
How To Kill A Fiend

Like every other person Kenji was determined to live a normal life and die a normal death despite him being an anomaly but a sudden twist forces him to find himself in a deadly battle for humanity's survival. This new journey leads to the unraveling of many secrets all of which are connected to him. With both the salvation and destruction of humanity resting on his shoulders what will Kenji do?.

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15 Chs

Chapter 15. Defeat

'Eighty percent, If I don't finish this with eighty percent then there's nothing I can do anymore'.

Kenji glared at Yoshio but Yoshio smiled back which irritated him. The other students were watching him and Yoshio fight but no one tried to interfere, something was up.

"Come at me" Yoshio said.

"Sure, why not?" Kenji stood akimbo but then squatted and held his two clenched fists out. He really wanted to end the fight there. He knew he was no match for this man before him but he wasn't just going to agree to some deal out of nowhere. Transferring all the power he could muster to his legs, he took the most powerful leap he had ever taken and he was sure Yoshio would never be able to handle that burst of speed. He would end it with one punch, just that one punch. Yoshio smirked when Kenji appeared in front of him

"You came at me with such speed but you didn't think of how you'd stop yourself,did you?"

'Crap, I never thought of that. This is bad'

Yoshio bent backwards and narrowly dodged the punch but before Kenji could pass him by he caught him by the wrist and pulled him back. Yoshio delivered a palm attack to his guts and before letting go he delivered another three. "I guess I win this one"

"Are you sure about that?"

Yoshio saw Kenji's left hand blocking the middle of his torso and the sleeve had been torn from the force of his attacks. "Smart kid, you managed to save yourself. Give it up you won't be able to hit me"

"I know I'm not strong enough to hit you, but..." He paused and scoffed " I can still leave my mark"

"Heh? What are you talking about?"

Kenji lunged at him again and with more determination this time.

"This is getting boring, just stop give it up already "

Kenji's main disadvantage in the battle was Yoshio's ability to read reiki. With that he could anticipate moves and it was accurate ninety nine percent of the time. A distortion or sudden change in the flow of reiki could affect the Kanteigan's reading ability but that was always unlikely to happen. Kenji appeared right in front of Yoshioapplies and fired a punch straight at his face. Yoshio was going to block it and counter but Kenji stopped the punch just before it made contact and there was another one coming from below. Unfortunately, Yoshio knew about it and prepared to block it but...

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!!!" A feminine voice shouted. There was a tone of anger

Yoshio backed off and started whistling like he knew nothing about the fight that was just on going. Kenji turned around because the voice and from behind him and his gaze met a woman, a very beautiful woman. He started to wonder who she was and what someone like her was doing in their school. She had the same hair color as Yoshio and the same eyes as him.

"I asked a question Yoshio"

"Heheh, hi Yoshio. We were just sparring"

The names and looks told Kenji that they were siblings but he didn't know I she was older or younger than Yoshio or not. There was no reason for him to pry so he remained quiet.

"Sparring?! Sparring?!! You've almost destroyed the entire front of the school and yet have the balls to tell me you're sparring?! I'm gonna kill you"

"Don't sweat it Yoshie. We'll cover it"

"How are you gonna explain yourself?"

"I won't be explaining myself to anyone "

Yoshie grabbed Yoshio by the neck and squeezed hard, choking him. "You bullied the kid and made him fight you knowing there wasn't a chance of him winning. You toyed with him because he's a novice, you're really evil" She went to Kenji and took one of his hands. "Please don't mind my brother, he must have hurt you badly". She said. "I'll compensate you on my brother's behalf"

"Umm... Yoshie just so you know that kid..."

"Shut up you blonde dumbass. You hurt the poor kid"

"That kid..."

"I said shut up"

"That kid is black gold rank". A feminine voice said familiar feminine voice announced. It was Chika, the woman from the previous night.

Yoshie was quiet and she looked into Kenji's eyes, then at Chika, then Yoshio. "Are you sure of what you just said"

"What? Are shocked that Japan's twentieth blackgold is just a kid who has zero knowledge on reiki?" Yoshio asked.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen to me"

"Did he pass the exam?"

Yoshio scoffed. "He didn't"

"I'm quite confused"

Kenji made his move. He would never get another chance like this so he was going to make use of it. He appeared on front of Yoshio and had a punch ready for him. " You let your guard down"

The students watching gasped but Yoshio giggled. Yoshio caught the punch before it hit and punched Kenji's face, making him to fall down. He faced Yoshie and smiled. "He just passed his makeup exam. Yasuda Kenji is now a fiend slayer"

Kenji sat up, spat some blood from his mouth and scoffed "Damn you old man"

"Old man?, I'm twenty six"

"Well I'm a fiend slayer now are you happy? I'm leaving now, my friends are waiting for me". Kenji got up from the ground and dusted his clothes. He went to get his backpack and Yoshio grinned at him the whole while. He could see it through the mask. He waved Kenji goodbye but Kenji scoffed and ignored him totally.

"Make sure you don't tell anyone about that we discussed"

Kenji turned around and glared at him. "Leave me alone"

"Yoshio that kid is really hostile towards you. What the hell did you discuss with him". Chika asked.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters now is that he's joined the slayers. We have a good future ahead"

"What is going on with you today?"

Kenji walked away while murmuring and cursing at Yoshio. He had never met someone as strong as him in his life but today he met someone who was stronger than him by leagues so of course he was really mad about it. "That man that behaved like an idiot beat. It's just not possible. I mean his office was so empty and there was nothing in there but some anime posters and the furniture. How the hell is someone like that even a teacher?" Kenji paused and sighed " I should just go play games with my friends and get my mind off this. So does this mean tomorrow I start in red uniform?"


" Ahh! This is no good at all. Where the hell is Kenji, there's no way we can beat this boss on our own".

"You're so damn right Senku "

"Where the hell is Kenji?!"

"Did someone call my name?"

The three of them turned their heads and saw Kenji grinning behind them .

"Where do I sit?"

"Where the hell have you been?, we've been waiting for you" Senku frowned at him.

"Come on don't be mad"

"We aren't mad". Remi said. Her sudden interference made Senku to keep his mouth shut and not express his anger.

"So, where do I sit?"

"You can have the seat beside Ichihara-san"

"Thanks, send me an invite so I can join the raid immediately. I'll take the reins". Kenji took a seat and he put on the headphones that were with the gaming setup. The games were always on each computer so all the customers had to do was login to their accounts when they wanted to play.

"Sure, I sent it already" Yuki said.

"Don't be mad at me Senku"

"If we complete this raid then I'll think about it"

"Ok then, let's finish this up quickly and move to bizarre glaciers"

"Are you sure you can handle that?"

"Why not ?"