
A Mage's Flaw

I was vaguely aware that the last fae warrior fell and some of the fae mage's icicles were pointed at Hermes and Kall. Covering my face with my chain gloves, I bent over to turn myself into as a small target as possible and hiding my vital organs with my legs.

Nothing happened for a long breath. The anxious waiting was almost as bad as the pain that I'm waiting to receive. Something hit my knee as something cold brushed my ear.

I panicked as the cold spread from my ear to my cheek and then down to my chin and neck. The feeling of my skin freezing and cracking was not only frightening but was also painful.

Without thinking too much, I sent a light spear from my halo to myself, this one was to heal for three seconds.

''A spear per ten seconds isn't really helping much,'' said the fox.

I wasn't in a condition to answer that. My light sphere was melting the icicles so they weren't sharp enough to pierce my skin or armor. My knees pulled to my chest, I was feeling like a group of bullies are kicking me constantly.

How much mana that bitch could have to keep this going?!

A rather large icicle hit my shoulder and I lost my balance. The next three icicles hit my thigh, the area between my boot and armor, my elbow, the area between my glove and the sleeve of the armor, and my abdomen.

''Fuck.'' Fear of losing my ability to move as my limbs started to freeze was worse than the pain.

''Bad luck, I guess,'' said the fox.

I took a quick glance as the icicles stop coming. Hermes was out of breath from using the wind to protect himself and Kall from the icicles. He was mostly successful, besides the icicle pierced Kall's arm.

''Shit, it's the brachial artery,'' I said and instantly realized my voice was no longer silenced.

The mage was already started her next spell and Hermes used this chance to get his bow back and find his scattered arrows. The icicle in Kall's arm melted and the blood gushed out.

''That's no good, the magic is freezing his regenerative skills with his skin and muscles but the blood doesn't seem like stopping,'' said the fox.

I knew that he's going to lose consciousness soon and then his life if he continues losing blood like this. I sent the next healing spear to Kall and focused the light element on my arm and thigh hoping it would help to stop the spreading of the ice.

''Nah, the light only slowed down the spreading of the ice,'' said the fox.

I gritted my teeth in pain. ''Better than nothing.''

Hermes released his first arrow. The damn witch dodged it but she let out a scream frustrated that her spell is interrupted. She raised an ice wall from the ground and started a new spell.

Hermes's second arrow couldn't penetrate the ice wall. He pulled another arrow and I saw a fire element seal appearing on the arrow.

''This must be a special made,'' the fox murmured, scratching its fluffy ear.

Kall's wound was still bleeding but since it was no longer frozen, he had to deal with the rest. There was a regenerative potion among all the potions I made him drink.

''It should be okay,'' I said and took the next healing light spear for myself.

Hermes's arrow was ablaze as the fire seal is completed. The arrow pierced through the ice wall and bounced back on the mage's face.

''She has a strong barrier,'' I said.

''Oh, now she's really mad,'' said the fox.

The mage threw a... snowball? Snowball turned into a white wolf getting bigger and bigger.

The fox looked at the snow wolf. ''Oh, a disposable talisman. The wolf won't give up until the target is destroyed. The archer guy must have seriously annoyed her. That stuff is not cheap.''

An arrow pierced through the wolf's skull and continued its way. The white wolf did not even slow down. The injury disappeared in no time as if the wolf is made of snow. The white beast pounced on Hermes and he had to use his bow to stop the wolf's ice teeth.

Kall had lost a lot of blood and could hardly stand. Hermes was busy with the wolf. The mage was about to complete her next spell. Not knowing what to do else, I sent her a light spear.

''What use does paralyzing her have? It lasts only for four seconds,'' the fox said.

I shook my head. ''This is not for paralyzing.''

The spear landed on the mage's hand. It didn't bounce back. I couldn't help but smile at my pointless little victory.

''Woah! It's bleeding,'' said the fox.

Nodding, ''My spears aren't that strong but in the range on the golden halo, they are nearly impossible to dodge or avoid,'' I explained.

After damaging for three seconds, the spear disappeared. The mage looked at me, her beautiful face twisted with anger.

''A mage's biggest problem...'' I murmured, ''...is the need of time to perform their spells. Now, she only has one hand to perform complicated signs of her spells.''

She pointed her healthy hand to me and an icicle started to be formed. There were five seconds until the halo becomes usable again. Hermes was trying to activate the fire arrow in his hand while using his bow to protect himself from the snow wolf. Kall was practically useless.

I gathered the light element to form a shield. I was pretty sure that it won't have an effect on the icicle that keeps growing. It was almost the size of a human. The countdown was in its last three seconds. My leg was still partially frozen.

The last two seconds. The space behind the mage cracked. A hand reached out, holding a dagger. The dagger stopped on the mage's throat.

''Stop.'' It was a male voice. The mage stopped.

Cracked space largened, then disappeared completely. There was a man in a white military uniform. His face was unfamiliar. But something in his features... in his mocking smile, in his cold eyes... there was something I knew.

Wondering if this is his real face without tattoos, I cursed silently.

''Bastard... was enjoying the show until I am about to die.''

Next Chapter: Love Rivals

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