
Love Rivals

Hermes had pierced the snow wolf's throat with a fire enchanted arrow and was approaching the mage and the newcomer. The newcomer had space element affinity and I doubted that there would be two space element users in a desolated area like this.

Hermes kept his distance from the mage and the space user. ''I'm from Frozen Drop guild. We are invited to dinner tonight at the army camp in the forest that I hope you are informed about.''

Nodding, ''I'm lieutenant En. I'm glad that You changed your route, it was occupied by ambushers. This route is rather clean,'' he said. He was still holding his dagger on the mage's neck. ''Tough it also made it a lot longer to find you.''

'Liar!' was what I wanted to say, but I didn't dare. I was pretty sure he wanted to learn what we could do against a powerful mage. My halo disappeared since it was at the limit of the energy the gem stored.

''But what fae wants from us?'' Hermes asked without closing the distance between them. I wasn't sure he was avoiding the mage or 'Lieutenant En'.

Lieutenant En pulled off the mage's robe and kicked the back of her knees down. I guessed it was the robe's magic protecting her from arrows.

''Because, dear guild leader, ice demons and fae joined forces but they are still lacking some elements to activate the gate that we are all trying to take over. One of the lacking elements is darkness who are supposed to be with you.''

The mage was on all fours now. I saw she opened her mouth, maybe to cast a spell since there was no dagger on her throat now. En calmly stepped on her only healthy hand. I gulped listening to the bones in her hand cracking.

''Well, easier than carrying special handcuffs for sorcerers...'' the fox said.

I agreed. ''There are different methods to cast spells, like my halo which there are already patterns ready to fire but with limitations like one time per ten seconds. But the mage never used any. There are powerful mages who can cast spells with only words, but those mages are rare.''

Still, Lieutenant En took a knee and stuffed the mage's mouth with a cloth.

''Why keep the witch alive?''

Everyone turned to Kall. I felt bad for forgetting him but I wasn't in a good shape either. His voice wasn't as strong as it was a few hours ago. I tried to stand up but my thigh was not fully healed yet and my arm was worse. As the adrenaline subsided, I began to feel the pain more clearly.

Lieutenant En smiled. ''We are old friends. How can I miss the chance to question her? Right, Angel?''

The mage writhed on the ground but the only sound she could make was a groan since her mouth is stuffed.

''By the way, where is the bearer of darkness element?'' Lieutenant En asked before bending over to tie the mage.

Hermes looked at me. ''Where are the cleric and others?''

''I don't know. They left us.'' When I moved my jaw, I realized that the first frozen wound I got hurt even after it was healed with magic. The damn witch was strong.

Hermes frowned. ''Where are the healing potions?''

''Casey got them.''

Lieutenant stepped towards me as he threw a potion to Hermes. Hermes frowned even more but took the potion and headed to Kall.

''When did you join the army?'' I asked.

His eyes widened, ''It has been eight years ma'am.''

''Cut it off, Ender.''

He laughed softly. He was never going to admit it, but he was happy that I recognized him. I could feel that clearly.

''It's been a few months and getting boring already.''

He put his thumb on the newly healed pink skin on my neck. ''What happened here?''

''The ice witch happened.''

Slightly nodding, he trailed the wound and touched the other side of my neck. ''What happened there?''

''The hickey must be from Miran or Hermes. I wasn't sure. ''None of your business,'' I said.

''Maybe the guild leader? Hm?'' His expression didn't change at all.

''Maybe he was. Maybe not. What makes you think it's him?''

''I saw the way he looked at you. When Angel was about the pierce you. I know that look, darling, I know it well.'' He threw a potion to me.

It took me some time to open the glass bottle with my injured arm as I was too proud to ask for help while he is treating me like this. He didn't offer to help anyway.

I drank the potion and kept my eyes away from Ender. He was being annoying. He had no right to be mean to me because I'm sleeping with others. Well, he had no reason to be kind to me either. Actually, I never see him acting kindly unless it is pretending.

''Don't forget that he chose to shoot the arrow at the fire wolf when you were about to die,'' he said and turned his back to me, heading to the others.

I blinked behind, confused at his behavior.

Next Chapter: Love Rivals In Threesome

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