
How to finish high school as a god

DEA7H_7OLL_Xbox · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Heading home

As me and my friends were walking back we talked about what schools going to be like tomorrow we were all pretty excited because the first day of school is when students usually awaken their mana and are Abel to summon their skill list. I can't wait for tomorrow Sam says as she points her arms in random directions pretending to cast spells

Lize tugged on my sleeve so I looked over to her she said that's the day that mages get their summons also. Than Sam jumped in oh ya my summon is going to be supper awesome like A dragon or a griffin as she said this me and Lize looked at each other and giggled Sam you can be so childish some time. Oh really she replied back is that how your supposed to talk to an S ranked Mage.

Me and Lize started giggling louder your not even a mage yet I said. After I said that she just smirked and said ya yet. after we had some more fun walking back the sun was about to set so we all headed to our homes see you tomorrow at school yelled Sam, Lize waved us off as she left and I waved back at the both of them see you tomorrow I yelled!


When I got home I walked in to the den and seen both my parents there dad was reading a book and mom was sitting on a couch drinking some tea I sat next to my mom and told her about my day. When I got to the future teller my dad dropped his book while my mom spit out her tea. This was a shock for me because I've never seen my parents act like this before.

Now honey what was the name of this fortune teller my dad asked. It was the Witch maze I told them that's when my dad started running around the room yelling about how is she still doing this after thirty years. My mom tried to calm him down but looked panicked also I even thought I heard her mumble about her parents telling her about how they met a fortune teller but that couldn't be that would make her more than a hundred something years old right.

After my mom calmed my dad down they were both looking at me now dear this Maze you meet earlier today is actually the Head masters of the school your going to be attending tomorrow. Really how do you know that mom all of the sudden my dad jumps in to the conversation with. Because that old bat did the same thing to us when we were young she goes to different towns as a fortune teller to find out information about her students.

Now dear it's not nice to be calling people old bat my mom chided my dad with a stern face. But she is my dad replied back my mom just shook her head don't listen to anything he says sweetheart he's just upset about all the pranks Madam Maze played on him in school. Pranks those weren't pranks she was blatantly trying to kill me. Oh hush now dear so what she through you in to a pit full of bears a couple of times. A couple of times my dad yelled one time after I beat all the bears for like the sixths time that month she ended up tossing a couple of venomous snakes in as well. Do you know what it's like to have venomous snakes thrown at you while a mad witch laughs in the background that month was hell.

Well dear that's what you get for eating her cookies. I didn't know they were hers my dad yelled they were just sitting out on a table! That table was in the head masters office dear my mom continues to shake her head. She's still a demon my dad grumbles. At that moment Sebastian walked in to inform us dinner was ready


Dinner past by like normal I said good night to my mom and dad than went to my room when I entered I got dressed in my night gown,than went to the window as I opened it and looked at the stars I seen one fly by. So I closed my eyes and wished for what the Witch said earlier to day to not come true. As I finished my wish I continue to watch the sky for a while longer tell I got tired and walked over to my bed after shutting the window. Tomorrow going to be the best day ever she said as she slowly fell asleep.

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