
Chapter 17 : Grasses

The man sat on the floor, he was feeling worried, why was he called in, obviously he suspected that the chieftain wanted to reconsider this punishment,

"Sorry to call you here during your free time, Lad." the chieftain said.

"It's fine, really," Gyll said,

"I'll cut to the chase. We decided to reconsider your punishment." the chieftain began

Gyll listened intently

"After further taught, and some advice from members of the village, we decided to exile you from the village." the chieftain said, with a sigh.

Gyll stood outside the door of his house, he should be released, he didn't have to be a prisoner anymore...he was free...

Mi stood behind him, "You knew this would happen. You'd have to leave eventually." Mi said.

Gyll stayed silent.

"Human, good I see you didn't leave yet," Kaber called out to the human from behind him, the large lizardman handed Gyll a large sack.

"What is this?" asked Gyll, "Food, water and some booze." Replied Kaber.

"Thanks," Gyll said, a few seconds of silence passed.

"Listen, hu- Gyll, something odd is going on in this village, I know the old man, he wouldn't usually give in to the villagers like that..." Kaber stated.

"I'd have to leave eventually," Gyll replied.

another few seconds of silence passed.

Kaber turned away from Gyll and began walking,

"Don't get eaten out there, okay?" Kaber laughed.

That evening, Gyll set off into the wilderness, a sack on his back and a wooden barrel rolling behind him.