
How To Survive at the Border of Hell

「Suddenly, all the lights went off and a green panel appeared in front of me. At that moment, I knew that a long apocalypse would begin.」 Ena James, an unsuccessful fanfic author had written some failed original novels. When she is in the hospital, system windows begin to appear and she realizes that it is exactly the beginning of one of her tragic novels titled 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell'. However, 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell' is an apocalyptic world where people have to go through scenarios and kill each other. At the beginning, the players receive a skill that resembles them the most, but Ena is unlucky and receives a strange skill called 'Imagination'. With the knowledge of what will happen in her novel and the power of imagination, can she survive this apocalypse? 「If there is only one person who accepts to read this story, then I will write it to the end just for them.」 ——— Alternative name: I Want to Write a Story

EnaJames · sci-fi
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35 Chs

The profiler, the scammer and DHB (3)

Turning around, I tapped on the barrier that appeared from where I just came from. It was pushed away like rubber and returned to its original form once I removed my finger. However, it's impossible to grab it.

Since I wrote about it, I already knew that it wasn't possible to destroy it.

In other words, there was no way out.

I absentmindedly played with the elastic barrier while trying to accept the situation.

In my novel, the main characters were still on the island at that time and were teleported to the mainland as a reward at the end. There's also a time difference between the different second scenarios of at least a few days so the system could have forced me to do it anytime.

Right, anyways, even if I weren't here, the system would have forced me to move to a second scenario area at one point.

Since the environment and number of people are different from my novel, the contents should also differ and I don't know anyone here.


Well, I should at least look around before it starts-

Beside me, a voice made me regain my senses.

"It's useless. Others have already tried to pass through but failed."

I realized that I was still playing with the barrier and stopped.

Turning my head to the person who talked just now, I saw that it was a tall man with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, a slender build, and neat clothes. Was he going to a meeting before being trapped here?

Is everyone taller than me here?

I swear I should be at least one or two centimeters shorter, it should be illegal.

He was leaning casually against the barrier, his arms crossed, and stared at me.

Not knowing what to say, I greeted him.


Contrary to his cold appearance, he acknowledged it with a nod and introduced himself.

"Hello. My name is Norwood Amethyst, and you?"

This man is wearing a suit and gives off professional vibes. Its black color also makes him seem aloof.

The news about players reached Friend Number 1, so I guess it must have spread around. Then, what is the chance that the police is already investigating by hiding among normal people to find players?

I know that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but from his way of dressing, introducing himself to a stranger is clearly OOC. And usually, clothes reflect a part of the wearer's personality.

In short, the probability of him wanting to get acquainted with me is less than only wanting to know my name in case I'm a player.

Moreover, even if he's not from the police, it would be better to hide my name to not attract too much attention if I do something big and it spreads around. That way, they wouldn't associate me, Ena James, with the person responsible for… whatever I did.

Just in case, I decided to give him a fake name.

"I'm Emma."

If you ask me to show an official document, I'll say that you misheard.

"And your last name?"

I deliberated for a second before answering.


Can you make it any more obvious that you want to know my full name?

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Watts."

See? He seems far too formal to casually start a conversation with a stranger.

"Are you a player?"

…And that was too direct.

I played dumb.

"Do you mean a sport player?"

You are too vague, Sir. What is being played? I don't know anything.

Technically, if I didn't hear about players from Friend Number 1, didn't go through the 1st scenario yesterday, and didn't write a novel on the current situation, I wouldn't know anything.

So, right now, ignoring the first part of my previous sentence, and since I'm trying to hide the second and third things, it should be the correct reaction, right?

Mr. Norwood shook his head, maintaining a friendly attitude.

"No, you didn't hear about the players?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't watch the news."

"You don't need to call me 'Sir', you can talk casually."

That's in case I forget your name, Sir.

"But why are you asking? Maybe I can help."

Norwood candidly explained the reason.

"I'm a profiler. I currently work with the police to find these 'players'. And you, what's your job, Miss Watts?"

Nailed it.

Now, as a totally paranoid person, I'd say he told me this information to let me think he let down his guard and try to trap me later. I should be careful with my words and reactions. After all, even if it's not the case, this guy still studied criminology.

In this situation where I'm not supposed to know anything, I should probably question him about the players because of curiosity. However, it's too late now that he deflected the subject.

In short, I must show that I'm truly ignorant because not showing interest in what 'players' are would be suspicious, but inquiring now would be too insistant.

I took out my phone and wrote 'recent news'. Even though it's totally impolite, I can click on the articles about 'players' and feign that I'm learning about it only now as naturally as possible. At least, I hope so.

While quickly scrolling down and briefly looking at a few articles, I replied, sometimes lifting my head to meet his eyes to seem less impolite.

"You can be more casual as well. Moreover, my job is not as cool as you. I'm a part-time writer."

Actually, being overly self-aware is my specialty. I don't know if that makes me seem always extremely suspicious to those who read body language or extremely consistent. Probably the former.

"Really? What do you write?"

In case he did know my stories and found out my name isn't 'Emma', I answered vaguely.

"Mostly fanfictions, I'm not really known. What are your favorite novels?"

Not noticing I changed the subject again, or maybe noticing but not calling out to me on it, his response was unexpected.

"I quite like the Tale of the 73rd Demon King."

I paused.

Am I dreaming?

Covering my reaction with a smile, I inquired, "I don't know this story. What does it speak about?"

Did he really not realize who I am? Is he being honest right now?

"It's a tragedy about a demon king named Ezra who studies in an academy among humans while hiding his identity."

He's really speaking about the story I wrote.

I thought about about pinching myself but realized it would be too suspicious.

"…So you like tragedies?"

"Not particularly, but this one was particularly well written."

"I'll check it out when I have time then," I said.

It's the first time that one of my original novels is someone's favorite story…

As I stared at him in silence, a particularly handsome fellow was seen in the corner of my eyes.

Norwood also turned his attention toward DHB as people made way for him due to his imposing presence.

DHB seems as threatening as ever.

I waved.


DHB glanced in our direction and ignored me. How rude. Am I a masochist?

Probably having judged DHB as a dangerous individual, for example because of the sword he's wearing (perhaps his reward in the first scenario), Norwood was surprised.

"You know him?"

"Nope. But he's handsome."

Norwood was at a loss for words.

I mean, I can't tell you we got acquainted yesterday because we experienced the same first scenario, can I?

I was out of excuses and I don't work well under pressure, so that's the best reason I found.

As DHB made his cool entrance, the scenario's rules began to be announced, signaling the start of the scenario.

Actually, the reason we had to wait after the activation of the scenario was probably because of the time it takes for everyone to calm down.

After all, this barrier is also trapping non-players here, even though they won't participate in the scenario, and it has only been one day (at least for me, maybe more for others) since the end of the first scenario, so not everyone knows what's happening.

For example, me, who doesn't watch TV and is totally a non-player (at least while Norwood is around).

When every player paid attention to the rules (because non-players can't hear or see the system), and Norwood's gaze followed the others to the air where the rules were shown, I listened and seized the opportunity to get away.

By the way, I don't know if he's a player or a non-player who's trying to guess what others are looking at. It should also be a way for him to single out the players who instinctively stared at the rules compared to the non-players who should be confused about what's happening.

Good luck with your job, dear reader.

[Poule, renard, vipère: Scenario 2#43193

Make your group win.

Additional rules:

1. The scenario will begin once everyone receives their 'card'.

2. Everyone will be divided into three groups: chicken, fox and viper; which group you belong to is shown on the card you will receive.

3. The chickens' preys are the vipers; the vipers' preys are the foxes; and the foxes' preys are the chickens.

4. The group that stole the most cards at the end of the scenario wins (only the prey's cards are counted).

5. Cards are considered stolen when they are in the enemy's camp at the end of the scenario.

6. An object to temporarily hide your identity in the rankings for the duration of the scenario will be hidden for each camp somewhere in the scenario area. Only the top ten will be shown.

7. Rewards will be distributed based on personal performance. You won't be rewarded if your card is in the hands of another group at the end of the game.

8. The yellow area is the chickens' camp; the orange area is the foxes' camp; and the green area is the vipers' camp.

9. Your camp becomes a safe zone for 30 minutes every 150 minutes when its boundaries glow brighter. If the enemy steps in at that moment, they are disqualified for breaking the rules and the zone loses its effect. Disqualified people will immediately die.

10. The scenario will end automatically 48 hours from now. In the meantime, players and non-players will be unable to leave the scenario area. Food and water will appear in the camp for each member every 6 hours.]

Then, the timer began to count down.
