
The First Day

The first day was surprisingly very pleasant and everything went smoothly, it was not like what I expected it to be.

Well you see in order for you to understand my thoughts process and where I am coming from, I will have to start from the very beginning before the beginning.

Ever since I was a little boy, I have always been a quiet, well-behaved and a responsible little child (to be honest this is a lie I was a rascal but then this is a story about me I think I can tweak the truth a little 😁).

I am the first born son of my family and I have two siblings and they are both girls (this put me in a difficult position because I had to be the responsible one cause my younger siblings were to follow my lead and that brought on lot of pressure for a young me then and plus I was the only boy). Although, we were not that rich but we were rich in actual sense cause I never lacked anything.

Okay to get back on track, I was a manageable good child and I loved reading stories, at the age of eight I finished all fairy tales related books ( I will always sneak into my parent's room and secretly use my mom's phone to connect to the internet, at times I finish her data plan and then act all innocent in the morning).

Yes, I was a dork, a naughty one in fact.

After finishing all those fairy tales I was ready to start reading novels although my parents never did agreed to that suggestion. I remember asking my dad to buy me a novel, he went and got me a Bible story book, all I could do was nod and try to smile happily for the book. I got over my book craze at the age ten (after being bored of all those porn books).

Unknown to my unsuspecting parents I had began my journey to fame due to curiosity. But before we get to that let me tell you, how I got my system.

I was a curious preteen and at age ten I was interested in treasure hunting, I thought it would be cool to find treasures in hidden place and one day I guess I did find a treasure. While carrying out my usual digging of strange stones in my neighborhood (I have a whole collection in different colors and shapes), I found this mysterious black shining stone, and I was pretty excited to have found it.

I washed it to get the grime off and I fashioned it into a necklace and yes my sisters helped.

Later that night, while I was sleeping unknown to me what I picked up was a form of lifeform which fell to Earth thousands of years ago and only resurfaced when I dug it up. Something crawled out from the stone and it tried to attached itself to my hand but it was unsuccessful and then it crawled back into the stone.

While this was going on I was on an adventure in la-la land being an immortal I guess.

After that unsuccessful event by the alien lifeform, my life was easygoing and smooth sailing (😂 it was not, I went through a lot of phases and like tons of up and down).

When I was 16, the alien lifeform made itself known (dude have tried to take over for a while and didn't work 😂), and it introduced itself as a system here to change my life and bring me to the top of the world, basically it tried to propose a deal. It will help me become famous and in return it can reside in my hand in order to survive and regain it's body.

I was skeptical of course, I mean it was literally a talking stone to me, I threw that shit to a corner in my room and got down on my knees to pray cause man was scared that I was being possessed.

After a while I calmed down and reason the thing, then I remembered the Asian novels I got into and how they mentioned all these systems. So a 💡 light up in my head, so I was like yassssssss I got my own system now.

Of course I picked up the stone and tried to listen to what it had to say, did I mention that it had a girly voice. Anyway I accepted the fact that I had a system, so I agreed to her deal. So she successfully attached herself to my right hand and my hand had this dark birthmark thing going on because of the system.

It was either that or a tattoo like shape, mehn I was like bitch no, cause how will I explain that shit in school or even to my parents 👀.

So, when I was sixteen I officially bound my system to me and I also successfully got into C university (the best in Africa by the way, if you know you know). Oh and I got into C University on my own merits and didn't use the system for that.

Now to the beginning, today was really unexpected because it was the first time I actually thought that having a system was going to be rad.

Today is C resumption day and lemme tell you they have lots of rules, from the no phone rule to the no jeans allowed rule. I was in for a ride ( I started asking myself why did I come to this University in the first place).

I had to dress corporately in order to carry out my registration and this was were the system comes in, she created a dress code for me (cause in order for me to start building my popularity I have to stand out, is what she said?), which is compliant with the school rule but also cool to pull off like an alté fashion.

Anyway she made the idea of wearing slacks and dressy shoes on a Saturday cool. On the other hand I made a grand impression on my peers (but the funny thing was that I was the only one dressed corporately). But I still made an impression on my peers at least they will remember me for being compliant 🤷.

Not to bore you with the details I got into school, got my boxes searched for contrabands and given a room which I will be sharing with three other students.

The room was okay but I will have to get use to sharing a room (cause only boy in my family). The room had two bunk beds, four wardrobes, two sets of tables and chairs.

All I known is that my first day on campus was total unexpected and I look forward to breaking the school rules (sike, like I will actually do that, it will be more like twisting or bending the rules) and making friends.