
How to be a Cultivator

You all know the story, our hero wakes up in a new world after dying. But, this time, no real system awaits him after waking up, no real golden finger to wield, no beautiful master to guide him on his way of cultivation. What he gets instead is the Daily Question, where he asks one question into the void and gets the most accurate reply possible. --------- This is my first novel, so please engage with caution and don't expect too much. Comment if you dislike something, don't comment if you just want to hate.

Sleepy_Snek · Aktion
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Day 1

Well. Here he stands, hands on his hips, staring unblinkingly into the distance. As far as his eyes can see, all there is is desert, with a yellow-shining sun in the sky.

He doesn't look all that remarkable, with his dark blonde hair, his face showing a bit of stubble, the forest green eyes looking blankly ahead. Standing at about 180 cm, he isn't the tallest, but draped in flowing white robes, he still looks to be of some significance.

"What the ****."

Well, isn't that an interesting first sentence from our protagonist?

His voice sounds a bit deep, so he apparently passed puberty already. Important piece of news here.

"Where am I?", he asks.

"WHERE THE **** AM I????????", he screams this time.

Well, ask and you shall receive answers, is what the void thinks apparently, because promptly, a voice that sounds as loud as thunder, as gentle as a light breeze, and as disturbing as a walk in a minefield.

It sounds as bad as you imagine, dear reader.

But still, answer it did, and the answer was:

"An uninhabitated planet, where the only form of live are currently plants, microorganisms and you."

"What the ****."

Really creative there, dear protagonist.

"What are you? Can you help me? How did I get here?", he asked, sounding increasingly more desperate from question to question.

And again, the void rumbled, answering his questions... or?

"Your daily question has been used, wait for the next day to ask the next question."


"I am finished. I don't know where I am, I don't know how I got here, I don't even remember my name, I only know that I am not supposed to be here!"

At least he didn't swear this time.


Well, nevermind.

"What am I supposed to do now! I have no food, no water, nowhere to stay, and no idea where to get any of these things! On top of that, I'm wearing some weird robe that is heavy AND hot, man, I'm sweltering under this sun!"

He then ripped the robe from his shoulders, showing his upperbody that showed some fat and some muscles. Nothing imposing, just enough to not look unhealthy.

'Ok. The voice said one question per day. I don't know if what it says is the truth. There could be huge animals that love to eat poor unlucky humans that wandered into their territory, so I better stop shouting.'

Good thinking, but the author and the readers now as well know that the voice tells things as accurate as possible.

'Ok, step one is shelter. I am in a desert. No shelter to be found. I know that it apparently gets real cold in the desert at night. I hope that my robe is warm enough for me to wake up tomorrow. Also, I cannot stay here. The voice said that here are plants as well, so there should be edible fruits hopefully. I need to pick a direction and walk in that direction until I find plants.'

Without further ado, he started walking away from the sun, that looked like it was about to touch the horizon. If the sun was rising or setting, he didn't know, but that would only become clear with time.

He had walked for quite some time when he noticed the sky dimming. It got noticeably colder all of a sudden. This led to a problem: He was sweaty. If he were to now wear his robe, he'd feel even colder. His only choice was to wait until the sweat was gone, or to risk getting a cold with no way of curing himself.

That was when he noticed that his coat was dry! All the sweat was apparently absorbed by the robe, and it was still dry!

This isn't how robes are supposed to function!

He immediately put the robe on and was positively surprised by the warmth it gave him.

'I might actually not freeze to death!'

His feet hurt, his head hurt from walking under the hot desert sun all this time, his stomach demanded food and his body demanded water.

'Eat your sadness and drink your tears if you're upset about not having food and drink', thought our protagonist, clenching his teeth.

He laid down on the cool sand, and fell asleep in seconds.

The beginning.

Sleepy_Snekcreators' thoughts