
It Came Back

Looking at myself in the beautiful white armor in the mirror in the hotel room, I sighed. The chain armor was too bright to walk without attracting attention, let alone hiding. It was already brilliant in the moonlight, the rising sun only made things worse. On the other hand, I had to admit that it seemed reliable.

''It's not the armor that bothered you,'' said the fox as if it was a question.

I looked at the ring on my finger, then I turned my gaze back to armor. ''I was determined not to rely on others, especially my partners, but all the precious things I have are gifts from the men I had sex with. I feel like I'm already lost.''

The fox appeared on my shoulder and looked into my eyes from the mirror. ''There is nothing wrong with relying on your lovers.''

Shaking my head, ''This,'' I raised my hand to show the ring, ''This is a power someone else gained for me. It's not rightfully mine. If I owe others to possess what I have, it means I don't actually have them.''

The fox rolled its eyes. ''You make things too complicated. Relying on your people is an option rightfully yours. The tattoo guy and the archer guy like to share their goodies. So what?''

''Everyone betrays, you furry. Even when betrayal is out of the question, it is wrong to depend on others to get stronger.'' I took off the armor and looked for something to wear under it.

It took a close look to see that it wasn't covering all the skin, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the cold was coming back. I was hoping that it was a sign that the power that kicked out the cold of the winter demons was diminishing.

''No, it's not wrong. Are you hungry? Find a chef to seduce. Do you want a new dress? Enchant a tailor. Are you bored? Find two kings to waste their men to fight to win your heart. Why would this be wrong? It's their fault that their hearts and minds are weak.''

''If you can't see what's wrong with relying on others for everything, there is no way I can explain it to you.'' I threw the chain armor and gloves on the bed. Armor, check. Armgear, check.

The fox hopped from my shoulder to the bed and peeked at the shiny chains. ''I think you'll change your mind soon, but there is no point in discussing this now. Will you spend the whole morning frowning in front of the mirror? Don't blame me when you wrinkle early.''

Rubbing the between of my eyebrows, I felt relaxed as my frown vanished from my face. Frowning without noticing couldn't be a good sign.

''I'm making a list of my armory. We'll go to a dungeon, and this time it's not a small scale dungeon that will soon be an intermediate level.'' I took off the boots and started checking if they need any repair. They were fine. Footgear, check.

''Wouldn't it be better to buy something new instead of these?'' The fox pointed at the boots.

''They're good. Print a famous brand logo on and polish it a bit, and you can sell for a few cases of gold to a spoiled brat. It's actually shocking how an unsung shoemaker could do something like this.''

I touched the cold metal of the ring. Weapon, check. ''And this,'' looking at the dagger I took from Mr. Hook, ''This is interesting. It absorbed the poison of the whip,'' I said.

Originally, I didn't have a plan to have brought the dagger with me, but when I looked at it for the second time, I saw that the poison was gone. The dagger was mistreated, it was dull since nobody bothered to whet it.

''Hmm... Doesn't it look like the dagger you lost?'' said the fox.

''No, it doesn't look like.''

The fox climbed my shoulder to look at the dagger. ''Look at the gaps on the hilt, someone must be pulled out the rubies, the dragon's eyes. The shape is the same. The poor thing is just looted.''

''Really? Are you feeling sorry for a dagger?'' I shook my head and put the dagger on the bed next to other things. It wasn't in its best shape, but I didn't know how to use a dagger anyway.

''Don't you feel sorry for the poor thing, it's robbed and abused but still found its way back to you.''

''It's a dagger. Daggers don't feel and certainly don't roam around to search individuals.''

The fox landed on the bed and rubbed its furry cheek against the dagger. ''Don't mind this cold hearted bitch. You're welcome here.''

Puzzled, I shook my head and visualized the system window, and clicked on the shop section. The fox appeared on my shoulder again. It seemed to have lost interest in the dagger pretty quick.

''What will you buy?''

I didn't answer and kept filtering to find what I was looking for. Not being entirely sure what to buy, I was searching for something to manage the energy. Although the name of energy varies in every culture and race, everyone knew there is something. Qi or mana, it was in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the earth we step on.

''I have an affinity to the light element, I know strong spells associated with it, but I have very little access to the energy since I'm not a noble yet. Preferably a headgear, something to help me to manage Qi. This town has no sorcerer so I have to buy something online,'' I thought.

''This seems pretty,'' the fox pointed to an ornate tiara.

Looking at the tiara it pointed, ''It's for sorcerers. I know nothing to do with such an extreme amount of energy it can hold. It'd be a waste in my hands. Plus, I cant afford something like that. That's better.'' I selected a circlet with a single colorless, tear shaped gem. ''There goes my savings.''

The fox didn't seem to be happy with my choice. ''Why are they have to be so expensive? Ask the archer guy to get you the beautiful tiara.''

''Of course I won't do such a thing and they are expensive because the gems and materials that hold the energy are expensive, the sorcerers that forge them are expensive, marketing and setting up an online shop are expensive. It'd better if there is a local sorcerer.''

I sighed, watching all my money flying away. Now, I had to think about the other problem of exploring an unknown dungeon. Finding food while there.