
From Virgin to Slut Overnight

Knowing this was the big day, I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I was in the nun dress I asked Miran to bring. Looking myself in the mirror for the last time, I put on the veil and took the leather bag full of potions that I would present to the soldiers, and left my room to meet with Miran.

In the past two weeks, I have fed on the forty soldiers of the only troop that will be in town today, at least once with each. the sun would soon set, and the twenty soldiers would take over as the other twenty on guard went to sleep.

My target was the twenty who were tired and sleepy right now, and I was planning to get some help. I watched Miran before she noticed that I was coming, she was looking around nervously and stirring constantly. The wrinkle between her eyebrows disappeared when she met me eye to eye.

''Nice, still has unconditional trust in you,'' The fox said.

I smiled at Miran even though I knew she wouldn't be able to see it because of the veil. ''What did Roen say?'' I asked.

''He said it was admirable to help soldiers who risked their lives to protect us, I have permission to return late today,'' Miran said in an excited voice.

I nodded and started to walk. I knew that Miran would follow me like a good dog, she was really cute. She knew nothing but what she just said about what are going to do today. The guild had sold all the honey stamina potions I made to the soldiers, and today's looked exactly the same as them.

There was no reason for them to suspect, but it would be good for them to suspect. Because the potions with me today were a little different. I added the aphrodisiac I gave to Miran to prepare and a secret ingredient that would help me control their minds.

Okay, sure, it wasn't such a secret ingredient. I used one of the antennas I bought from the guild. For a while, they would obey as if I was the queen bee and they were worker bees.

When we approached the soldiers' base in the town, a soldier stopped us, ''Where do you intend to go, ladies?''

Showing the potions in the leather bag, ''We are from the temple. The high priest sent gifts to brave soldiers who guard our town against demons,'' I said.

I saw the soldier hesitating. He was not supposed to let anyone in, but if the Captain's relationship with the temple goes worse because of him, he would be punished. Since he was a soldier I had been fed on before, I got into his mind easily and helped him make the decision.

''I see. You can enter, as long as you stay away from the captain's room and the soldiers' dormitory,'' He said.

''Of course,'' I said. ''I wouldn't even think to go near,'' and we were in the base. It was much calmer than it should have been. The base, which normally housed several hundred soldiers, was almost empty.

After taking a quick look around, ''Come,'' I said to Miran. ''We are going to the soldiers' dormitory.''

She hesitated, ''But... the soldier said... we should not...''

I stopped walking and looked into her eyes, ''Don't you trust me?''

I saw in her eyes, I saw her personality faded a little more. ''I trust you,'' She said. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, whatever it takes, I thought. I'll do whatever it takes. It was her fault that she was weak, to fall into my net. I didn't do anything to her that she didn't want.

I took her hand and dragged her to the soldiers' dormitory. When the door was opened with a bang, the soldiers jumped out of their beds as required by their training and took their positions. It was worth seeing the look of surprise on their faces when they saw two nuns instead of the enemy they expected.

I smiled at the tired and confused soldiers, knowing they wouldn't even see. My smile wasn't for them, it was for my own sanity. ''Gentlemen,'' I said. ''You must be tired, I have a gift for you.''

''What the hell are you talkin'bout ma'am?'' One said, confused and angry. In fact, he was confused, and angry because he was confused. Seeing such details in people's voices and faces still terrified me.

I looked at the soldier who spoke first and clearly respected the others, looked into his mind. As I took the potions out of my bag, I tried to wipe out as much anger as possible. ''Gift of the temple,'' I said.

''Ah,'' He said, his anger had subsided, good.

''But where are the other soldiers?'' I asked. There were no more than ten people in the dormitory, they were supposed to be twenty people.

''They must have gone to eat dinner or lift weights,'' One said and realizing there was no danger he went back to his bed. I rolled my eyes, men. Well, there was nothing I could do.

''So today is your lucky day, two potions for everyone,'' I said. As I guessed, they accepted my gifts without any doubt and took their first sip, and that was exactly what I was hoping for.

Seems like everyone trusted the nuns. Couldn't evil be hiding in the light? My ass! Walking down the street everyone was smiling, trying to help. No disguise has helped me this much before.

I looked at Miran, who has been using the aphrodisiac for days. In her life as a nun that she rarely spent, she had never been so close to any man, and now she was among ten of them. Some of them preferred to sleep naked and wore nothing but boxers before we woke them up from their sleep. It couldn't be said that they spent time dressing up even after we woke them up.

Many, after having tasted a few sips, hid the potions for emergency use. Still, one sip was enough for me. I could feel their minds like puppets on strings up to my hand.

I touched Miran's arm, she gulped and she turned to me, forcing her eyes away from the soldiers. It was kind of annoying that my sweet dog liked to be patted by other people. ''Tell me,'' I said. ''Which one did you like? Just say the name, he will be yours.'' You see? I am a generous mistress.

She gulped again and looked at the soldiers, ''I... I,'' she said, ''I want... all of them.''

Next Chapter: The Reward

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