
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter-2-It is What It is

Rity's Pov*

The next Heiress of Mountfield Dukedom, Laritza Von Jager, the only child of the esteemed ducal pair.

My recollection of the web comic is not entirely comprehensive, yet certain details linger in my mind, particularly Laritza's unyielding ruthlessness, callous demeanor, and haughty disposition. Though she possessed a superior education befitting her noble lineage, her lack of astuteness and sagacity rendered her cunning and malevolent schemes bereft of foundation. Furthermore, her penchant for openly reproaching individuals left her vulnerable, ultimately becoming an easy target in the aftermath.

Duke had to take in an adopted child under the new Emperor's order, and he retired early with his wife after Laritza's tragic death.

I can't recall why she chose to end her life, which is strange given her personality. What if someone had murdered her?

Everything in this online comic was seen through the eyes of the Bastard Prince, even the descriptions were in third person. I remember chuckling when they described Elonara as beautiful dazzling young girl, but she looked just like the other maids in the webcomic and didn't have any distinct features that usual main characters possess.

Laritza, on the other hand, was depicted as incredibly gorgeous. I stared at myself in the mirror, completely captivated, for several minutes. Thankfully, I was alone in the room. I discreetly checked the doors, and one of them led to a dressing room filled with stunning clothes. My eyes must have been gleaming with excitement at the sight of them. I had always longed to wear real versions of these types of clothes instead of cheap plastic imitations, but finding such garments was both challenging and expensive.

And then sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was gone.


Dead dead.

My parents must be under the impression that I'm no longer alive. The thing is, I didn't have any close friends, siblings, or relatives who would mourn my passing. I couldn't bear the thought of my mom grieving for me. Her tears were like a stab to my heart, as she was always such a joyful and radiant woman. If only I could reassure her that I'm alright.

As for my father... well, despite his unwavering dedication to providing for us and securing our future, I couldn't shake the feeling of disconnect. Am I being ungrateful? The truth is, we don't share the same level of closeness that I have with my mom. Still, I don't want him to carry the weight of sadness either. It's a complicated mix of emotions swirling within me as I contemplate my absence from their lives.

What if my parents end up getting a divorce because they only got married for my sake and stayed together because of me? Ugh, I really don't want to dwell on that thought. Suddenly, dresses lost their appeal.

As I entered the next room, it appears to be a bathroom, it was nothing like I expected. I guess that's the power of wealth and magic. It resembled both a pool and a hot tub combined. There was a drawing on the wall, indicating that I would need to learn how to use all of this later. I've never been good at following instruction manuals anyway.

The smallest room appeared a bit dusty, with a few books, notes, and notebooks scattered about. I couldn't help but wonder if there might be a diary hidden somewhere. I thoroughly searched every inch of that dusty room, but alas, there was no diary to be found.

Just when i was thinking of giving up..

-My lady?

My lady?

Someone is calling..

I don't know what to do, I never gave orders to anyone, I am not much good at acting either .

If i can convince myself maybe i can lie and act but right now i don't think i can convince myself for anything.

There wasn't much descriptions of the parents of Laritza!!

What if they're abusive assholes , who tortured her verbally and physically so that's why she is obsessed with throne?

I don't think I can get through any type of abuse or bullying

I don't know what to do

-My Lady?

The person who is calling outside knock couple more times while i decided to act as if i am still asleep.

-Pumpkin are you still sulking for your engagement annulment?

Huh a soft woman's voice rush through me.

I never heard this voice but at the same time it felt as if i hear it everyday.


-Pumpkin stop pretending to sleep and have a tea with me! Let's skip breakfast and have desserts instead.

An energetic voice, she reminded me of my own mother.

If she anything like my mom she would never stop insisting, so better to give up now.

-~"After a bath,mom? "

My voice squeaked cause i was afraid of getting caught but I managed to get her out of my room somehow.

I went to the bathroom with the maid overwhelmed with thinking.

What if they realise I am not Laritza?

Isn't this world of a web comic?

Even though story was a bit original it was still filled with alot of clichés.

What if I say I don't remember anything?

But did this body have any near death experiences recently?

The maid was touching to that drawing I saw last time i entered to the room , a little light started coming out of her fingertips.

"Is it magic?"

I don't know if Laritza have magic?

What if I have?

I want to learn!

Ugh but the part where i convince everyone to believe I don't remember anything?

What should i do?

Should i injure myself?

Well it isn't much of a smart plan but there is nothing I can do right now , if mother is nice as she seems she would try to help me remember things.

-~"You can leave, I want to be left alone now."

I said to the maid, maid shyly left the room and i started to loook at any object that would make me look injured but wouldn't injure me too much.

I don't like any pain but if this is how I survive then be it!

Only thing i could find was the pen on my desk, i took it quickly and brought with me to the bathroom.

What was this pen called again quil?

Ugh I died couple hours ago but I am still afraid of a little scratch, Can't believe myself.

I tried to scratch my forehead to give " I hit my head on the tub " look and quickly put the pen back on my desk.

I went to the bathroom again and jump to the tub and screamed.


While jumping I accidently hit my wrist to the edge of tub and the pain was enough for me to not need any acting skills.

I saw myself in the reflection of the water inside the tub, my head is bleeding my face is distorted, I remembered the boy with the mask .

The blooded corridor ,students running away screaming, a metalic smell and his calm behaviour compained with the sound of explosion. Why?

What was the reason?

I think I am having a heart attack, my heart started to throbe uncontrollablely, I couldn't gasp for air, world around me was spinning.

And a strong metalic smell hit my nose.

I saw that little maid entering the room her mouth was moving around but I couldn't hear any words.

I guess "It is What It is" there is no going back now , is there?