

To be annoying is amateur, instead be extra annoying. I'm talking don't stop till they drop annoying. Everyone knows that annoying people are the worse and that they have some reason behind being a nuisance (I don't) you shouldn't have a reason to be annoying is what I'm getting at.

I can name some on the spot annoying types used to piss casts amount of people off.

1) drama annoying-

Everyone has to have drama right?...yes the answer is yes...so what do you do, you use the drama to be annoying. BUT! don't go too far or it'll be a bad move( who am I kidding go on do your worst, this book is about pissing people off not feeling sorry for anyone).

2)Lie annoying-

They say that more your lie, the less people believe you. Well scrap that, if you wanna piss people off follow something along the lines of this script

Mary said "Oh John I know who stole your favourite pencil you know the one that means so much to you....it was Jenny!" John being the idiot confronted Jenny and Jenny told him no john then saw mary with his pencil and got pissed that she lied. ( I mean it was his fault though he believed her).

3) Combination of the two above-

Combining the two is sure to piss people off. Of course just saying their name 60 times without a reason will too but this will for sure piss people off even more.

Next chapter :D