
Chapter 9

It was war with the leader of the monster tide and we were barely surviving. Shex was already fighting there leader and is barely alive.

" Let's kill that b**** " Qiqi said and jumped over a rock.

We jumped from boulder to boulder until we arrived at the fight. The entire place was on fire and the ground was full of spear's.

" [ Rejuvenation ] " A woman said and she was holding a staff.

She wore a priestess dress, That was color white with a yellow lining on the hem and a cloth that covered her face

She had blond hair with eye's that looked like the infinite blue sky. She was giving off a holy aura that woud kill any monster bellow C-rank.

" Were here to help! " I said and fired an arrow.

" That woud be a greate help " She said and smiled.

" I am Qing Qing, You? " I said and jumed as a fire ball came rushing at my feet.

" May Lee, Call me may " May said and made a shield to protect Chex.

" [ Combusting Bomb ] " Qiqi said and a huge magic circle came out of her head.

It made a huge fire ball that woud burn everything. Chex helped her by stoping the bear from moving.

" [ Holy Seal ] " May said and a huge star sorounded the entire area.

The entire place was sealed by a holy feild that woud weaken every monster. Qiqi was not affected, Since she was contracted to me.

I fired multiple arrow's at the bear, But he was not damaged one bit. He was a National rank dessaster that can obliterate an entire nation.

" We have to hold on till the reinforcement'e come " Chex said and he was hit by the bear's claw's.

" Ok " Qiqi said and used her fan to strengthen the fire.

She fired her spell, It hit the bear and damaged it, But it can barrely be called adamage. At most we coud do was hold it off.

" [ Mother Nature's Rath ] " I said and tied the bear down using vine's.

His mana count was being absorbed by the vine's and was creating fllower's off of it, But he broke free like it was nothing.

' Half of my mana is gone, How strong is he? ' I thought and fell from the ground.

" [ Flower Bloom ] " I said and the flower started to explode.

" [ Magnify ] " Qiqi said and a huge red circle came out on top of the bear.

The huge red circle started to gather red particle's and was making multiple red magic circle's on top of it.

A huge hole on the fire circle was made a huge red beam of massive desstruction energy was formed and was fired at the bear.

The flower's exploded and his body was covered with red powder and the red powder egnited more of yhe flame's.

" [ Holy Sheild ] " May said, To contain the huge force that was going to happen.

" [ Earth Soverith Ruler ] " Chex said and the bear's protection barreir's were all down.

This was the strongest 9th-class spell that can control the planet earth it self, But will cost you you'r life span depending on the change of the earth.

He just controled the place around the bear to remove all of his earth type deffensive spell's. This much only cosed him 1 year of his life span.

As I put an arrow on my bow and my green eye's that bbecamed a predator's glowed. I put every drop ofmy mana into my arrow and it made a green light on the tip of it.

" Pin point weakness, Fire " I said and fired my bow at it's left arm pit.

This might not be where his organ's are, But if it hit's it will have a huge tear on his skin and most of his blood will be lost.

" Oh mighty god punish the sinfull [ Hand's of God ] " May said and a huge white hand came out on the bear's head.

All our atack's came all at once. My bow obliterated his left arm and leg. The fire burned him, His deffense's were broken and the white hand grabed him.

His body was comepletely obleterated, But it was still not enough to kill him. On a spit second his body regenerated.

" S*** " I said and jumped away.

" We have to buy some time " Chex as he jumped away.

" I'll hold him off " I said and fired an arrow.

It exploded and a net made out of ice came out and locked his position. Qiqi atacked him usinh fire and all of us started to run away.

" Get out of my way " May said and slaped a monster using her staff.

She ran away while firing spell's on the monster and the monster was drawned in by Chex and we all supported Chex using magic.

" * Roaaar * " The bear roared really strong and we all stoped.

He fired a brown beam of masive energy at us and Chex was hit directly. Qiqi was able to dodge, But her right leg was severed.

May was able to protect her self using her protective equipment and I teleported on an arrow, So I was fine.

" Qiqi here " I said and threw her some potion.

She drank it and her mana and body was back to full health, But even my highest potion cannot revive the almost dead Chex.

" Oh god bless the un-sinfull [ Hand of God ] " May said and a huge white hand grabed Chex.

His body was regenerating, But May's mana was drained and her pgisical body was really severe and was exaousted.

She used [ Hand Of God ] 3 time's and that really pushed her limet to the max. She might not even be able to recover after this.

" I will distract gim for a while " I said and fired three arrow's at him.

" O-Ok " Qiqi said andran to the both of them.

" It's time to dance " I said and held him in place using vine's.

He was held in place and I fired a condenced arrow that coud kill a A+-rank monster once contact.

I fired multiple arrow's at him, But he coud regenerate his body over and over. I kept on dringking mana potion's.

He fired multiple beam's at me, But I dodged. I was running out of mana and my body was loosing energy.

' I have to escape ' I thought and fired anarrow at him.

' This is all that I have left ' I thought and fired all my arrow's all at once.

It exploded creating more arrow's and in-circle the bear and holding him in place. I chained him down to the ground using my vine's.

' This shoud be enough ' I thought and started to run away.

I jumed from tree to tree rock's vale's and did not go to the city, But instead to a mountain where he coud not harm anyone.


" * Haa * * Haa * " I kept on having deep breath as I felt really tired.

" * Roaar * " The bear roared and atacked me with his claw.

I did a back flip to dodge all his incomming atack's and landed on the flor and jumped away to get some distance.

" Tou'r going down " I said and vale's water started to flowt toward's us.

" [ Water Vale ] " I said and a vale of water sorounded the entire top of the mountain.

" [ Freeze ] " I said and froze the entire water particle's.

" This is my last trick " I said and fired a wodden arrow at the ice.

It started to multiply and fired everywhere hitting the both of us. I dodged all of them, But he was hit by multiple arrow's.

" [ Teleport ] " I said and reped open a papper.

I teleported to our apartment where Qiqi was there absorbing all of our thing's. We did not have a choice but to leave this place, Since the monster tide was just too strong.