

Warning: This book is filled with a bunch of ways to piss people off unless you want to piss people off then don't stay. Keep in mind this book is going to poke fun at everything I'm telling you.....everything. If your an easily offended person please leave, do not stay, go away, you have been warned enjoy

So obviously we start off with a topic that's easy. I mean it's twitter what else do you expect, I'll give you three to five ways in each chapter per topic on how to piss vast amounts of people off. Here's some for twitter

1) Give your opinion-

Giving your opinion on twitter will bite you in the butt especially if it's siding with something or someone people hate (you see where I'm going with this right?). Basically state your opinion on something like idk "support trump or build the wall that separates mexico from America" things like that, you are sure to get some stupid people in your comment box (lol).

2) Talk about kpop-

Oh god here we go this I've been contemplating if I should put make fun of celebs or kpop people (heh I choose the kpop one ofc). Now this is the simplest one in which any person whether your a celeb or a regular human being looking for trouble. All you have to do is say "to heck with jungkook who needed him" or something hateful which you'd be more hated than bryce hall or jake paul.

3)Give a hot hot take-

This is similar to giving your opinion but just tag a bunch of random people. Even though hot takes are something regular on twitter you can still see people in the comment replying like they just got fired and divorced at the same time.

That's it for this part moving on to the next