
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · Fantasie
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11 Chs

The Birth After the End

In the serene town of Serenity Falls, Red Montefalco, once vibrant, now lived in his late thirties as a recluse a living purgatory haunted by a traumatic past that forced him into seclusion.

Red's isolation began in high school, where relentless bullies turned each day into torment. The climax unfolded in a cafeteria, a theater of cruelty where a humiliating incident shattered Red's self-esteem, etching a profound aversion to the outside world. Over time, Red's social anxiety became an impenetrable fortress, with screens and virtual realms as his only companions.

Within his digital refuge, a subtle ember of resilience smoldered—a desire for genuine connection flickering within. The key to his liberation lay dormant, waiting to be unearthed in the excavation of painful memories—an elusive talisman promising to rekindle his courage.

In the muted glow of his room, Red's whispered confessions resonated with virtual companions. "It's just easier in here, you know? No judgment, no ridicule."

This revelation marked the genesis of his journey towards confronting pain. However, his sanctuary lay within the virtual landscapes of Pandora—a realm where pixels offered solace, and avatars became allies.

Consumed by Pandora's allure, Red found refuge so immersive that the boundary between the game and reality blurred. Hours melted into days as Red, as his avatar King Lazarus, sought comfort in this digital haven. The memories of his guild, once vibrant with camaraderie, now echoed in the silent corridors of his virtual realm.

As the game aged, his guildmates departed one by one, seeking new adventures. Red clung to the memories, treasuring his guild like a relic of peace in the chaos of his virtual existence. Each departure felt like a shard of his diminishing sanctuary.

From King Lazarus's perspective, the guild hall transformed. No longer a bustling hub of shared experiences, it became a desolate space haunted by the echoes of laughter and camaraderie. The once-lively guild hall now stood as a somber testament to the passage of time, where memories lingered like shadows.

"I remember the time when we were planning to act as a final boss in the game. It was fun, but it fades now," King Lazarus reflected. The thrill of coordinating movements, devising strategies, and surprising other players was exhilarating. The shared triumphs and bonds forged during those raids now existed only in fading screenshots.

"I think I have to log out. Was it 42 hours since I logged out?" King Lazarus questioned, a sense of disconnection gnawing at him. In the digital realm, time took on a surreal quality. As he pondered the duration of his continuous presence, the game clock ticking on seemed to echo louder in the hollow corridors of the deserted guild hall.

But on this day, reality fractured.

"Where am I?" King Lazarus exclaimed, his surroundings shifting and morphing into an unfamiliar cascade of pixels and polygons. The Valleys of Kings that were once his home became alien. Lazarus's journey into Pandora began with a quiet departure from the known.

Hours turned into days as he, as King Lazarus, delved into the immersive game. The VR headset, a portal to the fantastical realm of Pandora, had become his obsession. Boundaries between reality and the game blurred, and lack of sleep took a toll.

One fateful moment, as he struggled to keep his eyes open in the real world, the VR malfunctioned. The transition from the digital landscape of Pandora to his room was abrupt, disorienting. It was as if the game rebelled against the relentless intrusion.

"I need to log out," Lazarus mumbled, scanning the game interface for the familiar command. Panic set in as he desperately tried to navigate the menus, met with disconcerting silence. The realization struck him – he was no longer in control. The lines between the game and reality had blurred. The digital kingdom of Pandora had become his inescapable reality.

The room, once a sanctuary, transformed into a maze of uncertainty. The walls that once shielded him felt like constraints. Each memory echoed louder, the virtual world bleeding into the tangible.

Lazarus's digital haven, once a source of solace, became a labyrinth of confusion. The familiar sights of his guild hall twisted into surreal shapes. The emptiness reverberated with the weight of a thousand goodbyes, shadows of departed guildmates haunting his consciousness.

The realization struck him – he was no longer in control. The lines between the game and reality had blurred. The digital kingdom of Pandora had become his inescapable reality. The beginning of the end was not just a chapter title; it was the unwritten script of his journey into the uncharted realms of Pandora, where the room, once a haven, now became a stage for a drama transcending pixels and polygons—a narrative demanding the unraveling of the digital and the embrace of the tangible, no matter how daunting it may be.

King Lazarus's whispered confessions in the muted glow of his room resonated with the virtual companions. "It's just easier in here, you know? No judgment, no ridicule."

As he grappled with the revelation, King Lazarus shared his reflections. "Maybe it's time to face the outside world. But can I? Do I have the strength to break free from these self-imposed chains?"

In the desolate guild hall, King Lazarus mused about the fleeting nature of virtual triumphs. "The final boss plans, the coordinated raids—they were glorious moments. Yet, they slip away like sand through my fingers."

As the digital clock ticked in the silent corridors, King Lazarus questioned his connection to reality. "Was it 42 hours? Time loses meaning here. I need to log out, but where is the exit in this maze?"

Reality fractured, and King Lazarus found himself in an unfamiliar cascade of pixels. "Where am I?" The alien landscape of Pandora left him disoriented. The known Valleys of Kings now felt like uncharted territory.

In the immersive game, King Lazarus grappled with obsession. "The VR headset was my portal, but now it's a shackle. Boundaries blurred, and sleep became a distant memory."

The VR malfunctioned, marking a disruptive transition. "I need to log out," Lazarus mumbled, panic setting in. Disconcerting silence met his attempts to navigate the menus. "No control. Pandora is now my inescapable reality."

The room transformed into a maze, once a sanctuary now filled with uncertainty. Memories echoed louder, and the guild hall twisted into surreal shapes. "A thousand goodbyes," King Lazarus lamented, shadows of departed guildmates haunting his consciousness.

The beginning of the end was not just a chapter title. King Lazarus faced an unwritten script, a journey into the uncharted realms of Pandora. The room, once a haven, now became a stage demanding the unraveling of the digital and the embrace of the tangible, daunting as it may be.