Unfortunately, I didn't feel unbearably hot, nor did I lose control of my senses. On the contrary, my head was ringing, there was an iron taste in my mouth and I was hurting all over, showing very clearly that I was still conscious.

Just in case, I used some stat points to increase the durability of my body. However, I still felt exhausted.

[Player #156574631: Ena James

Stats: Agility Lv.2; Dexterity Lv.2; Stamina Lv.2,5; Strength Lv.2.

*0,4 additional stat point available.

Skill: Imagination Lv.1.]

My nose was bleeding and my knees were bruised; my hands were also scratched but I didn't know if I had other wounds.

I was kicked again, feeling my already hurting side hurt even more. No, it didn't even hurt now, it burned. I grit my teeth, trying to endure it.

I felt like time was slowing down as my thoughts began drifting everywhere.

The vipers were ganging up on me. Even if I could somehow turn the tables and get rid of one opponent, I wouldn't be able to escape. Anyway, even getting rid of one one of them was doubtful as I was having difficulty to move.

First brother used to call me every time I got myself into trouble as if he were a psychic. It's strange my phone isn't ringing with a lot of missed calls yet, not that I want to be scolded though. Ah, I hope my phone isn't broken.


I realized only now that I was frowning. I think I bit my tongue, the taste of blood is even stronger.

I don't know if I'll be able to get out of this situation.

Is this how I'm going to die?

Because of carelessness?

Because I'm weak?

Because I'm antisocial?

Will I really die because I was beaten up?



It's really pathetic.

For that, my dad wouldn't be proud of me. No, he probably wouldn't care. Does he even know my name… Actually, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't, I don't really know all of my family members' names either. Damn irresponsible father… I hope first brother doesn't come to my funeral though. He'll probably just frown at my grave while clicking his tongue.

I closed my eyes, internally sighing.

I don't even know what to pray for.

Is it to survive through this?

To not be beat up too hard?

That they give up because it's boring? That they mistake me for dead?

I wanted to laugh. Suddenly regaining enough strength to get up and fight back through willpower alone would be impossible.

Because I'm not a protagonist.

I'm too weak to win in a battle and so air-headed that I sometimes miss important details.

I can only improvise because I'm not that good at making strategies, ones that work at least.

I'm too lazy to be hard-working so I procrastinate very often, I have a weak willpower and sometimes I'm very stubborn for stupid things where I should give up.

I'm not talented in any particular areas. I have an especially bad memory, I even have trouble remembering faces.

I'm not very courageous and I'm introverted. I can't even make friends by myself without them at least stepping up first. I closed in on myself so I don't even have the will to make connections with others.

My usual nonchalance is actually a wall I built to put distance between me and others, because if I don't care about anything then nothing can hurt me.

I'm not a strong person who can stand up to everything that comes my way and overcome every obstacle in my life. I only write stories to run away from reality because at least fiction is something I can control. In truth, I'm just a coward avoiding my problems.


I'm simply a normal person with flaws, not someone who will save the world.

I am not fit to be a main character. I'm only a writer, creating the stories from the other side of the screen. Even if there was a novel about me, it would be very boring.

Nobody is going to save me. After all, people aren't kind enough to get into a disadvantageous fight for a stranger.

Since I'm not a main character, I'm alone, and I have no side characters to help me.

I only an extra that nobody would notice on the street. A passerby that wouldn't appear in the story.

I'm used to being alone. I always do everything by myself.

Tears welled up in my eyes because of the unbearable pain, but I ignored them.

Contrary to what was said in stories, my body didn't go numb when there was too much pain, it only hurt more.

It really hurts…

And now I had no idea if I was crying because of the pain or because I was sad.

I wanted to sigh, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

If only…

I thought about what I wanted.

「If only someone could save me right now.」

Oh my, is it the footsteps of our last main character that I hear?

EnaJamescreators' thoughts